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BDSM Wax Play - Massage Candles


BDSM Wax Play - BDSM Candles by Dr. Sado - BDSM Wax

Get ready to experience the incredible pleasures of BDSM wax play with this set of 3 BDSM candles from Dr. Sado! Indulge in the intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain with Dr. Sado's premium BDSM candles. These candles are the epitome of perfection, burning with unparalleled intensity and providing an unparalleled experience during sensual play with hot wax.



15,99 €

-6,00 €

9,99 €

3,33 €/piece

plus shipping costs

In Stock


    BDSM Wax Play - BDSM Candles by Dr. Sado - BDSM Wax

    Get ready to experience the incredible pleasures of BDSM wax play with this set of 3 BDSM candles by Dr. Sado! These candles are absolutely perfect for couples who want to explore the limits of pain and sensuality. They burn hotter than conventional massage candles, providing particularly intense sensations during sensual play with hot wax. The warmth of the drops irritates the skin and intensifies the erotic experience while you surrender completely to the moment—it's an absolute pleasure!

    What would pleasure be without a little pain?

    Like chocolate with chili or caramel with sea salt, opposites are a special pleasure for people. It's the same with the BDSM candles by Dr. Sado by MEO ®. Pamper or punish your partner with hot wax that hurts only briefly and cools down again quickly. It leaves behind sensitive skin that reacts much more intensely to the slightest touch.

    You should bear this in mind during BDSM Wax Play:

    Always drip the BDSM wax onto the skin from a height of at least 50 cm to ensure that the temperature is well tolerated. If your partner is still too hot, drip the BDSM wax onto the body from a greater distance.

    Dr. Sado's BDSM candles burn at a higher temperature than regular massage candles and are designed to create intense heat for pleasure and pain play. These candles can cause redness on the skin, which subsides within 12 to 24 hours.

    Massage Candles and BDSM Wax Play:

    We also carry BDSM Wax Play accessories from other brands, such as massage candles from Shunga, Kama Sutra and Petits Joujoux. Discover the exciting feeling between pain and pleasure with these high quality BDSM candles: Massage candles have long been more than just a romantic accessory - in a BDSM context they have a particularly intense effect and offer a unique opportunity to experience dominance and submission in a sensual way. They combine erotic play with temperature, touch and control, creating an atmosphere where pleasure and pain blend harmoniously.

    Further details:

    • BDSM Wax Play
    • Set of 3 candles for exciting BDSM play with hot wax.
    • For responsible adults only.
    • Hotter than massage candles, for special BDSM experiences
    • The candles have a lower melting point than conventional candles, so they don't burn as quickly as normal candles.
    • Dimensions: 17.5 cm long (6.9 inches) and approx. 1.3 cm wide (0.5 inches)
    • 3 colors mixed
    • The warm light creates a romantic atmosphere
    • Do not leave BDSM candles burning unattended and do not use near flammable materials.
    • Regardless of how BDSM Way Play is practiced, there is a general consensus that the principle of absolute safety, sanity and consensuality is the key foundation for erotic BDSM practices.

    BDSM Wax Play - Sensual stimulation with BDSM candles

    BDSM Wax Play is a fascinating and sensual practice that combines play with pleasure and pain in an unparalleled way. The hot wax of the BDSM candles, which drips gently onto the skin, creates intense sensations that deepen the erotic experience and increase the thrill. We at MEO have put together some application options and tips for you to make BDSM Wax Play with BDSM candles safe and enjoyable.

    Before you start BDSM Wax Play, it is important to prepare the area where the wax is to be applied. The skin should be clean and dry. Shaving can help to make the experience more comfortable as removing the wax from the hair can be painful.

    Choose a suitable surface for BDSM Wax Play, preferably one that is easy to clean, and lay out towels or a washable pad to catch the wax from the BDSM candles. Make sure the area is well ventilated to avoid possible fumes from the BDSM candles.

