Wenn nichts mehr hilft und der Sub einfach nicht hören will, dann kann nur noch Dr. Sado’s böse Erfindung weiterhelfen! Der absolut ultimative Peniskäfig ist eine eiförmige Keuschheitsvorrichtung aus Edelstahl, die ein böses Geheimnis im Inneren verbirgt...
Wenn nichts mehr hilft und der Sub einfach nicht hören will, dann kann nur noch Dr. Sado’s böse Erfindung weiterhelfen! Der absolut ultimative Peniskäfig ist eine eiförmige Keuschheitsvorrichtung aus Edelstahl, die ein böses Geheimnis im Inneren verbirgt...
Manchmal kann Liebe so schön weh tun .... Dr. Sado’s Peniskäfig ist eine spezielle BDSM Keuschheitsvorrichtung, in der Penis und Hoden komplett und sicher verschlossen werden. Lieferbar in drei Größen findet jeder Master oder Keyholder(in) so die perfekte Größe für seinen/ihren Sub. Die Qual der Wahl, oder die Wahl der Qual besteht noch in einer weiteren Option: Die Variante „sehr böse“, verbirgt im Inneren der einförmigen Edelstahlkonstruktion eine Reihe mit Stacheln, welche den „Tragekomfort“ immens verändern kann und insbesondere für lustvolle Bestrafungsszenarien geeignet ist.
Im Vergleich zu anderen Keuschheitsgürteln bietet der Dr. Sado BDSM Peniskäfig
viele Vorteile und verhindert zudem vollständig die Möglichkeit das der devote Mann masturbieren kann. Natürlich ist auch der Geschlechtsverkehr bzw. das Fremdgehen mit dem angelegten Keuschheitsgürtel unmöglich! Zudem eignet er sich für diverse Bestrafungsrituale im BDSM Kontext. Der Dr. Sado BDSM Peniskäfig wurde aus einem medizinischen Edelstahl gefertigt. Der Peniskäfig aus Edelstahl kann sicher wie ein Tresor mittels eines integrierten Schlosses und einer Kreuzschlitzschraube verschlossen werden.
Die Ausführung des Peniskäfigs mit Dornen ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen! Bei zunehmender Erektion können Schmerzen entstehen.
Abmessungen der Peniskäfige:
Reinigung des Dr. Sado BDSM Peniskäfigs:
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It’s pretty heavy, which I always like for cock and ball stuff, you really feel it all the time. Makes a nice bulge as well.
Great cage, heavy, surprisingly flexible uses.
Okay, I got the small, which is probably, from an ideal perspective, suboptimum, but it works well anyway. I'd like to review a medium unit to see if that addresses some of the issues I may raise with the small size I ordered. Splitsees?
In any case, what you really want to know is volumetrically how big your package (c&b) is when flaccid. On the other hand, you may be able to wrap your package and stick it in a calibrated vessel (you can wash it afterwards...), and use water displacement to compare the size inside the cage to your package. I have a tight fit, but this works out with the following consequences:
By adjusting the underside of the shaft going through the spiked ring, you can make a tight cage keep your package perfectly comfortable, but not erect. You can fiddle around with the tip of the penis and bend it down, and the penis and balls share the space in the egg. Half of the spikes face your shaft, the other half, your nuts. The barbs are not sharp, but they are STEEL and POINTY. If you adjust the bottom of your penis more into the barbed ring, or more forward relative to you vs. the top half of the penis. This allows pain to be perceived. If you let the shaft going through it, but 1/2 limp, you don't want to pull the bottom of the shaft into the ring so far. I closed the whole affair and found it completely comfortable, with no pain at all. This is because the penis was bent down, kind of through the ring and down. With a larger model, I am wondering what the possibilities would be. In any case, mine can be respectably painful if you have the shaft semi hard to start out with, and the bottom of your shaft deeper on the ring (it stretches that area of the penis over the barbs, which makes it more painful, if you want that.
Also, because of how tight mine is, and perhaps the overall cage design, I always pee over my balls when wearing this. Hey, if you are into watersports or inflicting watersports in a humiliating way, that might be a plus!
Because this is a total enclosure cage, the only venting is through the main opening at the back, and some huge holes at the bottom (likely blocked by scrotum). So, this would be a sweaty experience with a pissed on nutsack. The cage is heavy, but I really like that about this cage.
I really do like this cage overall, and think it makes a great punishment cage, but I would need a looser one to get a better idea of what can be accomplished by having more room to move the cock in relation to the balls. That could alleviate the peeing on the nuts issue, and offer some more opportunities for painful and joyous barbed steel-egg-cage.
As far as under clothing, to be frank, since it is so heavy, it tends to hang down more than sit up on your package. Because of this, the top of the egg, which has kind of a dull point, will stick out and make you look like you are packing an even bigger package between your legs.
I got hoots, whistles, and compliments from some of the younger crowd (I'm 55, but fit and slender), as I am wearing my reflective finish "hot pants" style shorts (real short, but cropped a little closer than boxers in your size. Oh yeah, I was wearing one of my poly reversible tank tops, that shows off my pecs and slender stomache. Maybe I'm just hot, but I think the cage's distortion of my dimensions and wearing the revealing clothing over it worked together for that reaction. So, needless to say, even though it is adventurous, I would like to wear this at a club somewhere wearing undies from Muskulo, or Andrew Christian made a sparkle disco style G string and briefs, that had cutouts for having your cage exposed, and played with, preferably with me bound.
One last note, the two pieces can be worn without the lock or the hex screw, with interesting results. Your parts, your choice. Play with this with caution.
Na ja....
ich habe wohl grosse Eier :-) der Durchmesser des Penis ist wohl eher Nebensache....da meine Frau nicht mal mein Gehänge durch die Öffnung kriegt....also schon eins nach dem anderen probiert...schaade...die Idee fand Sie eigentlich passend für mich....hahaha Leute messt Eure Eier....hahaha
simply .. Wow!
Ordered 2 days ago and arrived. Dressed and.. ow.. totally locked.. simply.. incredible. A little bit heavy but.. in this way i feel ever it is on..
And impossible to take off without keys. Attention to dimension. i'm in he large and it is perfect. Never tried a cage so perfect.
One of the best I own.
Great accessory for extended foreplay. One of the best I own.
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