Finally, happily hairless! Our customers are impressed, because the fantastic IPL hair removal device is suitable for long-lasting hair removal all over the body. The device allows the legs, back, armpits, face and bikini zone to be treated easily and effectively.
Finally, happily hairless! Our customers are impressed, because the fantastic IPL hair removal device is suitable for long-lasting hair removal all over the body. The device allows the legs, back, armpits, face and bikini zone to be treated easily and effectively.
The IPL hair removal device from MEO® ensures silky-smooth skin and reduces hair growth on the face and body. This device uses IPL technology, which is gentle and effective and can be used on almost any skin tone.
The IPL hair removal device had five adjustable light energy settings to endure effective treatment. It is equipped with a skin colour sensor and includes protective glasses. This IPL hair removal device is perfect for permanently reducing hair growth. No need to book a salon appointment as this device is gentle, safe and easy to use at home.
Fast and effective:
Light impulses interrupt the growth cycle of the hair and results can be seen after the first treatment. Thanks to its curved design, the device fits the contours of the body perfectly and effectively covers larger areas of the body.
What is IPL hair removal?
IPL hair removal is a relatively new method for permanently removing annoying body hair. The procedure works like the laser method but uses the whole light spectrum. The IPL technology, like laser treatment, is also ideal for permanent hair removal from larger body regions.
The abbreviation IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. The procedure uses light impulses to remove hair and is also known as flash hair removal. During IPL treatment, the roots (follicles) of the body hair to be removed are permanently disrupted using a high-energy light source, deactivating hair growth.
What should I note regarding IPL hair removal?
Do not wax, epilate or pluck the hair 14 days before hair removal. Do not use hair removal cream. Do not lighten or bleach the hair. Shave the area to be treated one day before IPL hair removal. The hair should be max. 0.5 millimetres long so the light energy does not simply dissipate on the skin.
Further details:
Outstanding product
Wish I bought it two years ago instead of going to my local beauty salon to get numerous IPL sessions (which took 18 months in total for one area). I have been using this product for over 2 months and the hair growth is significantly slower and I have virtually no under arm hair growth now. I don’t normally write reviews!
sanft und gründlich
Ich wollte mir schon immer ein eigenes IPL-Haarentfernungsgerät anschaffen, jedoch war ich mir unsicher welches es sein sollte, da die Preise doch in einem höheren Bereich angesiedelt sind und die Anschaffung daher genau überlegt sein sollte. Dieses Produkt kam nun genau wie gerufen. Nach mehreren Anwendungen bin ich auch sehr positiv überrascht und endlich die lästigen Haare an den Beinen los.
Gleich nachdem es veröffentlich wurde gekauft und nie bereut. Habe weniger Haare auch nach längerem nicht mehr benutzen.
Bin mit dem Produkt mehr als zufrieden. Endlich kein lästiges Rasieren mehr.
I love this. I got thick black hair and from one use not even kidding one use. My hair didn’t grow back for like 3 days. All my hairy girls know once you shave u wake up the next day with hairy legs again. It’s worth every penny.
This is the best money I’ve ever spent.
This device is not only easy to use, but it works exceptionally well. The IPL device from MEO saved my butt. I have fair/olive complexion. Thick, dark hair all over my body. I have been using this device for 2 weeks now and I am extremely impressed and practically hairless. I used to have to shave every single day. I was the person who had to shave their legs everyday just to be consistently smooth. (It’s my preference to be bare) .
Ich habe gerade 3 Anwendungen hintern mir und bin bereits begeistert! Obwohl ich sehr geduldig bin und keine schnellen Ergebnisse erwartet habe, kann ich folgendes berichten: meine Achselhaare haben sich drastisch minimiert. Es wachsen schon weniger Haare - und sie brauchen länger dafür.
Simple a utiliser et rapide. Permet de ralentir la repousse du p
Prise en main facile. Depuis 3 semaines je constate que la repousse de poil à doublé entre deux épilations. Je n’ai constaté aucune douleur lors de l’utilisation et la séance est très rapide.
Funziona !!!
Allora ho aspettato ad usarlo per un po' prima di fare la recensione. Devo dire che ho fatto fin'ora 14 sedute ed ho dei risultati che non ci speravo! Già dalle prime sedute si vedono i risultati!!! Premetto che sono un uomo e l ho fatto alla schiena, su cui ho sempre passato la lametta per fare più in fretta e non dover patire per la ceretta! Devo dire che dove i peli erano più duri e spessi, se non quasi del tutto, son spariti... O per lo meno sono molto più sottili e deboli!!! Quelli più sottili per ora li ha proprio eliminati! Ci ho pensato molto a comprarlo, perché non mi fidavo, dato che avendo speso già quasi mille euro da un estetista (senza aver ottenuto nessun risultato dopo 7 sedute), non pensavo che me la potevo cavare con 269,90 euro. Quindi per chi è dubbioso, spero di aiutarvi a far chiarezza perché è davvero funzionante!!! Lo consiglio vivamente!!! Io dopo 14 sedute lo sto continuando solo per vedere se quei pochissimi peli rimasti se ne vanno anche. Ma già così, se smetto, basta una ceretta ogni tanto per togliere quello che è rimasto, senza soffrire come prima.
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