    Not every candle is suitable for BDSM wax play. Special BDSM candles such as those by Dr. Sado, Shunga, Kama Sutra or Petits Joujoux are ideal because they melt at a different temperature than normal candles. This makes BDSM candles safer for use on the skin and provides intense but controllable sensations.

    Start the session by holding the BDSM candle at a safe distance (approx. 15 to 30 cm) above your partner's body. Let the wax from the BDSM candle drip slowly onto the skin. You can start with small, targeted drops and slowly increase the sensations by varying the distance or applying the wax over a larger area.

    During BDSM Wax Play with BDSM candles, there are certain parts of the body that react particularly sensitively to the heat of the wax and therefore offer particularly intense experiences:

    Nipples: one of the most popular areas for BDSM Wax Play. The nipples are extremely sensitive and the hot wax from the BDSM candles creates a sharp contrast between heat and tingling pain, which can significantly increase the sensation of pleasure.

    Inner thighs: This region is very sensitive and the proximity to the genitals makes applying wax with BDSM candles here particularly erotic. The slight pain from the hot wax can increase arousal and trigger an intense tingling sensation.

    Buttocks: The buttocks offer a larger area for applying wax with BDSM candles. Here you can work with larger drops to vary the pain level and create a pleasant tension between pleasure and pain.

    Lower back: The lower back is another popular area for BDSM Wax Play, especially with partners or partners who like intense and long-lasting sensations. The wax of the BDSM candles cools down more slowly here and thus intensifies the feeling of warmth.

    Pubic area: With caution, BDSM candles can also be used in the pubic area if specially formulated BDSM candles are used to avoid burns or injuries. Proximity to the genitals can maximize arousal and provide a deep sensual experience. Massage candles from Shunga, Kama Sutra or Petits Joujoux are suitable for this.

    Combining BDSM candles with other BDSM practices

    BDSM Wax Play with BDSM candles can be perfectly combined with other BDSM accessories. Wrist restraints, blindfolds or gags can intensify the experience by heightening your partner's senses and leading them into deeper submission. The tension and anticipation of the next hot drop is heightened if your partner cannot see when and where the wax from the BDSM candle will hit.

    After BDSM Wax Play, it is important to clean and care for the skin thoroughly. Allow the BDSM candle wax to cool completely and then carefully remove it from the skin. Avoid tearing off the wax to prevent skin irritation. A warm shower or a mild cleanser can help to remove the remains of the BDSM candle.

    Then apply a soothing lotion or nourishing oil to moisturize and soothe the skin. Make sure to take good care of your skin in the following days to minimize possible irritation from the BDSM candles.


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    Using it on my husband's ass, cock and balls was an absolutely electrifying experience. Each drop of wax, especially from the recommended height, created a unique sensation that had him writhing in a mixture of pleasure and anticipation.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Ein Muss für jeden, der das Hot Wax Play ausprobieren möchte!

    Ein Muss für jeden, der das Hot Wax Play ausprobieren möchte!

    Vor kurzem habe ich mich an das faszinierende Hot Wax Play herangewagt und mich für die Kerzen von Dr. Sado entschieden. Was für eine herausragende Wahl! Die Kerzen brennen bei genau der richtigen Temperatur - heiß genug, um diesen erregenden Schmerz zu spüren, aber nicht zu heiß, dass man sich Sorgen um Verbrennungen machen muss.

    Die drei Farben im Set verleihen dem Spiel nicht nur eine sinnliche Note, sondern auch eine ästhetische. Es war unglaublich erregend, die bunten Wachsmuster auf der Haut meiner Partnerin zu sehen. Das warme Licht der Kerzen schuf außerdem eine unglaublich intime Atmosphäre, die unsere Session nur noch intensiver machte.

    Besonders beeindruckt war ich von der Sicherheitsempfehlung, das Wachs aus einer Höhe von 50 cm zu tropfen. Diese Empfehlung war perfekt, um den besten Genuss aus den Kerzen herauszuholen.

