Depending on the diameter, you can use MEO's high quality stainless steel rings as a cock ring, glans ring or even as a ball stretcher. Whether you want a hard erection, a plump glans, more fun during sex or to stretch your balls, MEO has the perfect donut cock ring for you.
MEO offers high quality stainless steel donut rings that can be used as a cock ring, penis ring, glans ring or even as a ball weight. No matter if you want a hard erection, a bulging glans, more pleasure during sex or to stretch your ball sack: Here at MEO you will find the largest selection of Donut Cock Rings.
What is a Donut Cock Ring?
A medical grade stainless steel donut ring is a ring that can be worn around the base of the penis, around the testicles or glans only, or as a cock ring around the penis and testicles. The term "donut" refers to the round shape of the ring, which resembles a donut. Medical grade stainless steel is a high quality, body safe material commonly used for medical implants and instruments.
Dimensions - Donut Cock Ring Model Royal:
15 mm = 0.6-inch high, 8 mm = 0.3-inch thick (medium weight).
We offer stainless steel donut rings with various inside diameters:
25 mm (1 inch) glans ring
30 mm (1.2 inches) as a glans ring or penis shaft ring
35 mm (1.4 inches) as a glans ring or penis shaft ring
40 mm (1.6 inches) as a penis shaft ring or smaller cock ring
45 mm (1.75 inches) classic cock ring
50 mm (2.0 inch) classic cock ring
We also offer these donut rings in a lighter version (Duke Cock Ring - click here) and a heavier version (Imperial Cock Ring - click here)! In addition, we carry magnetic donut cock rings (click here) and donut ball stretchers (click here).
What is so special about a Donut Cock Ring?
Choosing the right cock ring will depend on your personal preferences and comfort level, but the special donut shaped design definitely has some beneficial features that set it apart from other cock ring designs.
A Donut Cock Ring offers you several benefits and features, such as
A Donut Glans Ring offers you several benefits and functions, such as
In our online store you will find a wide selection of glans rings and cock rings made of metal, donut cock rings made of stainless steel, cock rings made of leather, metal, silicone, rubber and TPE.
What is the Push-Up Effect?
The push-up effect of a Donut Cock Ring or Donut Ball Stretcher refers to the way wearing these rings changes the appearance of the genitals. When the ring is placed around the base of the penis or around the testicles, it exerts pressure and "pushes" the genitals forward, making them appear plumper and larger. The push-up effect can be both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial for sexual pleasure. By accentuating and highlighting the penis and testicles, the ring can help increase sexual arousal for you and your partner. Some of our customers find the added weight and pressure of a cock ring or ball stretcher to be extremely comfortable, further enhancing sexual pleasure.
More details:
How can I determine the right size for a Cock Ring and how long can I use a Cock Ring?
Keep in mind that elastic materials like silicone and rubber are more flexible and will adjust better to different sizes. For cock rings made of rigid materials like stainless steel, it's especially important to find the right size. Here in our online store you will find a cock ring guide for download that explains very well how to put on a cock ring and gives detailed instructions on how to choose the right cock ring size. These instructions are also included with every cock ring you order from us. You can also request them by phone or email. Based on our many years of experience, we believe that for normal penis sizes, a diameter of 45 mm = 1.8 inch will fit (when the cock ring is worn around the penis and testicles). For penis shaft rings we recommend diameters between 30 and 40 mm (1.2 and 1.6 inches) and for glans rings diameters between 25 and 30 mm (1 and 1.2 inches).
The duration of use of a Cock Ring depends on several factors:
As a general rule you should not wear a cock ring for more than 30 minutes to minimize the risk of vascular damage or other health issues. It is important to listen to your body and stop using the cockring as soon as discomfort or pain occurs.
How to put on a cock ring and how to choose the right size for a cock ring
Download (1.21M)Mein neuer Eichelring
Nach dem ich diverse Cockringe bereits besitze, hatte ich das Bedürfnis auch meine Eichel entsprechend zu schmücken.
Gar nicht so einfach etwas zu finden, zumal wenn die Anforderungen an Material, Passform und Gewicht, recht hoch sind.
Doch hier bei MEO wurde ich fündig.
Ich wollte einen Eichelring welchen ich, wie meine Cockringe, täglich tragen kann.
Nicht nur beim Sex mit meiner Frau, auch im Alltag.
Die Erfahrung zeigt, das bereits wenige mm, entscheidend den Trage-Komfort beeinflussen können.
Mein Schwanz und auch die Eichel haben, ich würde sagen eine normale Größe bis minimal größer.
Ich habe den Eichelring in Größe 25 mm bestellt.
Und, wie ich es befürchtet hatte, hält dieser ohne eine Erektion bei mir nicht.
Der Schwanz muss bei mir zumindest eine leichte Erektion haben, dann ist alles ok und die Eichel wird verdammt groß,
berührungsempfindlich und .... macht verdammt viel Spaß. Auch ihr G-Punkt erfreut sich entsprechend an dem Ring.
ABER, ich wollte diesen traumhaften Ring auch im Alltag benutzen und mich an diesem außerordentlich hohem Gewicht erfreuen.
Nun habe ich mir einen Gummi O-Ring in 22 mm Durchmesser und 5 mm Materialstärke zugelegt und trage diesen in der Eichelfurche,
den eigentlichen Eichelring direkt dahinter.
Der schwere Eichelring sitzt perfekt und hat in keinster Weise die Möglichkeit über den O-Ring und Eichel abzurutschen.
Egal wie kalt es auch draussen ist :-) der Ring bleibt da wo er ist.
Durch die Dicke des Rings wird die Vorhaut kontinuierlich zurückgehalten, was zusätzlich beim Tragen im Alltag und beim Sex, an den Ring erinnert.
Je nach Hose ist, zumal wenn man auf einen Slip verzichtet, der dicke Ring bei genauer Betrachtung, leicht sichtbar.
Alles in Allem - ein Traum!
Anello fallico
Donut Cockring ROYAL è un anello fallico di una certa dimensione, consistente, forte e decisa di ben 5 cm, una misura large. Il materiale con cui è realizzato è acciaio inox pieno, dirompente nel peso e al tatto, è un anello fallico molto presente, capace di farvi avere erezioni durature e impressionanti. Donut Cockring ROYAL è un anello fallico ideale per l'utente esperto che desidera un look elegante, moderno e da dominatore incontrastato. E' molto comodo e confortevole e si indossa facilmente, portandolo alla base del pene e sotto i testicoli. Il materiarle di cui è composto è acciaio inossidabile, non poroso, igienico, facile da sterilizzare, sensibile alla temperatura e resistente agli urti. Potrete portare il gioco ad un livello successivo con delle variazioni termiche sensibili, riscaldandolo con acqua calda o raffreddandolo in frigorifero. Mostrarsi con questo Cock Ring restituirà un immagine bdsm impressionante, e il suo peso sarà percepito in maniera totalizzante.
5 stars
This ring has the weight to give a that heavy tug to the tip of my cock that I love. I have worn it for days as the fit is just quite comfortable. I'm going to order two more to give even more weight.
Super geiler Cockring
Super geiler Cockring. Ich trage ich fast durchgehend! Die abgerundete Form sitzt perfekt und schneidet nicht ein. Zudem sorgt die schwere Qualität für ein sexy Gefühl. Sehr empfehlenswert!!!
My favorite cockring
This quickly became my favorite cockring, after putting it on the style and shine looked like they were made for me!
Great ring
Great ring! This is my second one. I wanted another one just like it, I tend to lose or misplace them. Everyone likes the interesting look of this one, I get lots of compliments. Good fit!
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