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Penis Plug


Penis Plug 

Penis Plug Shop - Everything for your passion! Are you into games involving urethral stretching and urethral stimulation? Then you're in good company at MEO. For decades, our shop has specialised in penis plugs, prince’s wands, glans rings, dilators and other first-class sex toys for the urethra.

Penis Plug Shop - Everything for your passion! Are you into games involving urethral stretching and urethral stimulation? Then you're in good company at MEO. For decades, our shop has specialised in penis plugs, prince’s wands, glans rings, dilators and other first-class sex toys for the urethra.

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Showing 25 - 36 of 82 items
Showing 25 - 36 of 82 items

Penis Plug Shop - Everything for your passion!


Are you into games involving urethral stretching and urethral stimulation? Then you're in good company at MEO. For decades, our BDSM shop has specialised in high-quality penis plugs, prince’s wands, glans rings, dilators and other first-class sex toys for the urethra. You are in the right place with us, because buying a penis plug is a matter of trust.


What is a penis plug?


A penis dilator or penis plug can mean the fulfilment of all your dreams and the promise of particularly extreme pleasure; alone or with a partner.


A penis plug is a urethral plug, which is a sex toy for the urethra that is used to stimulate the urethra. A urethral plug or dilator can be used by men and women; at MEO however, we also stock special dilators and sounds that are only for men. Urethral plugs are commonly known as cock plugs, dick plugs, penis plugs, penis rods, cum stoppers and, thanks to MEO, sperm brakes.


Sex toys for the urethra


The urethra is an erogenous zone, and urethral stimulation can be perceived as highly pleasurable and lead to powerful orgasms. Because of its erogenous potential, the mouth of the urethra is also called the U(rethral)-spot, similar to the G-spot.


The urethra is surrounded by lots of muscles and nerves, which is why it is so sensitive and can be stimulated so wonderfully with our penis plugs, prince’s wands, penis rods and our penis vibrator.


Ideas for games during urethral stimulation or penis plug sex:


Why should your partner’s penis only ever be indulged from the outside? Not only can you put on a glans ring, you can also insert a short penis plug (or alternatively a long penis plug)!


Your partner will moan with pleasure as you stimulate him from the inside with a penis plug or a prince’s wand! After inserting a penis dilator, the glans is kissed and stroked, the shaft of the penis is kneaded and bent against the inner resistance of the penis rod.


Force and restraints are exciting enough for most men. If, in addition to these, a MEO penis plug or penis sound is inserted quite unexpectedly for the submissive partner, the defenceless man’s heart will immediately beat faster ... He will barely be able to control himself for horniness and will beg for more.


Inserting a penis plug


A dilator in the penis can be an exciting experience. MEO stocks many products for urethral stimulation and therefore VERY DEEP lubricating gel for penis plugs as well. Would you like to insert a penis plug, put on a prince’s wand or insert a prince’s wand? Then our lubricating gel for urethral plugs, VERY DEEP gel, is the perfect choice.


A penis plug must be used carefully and conscientiously. Hygiene and lubrication are essential for penis plugs.


Before use, a penis plug or penis insert must be cleaned and disinfected using a suitable, skin-friendly product. Lubricating gel should be applied generously, so as not to injure the sensitive urethra. We recommend using our products VERYCLEAN spray for penis plugs and VERYDEEP lubricating gel for penis plugs.


By moving the penis plug or stretching the urethra, intense stimulation is achieved that can lead to orgasm for most men. For beginners, it is advisable to start with a small penis plug and slowly increase to using prince’s wands with larger diameters.


In order to prevent them from fully slipping into the urethra, most of our penis plugs have a slightly wider base at the end, just like a butt plug. The penile shaft or glans can be used to secure the penis plug in place. Penis plugs can be secured and kept in place using an integrated stainless steel glans ring or a silicone glans ring. Flexible urethral plugs are available for men in particular, which have a flexible silicone penis rod for inserting, so that the penis plug can be worn both when erect and flaccid.


Penis plug with opening


Penis plugs with openings allow urination and ejaculation. It is entirely possible to wear them over longer periods of time or 24/7. Of course, great attention must be paid to hygiene when doing so, in order that no germs get into the urethra or bladder after ejaculation or urination.


