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Just got this today (2020.05.18) and tried it. One application removed close to 95% of my pubes and almost 98% of the hair around my asshole. Tougher hairs in certain spots will need another application. I didn’t bother testing it but probably should have, as there’s slight irritation on my scrotum, but I’m sure it’ll pass by the morning. Guess it doesn’t work well for some folks, but I’d recommend it. I’m not sure how I went three decades without this stuff. Demographically, I’m a 45 y.o. Asian male.
this is the best cream out there by far ...my hands gives it two thumbs up when then arent wrapped around my member with this stuff its creamy then silky like nothing uu ever will try again and it lasts much longer than ID lube and doesnt compare if you can get this cheap by all means do I have had a blast or a hundred with it ! lol
Also, nach einer richtig intensiven Spanking-Session, wo die Pobacken ganz schön was aushalten müssen, ist eine pflegende Creme wie die von MEO echt ein Segen. Stell dir vor, deine Haut ist nach dem ganzen Spaß ziemlich gereizt und vielleicht sogar ein bisschen wund. Eine gute Creme beruhigt dann die Haut, spendet Feuchtigkeit und unterstützt die Regeneration. Das fühlt sich nicht nur super an, sondern hilft auch, die Haut zu pflegen und geschmeidig zu halten. Also, ich sag's dir, nach einer Session greife ich immer zur Creme von MEO – das macht den ganzen Unterschied. Es ist wie eine kleine Belohnung für die Haut und sorgt dafür, dass ich schnell wieder bereit für die nächste Bestrafung bin!
J’étais incapable de sucer en fond de gorge a cause d’un réflexe vomitif super fort. Pulvériser 10 à 20 minutes avant de s’agenouiller. Ce marin j’ai pompé plus d’une demi heure en FDG. Aucun désagrément ou envie de vomir. Juste une superbe queue plantée au plus profond de ma gueule… je le recommande vivement
I've been using Veryclean for a while and I consider it as a reliable cleaner. Almost no scent and it leaves your toys effectively clean and ready for the next use. I spray it on the toy, extend it a bit with my hand and leave to dry which takes around 15 minutes.
The Lube Shooter makes anal sex an absolute dream.
Once the lube was dispensed inside me I began playing with a toy, sliding the dildo inside me I was fascinated at the ease of insertion and how the toy was coated in lube when I slid it out. Another exciting aspect of using the Lube Shooter is the way the lube trickles out of me after insertion. This is great for fantasy play as it very much does look like a “cream pie”.
Anally the Lube Shooter makes anal sex an absolute dream. It is without doubt lube makes anal easier but having it already inside you seems to reduce the friction ten-fold. I found my own personal preference was to only use half a tube anally as a full tube felt too messy. It felt like a douche when using it before sex.
Read full review: http://candysnatchreviews.com/meo-lube-shooter-review/