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Cock Ring & Penis Ring


Metal Cock Ring - Cock Ring ClassicSteel - The Classic Cock Ring - Medium Weight Version

This classic metal cock ring not only makes the penis harder and larger, but also delays ejaculation. This means you can enjoy longer and more intense orgasms during masturbation or intercourse. Since the 1970s, the medium-weight stainless steel cock ring has been an almost unchanged classic from San Francisco...


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    Metal Cock Ring - Cock Ring ClassicSteel™ - The Classic Cock Ring - Medium Weight Version

    Our metal cock ring has been an almost unchanged classic from San Francisco since the 1970s, delighting men all over the world. The stainless steel cock ring not only makes the penis harder and bigger, it also delays ejaculation. This allows you to enjoy longer lasting and more intense orgasms during masturbation or sex.

    ClassicSteel™ - The metal cock ring that men all over the world swear by!

    Our classic metal cock ring is a sex toy for men that is placed around the base of the penis and is made of stainless steel. The purpose of our stainless steel cock ring is to limit the outflow of blood from the penis and achieve a harder, longer-lasting erection by retaining blood in the erectile tissue of the penis. This can increase sexual pleasure for both the man and his partner. In addition, the penis is perceived as significantly larger and harder with a cock ring.

    Metal cock rings - the quality speaks for itself:

    Metal cock rings are often considered to be more robust and durable than cock rings made from other materials and can be more aesthetically pleasing due to their metallic sheen. Metal cock rings are available in different sizes and weights to suit individual preferences and needs. However, it is important to note that metal cock rings should be used with care and caution as they can be difficult to remove if they are too tight or used improperly, which can lead to pain or discomfort. It is therefore recommended that you only use a metal cock ring if you have carefully read the MEO instructions for use and practiced using it.

    How do I put the metal cock ring over my penis and testicles?

    As the cock ring is made of stainless steel, it is not as flexible as a rubber, leather or silicone cock ring. Therefore, the cock ring should be pulled over the penis before an erection, if necessary with a little Aquameo lube.

    What size should a cock ring be?

    As a general rule, a cock ring or glans ring should only be worn for as long as it is comfortable. Instructions on how to put on a cock ring, which explain in detail how to put on a cock ring and give detailed instructions on choosing the right cock ring size, can be downloaded here in our online store. These instructions are also included with every cock ring you buy from us, or you can request them from us by phone or email. In general, a cock ring should exert a comfortable amount of pressure, but not be too tight. Based on our many years of experience, we recommend a diameter of 45 mm for normal penis sizes (when the cock ring is worn around the penis and testicles). Tip: A little Aquameo lube makes it easier to put on the cock ring.

    Further details:


    Cock rings

    How to put on a cock ring and how to choose the right size for a cock ring

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    Love the high quality and durability

    It took me forever to find the right sizes and I'm so happy I found them here, I have a harness that came with a ring but it was of low quality. These rings made that harness 1000 times better. Thank youuuu. Love the high quality and durability


      Beautiful Cock Ring

      This thing is solid and shiny and beautiful and smooth. if you're used to the thinner metal ring or silicone ones, then the greater width will be a nice change as it doesnt' end up hurting after a long time.


        Wie verwende ich den Cockring?

        Einfach über sein bestes Stück ziehen und los geht's? Ganz so einfach ist es leider nicht. Zuerst muss sein Penis auf Betriebstemperatur gebracht werden. Er darf allerdings nicht zu hart werden – sonst kann es für ihn schmerzhaft werden. Den Cockring etwas anwärmen und anschließend behutsam bis zur Peniswurzel schieben. Ein wenig Gleitgel ist ein probates Hilfsmittel, damit's beim Anlegen und Abnehmen besser flutscht.

        • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

        Highly recommended

        These rings are great quality ,fit good ,look good,and make you hard .moved up from a 45mm to a 50mm because the 45mm became to tight .i wear a glans ring with mine which makes my cock look amazing when naked on the beach

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

        Einfach geil

        Der Cockring ist gut verarbeitet, keine Naht vorhanden und lässt sich einfach reinigen. Er lässt sich gut über den Schwanz ziehen und die Hoden passen auch gut durch. Durch das Tragen des Cockrings lässt es den Schwanz sehr groß und sehr prall aussehen.

        • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

        Good value item

        This product is well made and great value. Imagine my ego boost when I discovered that I needed a bigger size - ie: 50mm. I can recommend this ring for weight and quality, very nice addition to the wardrobe.



          Really good. Make sure you order the right size for you. I did and am well pleased. If in doubt give them a call I am sure they will be pleased to help


            Angenehmes Tragegefühl

            Habe den Cockring gerade von MEO per Express geliefert bekommen und ihn auch gleich "angezogen" Er übt ab dem ersten Moment einen konstanten, reizvollen Druck auf mein gesamtes Gemächt aus, da ich sowohl Penis und Hoden durchgeschoben habe. Tatsächlich spüre ich keine scharfen Ecken und Kanten. Zudem ist der Ring eindeutig formstabil: kein Nachgeben, kein Verbiegen. Genau so wie ich es haben wollte, als ich ihn mir in den Warenkorb gelegt habe.

            Ratschlag von meiner Seite:
            Vorher die eigene Größe messen ist unabdingbar. Und sich dabei bitte nicht zu kleine Durchmesser zumuten! Gerade wenn man - wie ich - beabsichtigt, so einen Cockring länger zu tragen. Also lieber sich für die größere Größe entscheiden, wenn ihr unsicher seid. Ich habe übrigens Größe 45 mm bestellt. Passt perfekt.

            • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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            Metal Cock Ring - Cock Ring ClassicSteel - The Classic Cock Ring - Medium Weight Version

            Metal Cock Ring - Cock Ring ClassicSteel - The Classic Cock Ring - Medium Weight Version

            This classic metal cock ring not only makes the penis harder and larger, but also delays ejaculation. This means you can enjoy longer and more intense orgasms during masturbation or intercourse. Since the 1970s, the medium-weight stainless steel cock ring has been an almost unchanged classic from San Francisco...

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