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Cock Ring & Penis Ring


CAZZOMEO Cock Ring Set Maximum Erect

Our cockring comes in a dual pack and has the promising name Maximum Erect! We know what you’re thinking and yes, the name says it all.



In Stock


    Our cockring comes in a dual pack and has the promising name Maximum Erect! We know what you’re thinking and yes, the name says it all.


    Thanks to their elastic material you can attach the cock rings in a jiffy to offer a very high level of comfort.


    Furthermore advantages are as the name suggests: maximising! That means – longer staying power, delayed ejaculation and a raging stonker of an erection so fierce you think you could use it to cut diamonds!


    Wear the rings separately or as a pair (i.e. as cockring and ball stretcher). They can also be used over a condom. Advantage: no slipping condoms anymore!


    Further details:


    • Material: Silicone
    • Ø approx. 3.8cm (very stretchable)
    • Colour: black and transparent


    Cock rings

    How to put on a cock ring and how to choose the right size for a cock ring

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    Overall extremely happy with this purchase.

    I had previously purchased a plastic ring set and found it uncomfortable. I wanted to try again with this silicone set. They really are much better. They are extremely comfortable and increase the hardness significantly. Overall extremely happy with this purchase.



      Die Penisringe sind aus sehr strapazierfähigem Material und leicht anzulegen. Die Penisringe verlängern die Ausdauer und die Erektion deutlich und sorgen auch nach dem Orgasmus für eine anhaltende Erektion. Von mir gibt es eine klare Kaufempfehlung.


        Lasted very short time

        Very comfortable to wear, stretching a lot. BUT, after a couple of use both just teared off and broke.

        However, MEO's customer service is just as superb as always. After making a complaint I received a big apologize and an immediate refund. Can't be better. Thanks


          Morbido il giusto. Consiglio di librficarlo per indossarlo.

          Morbido il giusto. Consiglio di librficarlo per indossarlo.


            Gutes Material und perfekter Sitz.

            Erfüllt voll und ganz seinen Zweck und hält "ihn" hart bis zum Orgasmus und auch noch danach. Was soll man weiter zum Produkt schreiben ... einfach Oberklasse

            • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

            Hart wie Beton

            Der Maximum Erect Cockring liegt schön eng an, nach ca. 2 Stunden muss der Cockring aber ab da es sonst etwas schmerzhaft wird mit einer Dauer-Erektion, aber bis dahin ist die Erektion hart wie Beton

            • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

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            CAZZOMEO Cock Ring Set Maximum Erect

            CAZZOMEO Cock Ring Set Maximum Erect

            Our cockring comes in a dual pack and has the promising name Maximum Erect! We know what you’re thinking and yes, the name says it all.

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