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BDSM Sex Toys


Slave Punishment – BDSM Shoes with Spikes

These leather BDSM sandals will cause any masochist’s heart to race, because we have attached spikes to the soles. The high quality material used makes them “comfortable to wear” and ensures that the slave shoes with spikes are very durable.


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    These leather sandals will cause any masochist’s heart to race, because we have attached spikes to the soles. The high quality material used makes them “comfortable to wear” and ensures that the slave shoes with spikes are very durable.


    The fact that the sole provide intensive touch stimulation is clear from how popular foot relaxation zone massages are and by the particular sensuality of erotic foot massages. The enormous density of nerve cells in the sole of the foot not only transmit massaging finger movements to the brain at lightning speed, but also slowly increasing lustful pain.


    How do I use the punishment shoes – slave shoes with spikes?


    BDSM would be no fun at all without punishments! After all, the Dom has to ensure that his commands are also obeyed. But how can the slave be punished if he won’t even obey? Very clearly with these slave shoes with integrated spikes, offering the Dom a form of punishment that can be used in everyday life without any danger.


    How do I use the punishment shoes – slave shoes with spikes?


    The sandals are made of high-quality leather and can be fitted tightly to the foot using practical Velcro fasteners. What is special about our slave shoes is the blunt spikes, which the Sub will really feel as he wears them. When walking or standing for longer periods of time, the little tormentors unleash their full potential and ensure intense, lustful pain.


    BDSM punishments:


    The greatest punishment: Not doing it! Because BDSM has an unbelievable number of erotic facets. But the greatest lust during bondage and SM is undoubtedly deep in the many varieties of punishment! Both for the dominant and the submissive partner. Here, everyone can live out their own desires entirely individually. A few tips:


    Restricted freedom of movement is and remains a significant component of SM and BDSM practices – and of course especially during punishments. It is unbelievably demeaning and punishing because, above all, the Sub is mentally restrained. An on top of that, he is made into a thing/object with no will of his own: As a punishment or humiliation ritual, the Sub must become a piece of furniture that serves the Top. To do this, he has to stay motionless for hours, naked or in clothing as commanded by the Top. His function can, for example, be as a clothes stand... After standing still for a long time in our slave shoes, we also recommend a bastinado: A bastinado is a light blow from a stick on the soles of the feet.




    • Shoe size 38/39 in EU corresponds with a sole length of 24 cm.
    • Shoe size 40/41 in EU corresponds with a sole length of 25.5 cm.
    • Shoe size 42/43 in EU corresponds with a sole length of 27 cm.
    • Shoe size 44/45 in EU corresponds with a sole length of 28 cm.
    • Shoe size 46/47 in EU corresponds with a sole length of 29 cm.


    Further details:


    • Slave shoes; sandals with spikes
    • With Velcro fasteners
    • Width : approx. 12 cm
    • Material: Leather
    • Colour: Black
    • Scope of delivery: 1 pair of sandals

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    Eindrüclich wirkungsvoll

    Als meine Herrin diese Sandalen aus ihrem Fundus holte, lachte ich noch und scherzte, dass dies keine Herausforderung wird. Nun, in den ersten Sekunden fühlt es sich auch gern nicht so schlimm an.

    Aber! Die Spikes im Bereich von Ballen und Fersen sind strategisch ideal platziert und mit ausreichend Raum dazwischen verteilt, dass man den Effekt dann sehr schnell spürt. Eine Gewichtsverlagerung zwischen Ballen und Fersen verstärkt nur die Wirkung und das Stechen. Und je mehr der Sub wiegt, desto unnachgiebiger wirken diese Spikes.

    Auch der Artikel-Beschreibung mit Empfehlung einer Bastonade kann ich nur zustimmen. Die Wechselwirkung aus Schlägen auf die Fußsohlen und diesen Spikesandalen bodigt auch den oder die trotzigste/n Sub.

    Sehr schön wäre eine Produktvariante, welche man zu einer Einlegesohle zurechtschneiden könnte. Ich habe etwas Angst bei diesem festen Leder die Naht zu beschädigen.


      Je tiens à peine 30" pleinement debout sur les sandales

      J'espère qu'a force de s'exercer beaucoup de corne va se créer pour atténuer la douleur. Je me demande combien de temps cela prendra à force de répéter de séances de 30" et de les prolonger progressivement. J'espère qu'un jour je pourrais faire mes commissions en ville avec.


        Gemeine Strafe

        Für mich als jemand, der schon beim barfuß laufen über einen steinigen Weg Probleme hat, sind diese Sandalen der Horror und mein Master hat eine neue Möglichkeit, mich zu bestrafen. Nur wenige Minuten darin und ich bin wieder brav. Ich bewundere die, die es darin länger aushalten.

        • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

        Buono prodotto

        Buono prodotto e anche di buona qualità.

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

        Sklave Markus

        Für mich als Sklave der ideale Schuh zum Einkaufen in der Stadt.

        • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

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        Slave Punishment – BDSM Shoes with Spikes

        Slave Punishment – BDSM Shoes with Spikes

        These leather BDSM sandals will cause any masochist’s heart to race, because we have attached spikes to the soles. The high quality material used makes them “comfortable to wear” and ensures that the slave shoes with spikes are very durable.

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