Adults only

This site is for adults only. If you are under 18, leave immediately.



Protection of minors

We take the protection of minors very seriously and pay strict attention to compliance with all legal provisions. Access to our content is only permitted to persons of legal age. Should you nevertheless come across freely accessible content or links to external sites with content that is harmful to minors or illegal, please inform us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.

This applies in particular to:

  • Illegal content or content harmful to minors
  • Child pornography (we condemn and expressly distance ourselves from such content)
  • Depictions of sex with animals
  • Content glorifying violence

In order to control access to content that is not age-appropriate, we recommend the use of recognized youth protection programs:

These programs enable parents and guardians to ensure safe online access for children and young people.

Youth Protection Officer:

Rechtsanwalt Michael Terhaag
Anwaltskanzlei Terhaag & Partner
Grabenstr. 5
D-40213 Düsseldorf

Telephone: +49 (0)211 16 888 600
Fax: +49 (0)211 16 888 601

We are committed to the responsible handling of sensitive content and expressly distance ourselves from illegal content or content that is harmful to minors. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our responsibility as an online store

The Internet has a great appeal - especially for children and young people. We are aware of our responsibility as an online store and therefore consistently focus on the protection of minors.

  • MEO only delivers to people aged 18 and over.
  • Only employees of legal age work in our team - not only in Germany, but worldwide.
  • All models in our store and in our advertising material are of legal age.

At the same time, responsible education about sexuality is important to us. Because a reflective, healthy sexuality does not begin at 18. Our task is to find this balance - with respect, education and a clear commitment to the protection of minors.