    Für alle, die sich in die prickelnde Welt des Hot Wax Play wagen möchten, kann ich Dr. Sado's Kerzen wärmstens empfehlen. Sie sind ein unverzichtbares Accessoire für jede BDSM-Sammlung und bieten eine perfekte Kombination aus Lust und Schmerz.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Set aus 3 Kerzen, perfekt für Anfänger und Experten

    Heißes Wachs kann auf vielen Körperteilen verwendet werden, von den Brustwarzen, über den Bauch, bis hin zu den Oberschenkeln und dem Rücken. Jede Zone bietet unterschiedliche Empfindungen. Auf den Brustwarzen oder dem Inneren des Oberschenkels kann das Wachs von Dr. Sado intensiver wirken, während der Rücken eine größere Fläche für breitflächige Spiele bietet.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

    Set di candele carine da usare con il mio partner.

    Fornisce un piacevole stimolo grazie al dolore, ma non troppo forte.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.


    Grandi candele per principianti se stai considerando il gioco della cera. Sono belli e sono più lunghi di quanto mi aspettassi. Che è un punto a favore. Aerare la stanza quando si usano le candele. Soprattutto quando contiene molto cherosene. Le candele si scaldano, ma non troppo. Dà una sensazione piacevole, a condizione che le candele gocciolino abbastanza lontano dalla pelle!

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

    SM Kerzen

    Jetzt beginnt sie ja wieder, die dunkle Jahreszeit – Zeit für ein paar Kerzen..;)
    Super gut für heisse Spiele..auch für nicht ganz so harte Masochisten geeignet. Die unterschiedlichen Farben laden dazu ein, der eigenen Kreativität freien Lauf zu lassen. Wirklich gute BDSM Kerzen!

    • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.


    Génial, Brule bien, coule correctement mais pas trop et est assez durable.
    Produit top pour le prix.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

    Tried these

    Not too bad, good for playing. Little more experience is needed. A good product In my humble opinion. Decently priced.

    • 4 out of 5 people found this review useful.


    Für BDSM-Anfänger sehr gut geeignet. Ich habe eine sehr empfindliche Haut. Ich hatte nur leichte sporadische Rötungen. Mehr nicht. Gerne mehr davon. :)

    • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.


    These candles are HOT-temperature wise. Way hotter than the average candle which is weird because they're supposed to be less painful. Anyway, if you can't handle ordinary wax, I'd steer clear of these.

    • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

    I will be definitely buying this product again

    I've not used candles before. As a first time experience, I found it was very shocking how much it hurt, but it was for a short amount. Then the heat softens, and I was left with a tingly sensation. It leaves a small red mark, but it soon fades away.

    To get a really good experience, I would recommend being blindfolded and tied up at the same time. It's very exciting.

    I think this product has lasted me a long time, I will be definitely buying this product again.

    • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.

    Sehr angenehm beim spielen

    Sehr angenehm beim spielen, da das Wachs nicht so heiß wird, dass es Verbrennungen gibt. Auch bei kleinem Abstand sind keine bleibenden Spuren zu sehen, nur leichte Rötungen, die nach kurzer Zeit wieder verschwinden.

    • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

    Funktioniert super

    Funktioniert sehr super. Auch für Anfänger super geeignet. Funktioniert so wie beschrieben und auch gute Qualität.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Sensual Hot Wax Candles

    These two candles last a fair while, yes they are on the hotter side of temp play but I liked this. Value for money.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

    I love them

    After longing for low temp taper candles, these candles are a dream come true. They don't burn at all. They only feel warm and delightful on your skin. Perfect to add to our rope bondage, this is one product that I'm sure to order over and over again

    • 4 out of 6 people found this review useful.

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    BDSM Wax Play - BDSM Candles by Dr. Sado - BDSM Wax

    BDSM Wax Play - BDSM Candles by Dr. Sado - BDSM Wax

    Get ready to experience the incredible pleasures of BDSM wax play with this set of 3 BDSM candles from Dr. Sado! Indulge in the intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain with Dr. Sado's premium BDSM candles. These candles are the epitome of perfection, burning with unparalleled intensity and providing an unparalleled experience during sensual play with hot wax.

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