Penis plug without opening


Urethral plugs without openings only allow ejaculation or urination under certain conditions. The urethra is closed by the penis plug but the urethra can be stretched by pressure so that fluids like sperm and urine can pass around it.


Penis plugs without openings are called sperm brakes or cum stoppers at MEO because the sperm cannot pass freely through the urethra during orgasm. Here, the aim is to prolong and intensify orgasm. This kind of congestion intensifies and extends orgasm.


Penis plug designs


Penis plugs are available in various designs and forms in order to fit the penis plugs to both the male and female anatomies. The part that is inserted into the urethra can be smooth or, for more intense stimulation, have a more sophisticated design and/or be tapered for stretching. In addition to this, thanks to different materials, both flexible and rigid penis plugs are available. Combination with electrostimulation (penis plug with e-stim) is also possible.


Urethral sex toy


Many men want a dilator in their cock. This is primarily about the loss of control and the feeling of the sperm brake (see also the famous sperm brake from MEO).


Putting on a glans ring can be really arousing! You might think that inserting a urethral plug is not for you but rather for advanced users. Far from it, because this fetish is becoming more widespread, which is why our range of urethral penis plugs also includes a penis plug for beginners, urethral stimulation for pros and beginners, the Chubby Prince’s Wand (a particularly big penis plug with a glans ring) and the Little Fucker (a small penis plug for beginners). MEO's penis plug shop stocks penis plugs made of every material: Whether a silicon penis plug or a stainless steel penis plug, with us you will find what you are looking for. In addition to the world famous glans ring with the sperm brake, we also stock many new items like the Sperm Stopper 3.0, the Urethra Diabolo, glans rings with plugs in many sizes and much more.


Buying a penis plug


MEO specialises in penis plugs in all sizes, shapes and colours. Whether a penis plug for beginners, a penis rod, silicone glans ring or stainless steel penis plug. We even stock lockable BDSM penis plugs that can be locked and penis plugs for electrosex (penis plug with e-stim or electrical dilators). At MEO everyone can find the right urethral toy for penis stimulation from the inside.


Penis vibrator or penis plug with vibration


A penis plug with integrated vibration electronics or a penis vibrator provides an intensive massage of the most intimate, sensitive zone. The resulting vibration not only ensures an orgasm-like sensation, it also provides an unstoppable, externally driven orgasm - keyword loss of control - the ABSOLUTE superlative.


Urethral stimulation with a urethral vibrator


A vibrating penis plug (penis plug with vibration) is in fact the ultimate in urethral stimulation, but this can be exceeded by the longer version of a penis vibrator, the urethral vibrator! If you want to intensively stimulate the urethra or you are interested in urethral stretching, you should definitely take a look at the following models: urethral vibrator, penis vibrator, thick urethral vibrator, flexible urethral vibrator, longer urethral vibrator, silicone urethral vibrator, stainless steel urethral vibrator.


New penis plug and urethral stimulation:


We are very much at the fore and are constantly expanding our range of toys for urethral stimulation. Under the following link, you'll find all our new products:


NEWS: Urethral stretchers, gland rings, penis plugs, penis rings and more!


BDSM punishment and BDSM punishments catalogue


Penis plug sex is SM? Not necessarily, but of course! And to be honest: Without the pioneering spirit of the SM and BDSM scene, the technology, toys and growing curiosity about penis plugs in the bedroom would probably still be at the level of the first light bulb.


Penis plug sex can certainly be SM too - but it can also be simply anything you want.


Expert advice on penis plugs for beginners and pros


Are you curious, have spent a long time thinking about penis plugs and would now like to take the first step? We are pleased that you have found our penis plug online shop and heartily welcome you. Our friendly team will advise you independently and competently. We will support you in making your passion a reality.


Buying a penis plug discretely


Are you excited about your new penis plug, can't wait to overcome the slight pain of stretching, forget the initial burning and tingling sensation and fully enjoy the loss of control? We know the feeling well. And, quite frankly, it’s neither the delivery guy nor the nosey neighbours’ business how you live out your passion. That is why we always send your penis plugs in neutral packaging.


Because, in addition to UPS, we also deliver through DHL, so you can have your penis plugs and BDSM articles sent discreetly to your Packstation. Reliability, security, and first class service are the priority at MEO. We are delighted to be able to inspire you and wish you sensual pleasure when shopping online in the MEO penis plug online shop.