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Dr. Cock Penis Pumps


Dr. Cock Penis Pumps 

Professional penis pumps from Dr. Cock offer a safe option for penis enlargement. You can find the complete range here at affordable prices.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 16 items

Most men wish for a longer, thicker, harder penis. Dr. Cock fulfils this wish for a bigger penis with his fantastic vacuum pump for penis enlargement.


Lengthening and enlarging the penis using a penis pump is a cheap, very pleasant and above all effective method that has been around for years and has been used successfully by many men. Men all over the world trust the Dr. Cock System, an effective and painless penis enlargement method, because it achieves the desired results quickly.


What can a penis vacuum pump do?


A penis pump generates a vacuum in the cylinder when pumping. This causes the blood to collect in the penis, resulting in an erection. In combination with a penis ring, a penis pump causes an erection that holds for a very long time. The penis is very hard and appears much bigger. The penis pump is an exciting sex toy but can also be used as an aid for erectile dysfunction.


Does a vacuum penis pump make the penis bigger?


Penis pumps are designed to make the penis erect right before sex. By using a penis pump, you can lengthen the penis and increase its circumference. The penis is also significantly stiffer than a normal erection.


How do I use a vacuum penis pump correctly?


A penis pump must fit the penis well. The member should fit the cylinder when erect without touching the walls of the vacuum cylinder. The vacuum cylinder should therefore be 1-2 centimetres larger than the erect penis. If the penis hits the cylinder wall, this can often be uncomfortable.


Once you have found the right size of penis pump, apply the penis pump. Using the pump that comes with it, you or your partner can generate a vacuum in the cylinder and watch the penis swell up. In order that the penis does not go soft again immediately after removing the pump, please use a penis ring. This ensures that the blood congestion and therefore the erection continues to hold.


Can a vacuum penis pump help with erectile dysfunction?


Of course! A penis pump can be seen as an aid for erectile dysfunction. It only gives you an erection immediately after use, however. A penis pump cannot solve the causes of erectile dysfunction. But it is a more natural alternative to pharmaceutical potency medications.


How many times a day can I use a vacuum penis pump?


There is no limit to how often a penis pump can be used in one day. You can decide for yourself how often you want to feel a hard erection.


Vacuum penis pumps to enlarge the penis:


Penis pumps, also known as vacuum pumps, were often recommended by doctors to treat potency problems in the past. But penis pumps are no longer just medical aids or mechanical erection aids. They are also often used as sex toys, for example by using them during foreplay to get a stiff penis quicker. Of course, you can also try to lengthen the penis or enlarge the circumference of the penis with regular training. But lengthening of the penis is not the only effect a penis pump has to offer. It can also be used as a masturbator for self-pleasure by simulating oral sex. In addition to this, it can feel extremely stimulating when the blood flows into the erectile tissue because of the vacuum. Foreplay tip: Hand control of the pump over to your partner. In order that the resulting erection lasts for as long as possible, we recommend wearing a penis ring or penis cuff, which extends the blood congestion effect. Anyone who wants to rely heavily on erotic training can also use potency creams and wear a penis expander.


Vacuum penis pump purchasing advice - What you should note when buying


Penis pumps are available in various sizes and designs. They are placed over the penis and, depending on the model, can generate a vacuum using a manual pump or an automatic pump. The vacuum ensures that your penis becomes thicker, harder and bigger. Most penis pumps are transparent and have a scale printed on them in centimetres. So you can measure your success with regular training. For intensive training, there are pumps with pressure gauges so you can increase the pressure in steps in a targeted manner. In order to make it easier to insert the penis, you can use a water soluble lubricating gel, for example such as Aquameo.


Using a vacuum penis pump


Penis pumps can give you a thicker, longer penis with regular training. They are ideal for men who want to increase the length and thickness of their penis. A penis pump can also be a good aid if you want your penis to be harder and endure for longer. Regular training will give you more self-confidence and you will experience hours of excitement with your partner.


Using and cleaning a vacuum penis pump


Regular training is important to achieve long-term success. This may take several months. At the beginning, you should not use the pump for longer than 10-15 minutes. You should stop as soon as it becomes uncomfortable. Over time, you can use the pump for longer, several times a day. After use, you can wash out the penis pump with warm water and soap and dry it thoroughly.