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Anal Plug / Butt Plug


Double Ass Lock

Enjoy a breath-taking, sexy experience and look forward to intensive orgasms, because the legendary Ass Lock from MEO ® has been further developed and now provides double pampering as a two-in-one sex toy for men. Equipped with a penis ring, the Double Ass Lock ensures a hard boner and a horny pressure sensation while two perfectly formed anal plugs stimulate the prostate intensively.


159,99 €

-30,00 €

129,99 €

plus shipping costs

In Stock


    Enjoy a breath-taking, sexy experience and look forward to intensive orgasms, because the legendary Ass Lock from MEO ® has been further developed and now provides double pampering as a two-in-one sex toy for men. Equipped with a penis ring, the Double Ass Lock ensures a hard boner and a horny pressure sensation while two perfectly formed anal plugs stimulate the prostate intensively.


    What is so special about the Double Ass Lock?


    The Double Ass Lock spoils men from front to back! Every movement is transmitted and not only massages the prostate and the sensitive perineum but also increases the pressure on the penis and balls at the same time. Made of 100% silicone and aluminium, the Double Ass Lock is so comfortable to wear that you can enjoy your passion for as long as you want, so discretely that nobody will notice!


    How do I use the Double Ass Lock?


    The penis ring of the Double Ass Lock ensures a long-lasting erection and improves performance during sex. Put the ring on over the penis and testicles. Then insert the two anal plugs! The cool, smooth material of the two metal beads already provides arousing pleasure upon insertion. With every movement, the round anal plugs massage all of your anal erogenous zones while your partner enjoys your rock hard cock during exhaustive sex.


    How do I clean the Double Ass Lock?


    The Double Ass Lock is easy to clean with water and mild soap. For special care, we recommend our VERYCLEAN spray.


    Further details:


    • Combined penis/testicle ring with two anal plugs
    • Increased circulation for improved performance during sex
    • Intensive stimulation of the prostate
    • Sizes: S = 40 mm ø penis ring, M = 45 mm ø penis ring, L = 50 mm ø penis ring.
    • Anal plug dimensions: 45 mm ø x 50 mm long and 30 mm ø x 40 mm long
    • US Sizes: S = 1.6-inch diameter penis ring, M = 1.8-inch diameter penis ring, L = 2-inches diameter penis ring.
      Anal plug measurements: 1.8-inch diameter and 2-inches long and 1.2-inch diameter and 1.6-inch long
      Material: Silicone, aluminium
    • Should only be used with a water-based lubricating gel such as Aquameo as silicone-based lubricating gel would damage the material


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    Riesco a passeggiare tranquillamente indossandolo!

    Non mi aspettavo un granchè, ed invece è perfetto, sia come misure che come forma ed elasticità. Riesco a passeggiare tranquillamente indossandolo!


      Geniales Toy

      Der Penisring mit 2 schweren Plug-Gewichten beschert mir unnachahmliche Feelings! Der Penisring sorgt für eine Stauung des Blutes im Penis. Die zusätzlich anal eingeführten Plug-Gewichte stimulieren dabei meinen Schließmuskel und verstärken somit meine härtere Erektion. Bei jeder Bewegung meines Penis werden dann der Schließmuskel und die Prostata erregend massiert. Man kannst die gewichtigen Plugs auch einfach nur baumeln lassen. Auch so wird der Blutstau-Effekt wirkungsvoll unterstützt, sodass ich noch länger beim Sex durchhalten kann.

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

      Ottimo da indossare durante lo shopping

      Ottimo da indossare durante lo shopping

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      Geile Sache

      Der Cock Ring dehnt sich nich und rutscht nicht weg. Man hat ständig ein Gefühl, dass man kommt. Es ist ein wahsninnig geiles Gefühl. Man kann tatsächlich stundenlang damit Sex haben und dabei mehrmals zum Höhepunkt kommen.

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.


      I was recently introduced to this toy while I was bound and flogged, standing with my legs spread.. Mistress placed this onto (and into) me quite easily to my surprise with the use of a lot of lubrication. Once secured and with butt plugs inserted I was fucking complete sex crazed slut. The torture was that I was bound... Needless to say, Mistress used the hell out of me all night long. Cumming and achieving erections was far faster as well. Wild!

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

      Bon produit

      Très bien


        Per un'erezione dura come la roccia

        Questa cosa funziona alla grande per un'erezione dura come la roccia e può essere utilizzata in diversi modi. Soprattutto le prime volte, ho avuto qualche problema a "metterlo" ma è molto eccitante...

        • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

        Wir lieben es!

        Das Double Ass Lock hält was es verspricht. Selbst wenn man zum Orgamsu kommt kann man noch weiter, weiter und weiter machen. Mein Freund liebt das Ass Lock und mir selbst macht es noch mehr Spaß. Es ist einfach anzulegen bzw. einzuführen und passt perfekt und ist auch leicht zu reinigen.

        • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

        Write a review

        Double Ass Lock

        Double Ass Lock

        Enjoy a breath-taking, sexy experience and look forward to intensive orgasms, because the legendary Ass Lock from MEO ® has been further developed and now provides double pampering as a two-in-one sex toy for men. Equipped with a penis ring, the Double Ass Lock ensures a hard boner and a horny pressure sensation while two perfectly formed anal plugs stimulate the prostate intensively.

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