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Anal Plug / Butt Plug


Anal Flat Rate - Set of 3 Butt Plugs

We offer what are probably the best butt plugs in the world, in a practical 3-piece set at a sensational price advantage.



49,99 €

-10,00 €

39,99 €

plus shipping costs

In Stock


    We offer what are probably the best butt plugs in the world, in a practical 3-piece set at a sensational price advantage.


    Are you looking for a butt plug for maximum fun and fulfilling pleasure but are unsure of the correct size? Then how about this set from MEO - it contains three sizes, so the right size for you is guaranteed to be included.


    Just trying them out is great fun - how about it? The set contains black anal plugs in three different sizes: the beginner model at 27 mm, the amateur model at 34 mm and finally the professional version for advanced users at 40mm in diameter. They are all great fun and all three butt plugs guarantee wearing comfort. But only you can find out which is the right one for you by trying them all. Start with the smallest and, once you have gotten used to it, you can easily switch to the next size. The anatomical form adapts perfectly to your body, so that even prolonged wearing or even walking around with your butt plug is no problem: Once inserted, it remains where it is supposed to be.




    • Insertable Length: 4.5cm = 1.75", Diameter: 2.7cm = 1"
    • Insertable length: 6.0cm = 2.4", Diameter: 3.4cm = 1.3"
    • Insertable Length: 7.0cm = 2.75", Diameter: 4.0cm = 1.6"

    Lots of pleasure guaranteed:


    As with all anal plugs you have to take your time. Be relaxed and slowly work towards the biggest butt plug size you want to take. Our advice is you lie on your back, bend your knees, and slowly increase the pressure on your rim. Eventually it opens really quickly and sucks the butt plug in. Don´t forget to use lube like our ANALPUSH or ALPHAMALE.


    There’s always a little feeling of happiness when you conquer a butt plug. To hold a butt plug inside of you – just for a while or during the whole day – is more than just erotic.


    If you haven´t tried a butt plug yet, don´t worry. It always comes out again, even though it has to overcome the wide side first. Because the colon is trained to get rid of things the peristalsis (a series of wave-like muscle contractions that move stuff out of the intestines) shows the plug the way outside. And your head helps, too. Your head commands your sphincter to open those doors nice and wide….



    Further Details:


    • 3 butt plugs in 3 sizes
    • Velvety soft surface
    • Hygienic and body-friendly silicone
    • Anatomically formed base for a 24/7 enjoyment
    • Butt plug made out of phthalate-free, hypoallergenic silicone
    • Clean with warm water and VERYCLEAN spray
    • Recommended lubes: ALPHAMALE and ANALPUSH


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    à la recherche de bons conseils

    Bonjour, je ne vais pas jeter la pierre à ce produit qui est par ailleurs très bien réalisé; je vais plutôt aborder mon expérience avec ce nouveau jouet.

    Pour commencer je suis en général plutôt actif mais je kiff me faire défoncer de temps en temps; je problème c'est que je suis serré du cul et qu'il m'est difficile d'encaisser des XL-XXL plus d'un soir par mois. L'idée était donc de m'élargir avec des plugs en sachant que le plus gros de ces trois-ci fait la circonférence de mon dildo.

    Alors voila très concrètement j'ai quasiment pas de plaisir à enfoncer ou a garder aucun des 3 plugs :/ .... je suis un peu déçu du coup. J'appréhende même la douleur ressentie lors de l'expulsion du plug (même pour le moyen). ce qui m'étonne alors que je suis habitué à avoir bcp plus gros dans le cul.
    D'ailleurs j'ai beau lubrifier avec mes doigts et en profondeur ... les plugs ressortent tjrs "secs" -- J'utilise le lubrifiant analPUSH acheté pour l'occasion.

    Ce sont mes premiers plugs et à vrais dire je m'attendais à mieux .......... je suis parvenu a garder le gros (le seul qui me procure encore un peu de sensation agréables) 30-40min mais sans grand plaisir.

    Alors voila j'aimerais être conseillé quand à leur utilisation. L'idée donc était d’élargir mon cul pour le rendre plus résistant au séance de défonçage.


    • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

    Ich liebe sie!

    Wenn mann nach und nach anfängt sich zu dehnen macht es selbst mit dem ganz großen Anal Plug geilen Spaß und dadurch bin ich zum zweiten Mal gekommen. Es ist auch sehr angenehm die Anal Plugs tagsüber in der Schule zu tragen.

    • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.

    Great product for the price.

    For someone who Is new to butt plugs, I was surprised how big the biggest one is. I gave it to a friend. A little too big for me. I use the small one its great and I havent yet used the second size but I will work up to it lol All in all, great product for the price.

    • 5 out of 5 people found this review useful.

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    Anal Flat Rate - Set of 3 Butt Plugs

    Anal Flat Rate - Set of 3 Butt Plugs

    We offer what are probably the best butt plugs in the world, in a practical 3-piece set at a sensational price advantage.

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