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No vale para iniciados. Al inicio crees que nunca podras mas, pero te lleva al limite y vas aumentado dia a dia. Perfecto para ir dilatando y disfrutando. Pesa lo suficiente para que no se mueva, y la textura/acabados perfectos. Limpieza facil. Un must.
We love our new red and black braided leather whip. The length is perfect for indoor use. The cracker on the end leaves a nice pop on the skin. I just love the pretty red welts it leaves on my submissive's back and bottom! A very well made leather product.
Die Klammern greifen sofort zu und lassen sich nicht justieren. Als würde jemand feste in deine Brustwarzen beißen. Ich finde es geil. Sie tun so richtig schön weh
I wasn't sure when I ordered this whether it would be an appropriate first collar to get for myself to play with, but wow, just wow. First day I got it, I slept with it on, and it's very wide. Now I'm wondering if I even need to bother ordering a posture collar - the answer to that is probably a yes. Very cool stuff.
Husband had bought it to use on me, but unfortunately for him the first time we had chance to use it when it arrived, he was the one who was hogtied and wearing a ball gag so I took advantage and inserted it into his unwilling arse. I let him get used to the feel of it then opened it fully and locked it. Even through the ball gag I could hear him yell but he did not give me the stop signal! After 20 minutes of him struggling I released it and then withdrew it. When I had untied him he told me he loved the "full up" sensation. Since then I have had it used on me but in my case my legs were spread using a bar and my hand were tied above me and it gives a wonderful feeling of really spreading you.
II really liked having these clamps used on me. I havent been playing very long and my master tried several kinds of clamps on me but these id have to say were the best.
Der Harnröhrenvibrator lässt sich sehr gut bis zum Anschlag einführen und die Vibration spürt man ganz deutlich bis an die Spitze. Ein ganz tolles Produkt!