Healthy and convenient anal shower! MEO®’s anal shower is an enema syringe aka anal douche for thorough intimate hygiene. Extremely important for secure and clean buggery.
Healthy and convenient anal shower! MEO®’s anal shower is an enema syringe aka anal douche for thorough intimate hygiene. Extremely important for secure and clean buggery.
The anal shower serves as a preparation for the anal intercourse. With the practical, flexible pump ball and the four water jets, the water can be optimally dosed. Each enema (anal shower) will proceed quickly and easily. The smooth surface of the anal douche, the wide base of the shaft and the flexible construction ensure maximum comfort during the anal shower. In addition, the ascending ball structure ensures an effective stimulation during the enema.
MEO®’s anal shower or anal douche is made of a supple material. The skin-friendly silicone of the anal shower feels wonderfully soft on the skin. Since the surface of the enema syringe has no pores, it is also very hygienic. The anal shower is made out of silicone with a smooth, supple and extremely slippery texture. It absorbs and stores your body temperature quickly. You can wash silicone with soap and water. Clean it afterwards thoroughly with MEO®’s toy cleaner VERYCLEAN. For maximum enjoyment, always use a water-based lube like our AQUAMEO. AQUAMEO aids the insertion of the anal shower aka anal douche during the enema.
Further Details:
Saubere Sache
Erfüllt ihren Zweck ausgezeichnet. Hält was sie verspricht. Ist sowohl in der Handhabung und Reinigung leicht wenn man den Trick mit dem Befüllen raus hat (erst zusammendrücken, dann unter dem Wasserstrahl wieder langsam aufgehen lassen, wiederholen bis der Pumpball voll ist). Lässt sich mit dem Popo in niedrigerer Position als Pumpball sogar nahezu vollständig entleeren.
Le docce o lavande anali aiutano a pulire l’ano prima della penetrazione, assicurando la massima pulizia ed igiene, questo garantisce anche una certa rilassatezza prima dell'atto, sicuri di non incappare in spiecevoli sorprese.
Basta riempire il bulbo con acqua tiepida. Una volta inserita, premendo spingerete l’acqua nel retto, processo che garantisce la rimozione in modo delicato di qualsiasi residuo che rimane nella parte inferiore del retto.
Se vuoi liberarti dall'ansia di spiacevoli inconvenineti durante il sesso anale questo clistere è perfetto per te. Le sue dimensioni sono adatte a tutti, senza distinzione tra esperti e principianti...
Product works very well
Product works very well. The design is perfect for easy cleaning and minimal mess.
5 stars
The first time I used my blue bulb I was completely satisfied. The results were quick and clean & complete, best buy at a good price!!
5 stars
The first time I used my blue bulb I was completely satisfied. The results were quick and clean & complete, best buy at a good price!!
Total praktisch
Habe sonst immer eine große Spritze für die anale Reinigung verwendet, mit diesem Enema funktioniert es jedoch um einiges besser. Beim Auspacken fällt sofort auf, wie gut die Analdusche von MEO verarbeitet ist. Einfach aufgeschraubt, Wasser reingefüllt, zugeschraubt und schon kann die anale Reinigung losgehen. Das Enema ist nicht zu groß, so das man es problemlos einführen kann.
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