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Dr. Cock Penis Pumps


Dr. Cock - Penis pump for penis enlargement

Do you wish for a very big and very hard penis? Most men trust this low-cost vacuum pump for penis enlargement. The penis pump is used for extreme penis enlargement and allows impressive results to be achieved in the shortest time possible.



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    Do you wish for a very big and very hard penis? Most men trust this low-cost vacuum pump for penis enlargement. The penis pump is used for extreme penis enlargement and allows impressive results to be achieved in the shortest time possible.


    One of the most effective options to reinforce erections and enlarge the penis is the vacuum method. With this complete, immediately ready to use penis pump with two-finger pump grip, you are perfectly equipped for your individual sex training.


    How is the penis pump with the two-finger pump grip used? Having applied Aquameo lubricating gel to the penis, it is then inserted into the transparent cylinder of the penis pump with the two-finger pump grip. Using the two-finger pump grip, you then create a powerful vacuum in the cylinder quickly and comfortably: The blood flows into the erectile tissue and the penis immediately gets stiff – an extremely arousing feeling! Thanks to the transparency of the cylinder, you can see exactly how much your pride and joy has grown. The pressure valve on the pump grip also allows the pressure to be released quickly and safely when you want to finish training. In order to then maintain the erection for longer, it is recommended that you slip a rubber penis ring on over the penis after the vacuum training and removal of the cylinder. The pressure this creates at the base of the penis with the resulting blood congestion effect will keep your big, hard penis in top form for a long time for sustained sex! Regular training with our penis pump can have a long-lasting, positive effect on erection behaviour and counteract prostate problems. And the best thing about it: Your penis can be lastingly enlarged in terms of length and circumference.




    • Transparent penis pump with two-finger pump grip
    • Immediate power: Enjoy bigger and harder erections using vacuum pressure.
    • Effective: Permanent penis enlargement possible.
    • Simple, comfortable one-handed operation.

    What do I need to take note of when using the MEO penis pump?


    A smooth base is an advantage when generating a powerful vacuum. Therefore, it’s a good idea to shave the intimate area before you use the penis pump.


    How a penis pump works:


    Penis pumps work using what is known as the vacuum method. After Aquameo lubricating gel has been applied to the penis, it is inserted into the cylinder and the soft cuff wraps around the entire base of the penis. Using the pump, a powerful vacuum is generated, allowing the blood to flow into the erectile tissue and ensuring a very hard penis. A pressure valve allow the pressure to be released at any time.


    Do you want to enlarge your penis? A penis pump can give you the following:


    • more endurance during sex
    • greater stamina
    • better blood flow
    • intense stimulation
    • increases length and circumference


    The penis pump from MEO ® can be cleaned using water, mild soap and our VERYCLEAN spray. You should regularly massage your penis with our EXTREME DELAY concentrate, though at least before and after using our penis pump.


    Further details:


    • Penis pump for penis enlargement
    • Use: Used for effective penis enlargement
    • Aid to reduce erectile problems.
    • Makes existing erections even harder.
    • Easy to use: You can easily create an effective vacuum for penis enlargement at the touch of a button.
    • The measurement scale shows you exactly how big your penis has already become.
    • Material: TPR, polycarbonate and ABS
    • MEO is a specialist online shop for penis enlargement pumps and penis vacuum pumps.

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    YES !

    Après avoir cherché longtemps quel taille de pompe conviendrait, j'ai opté pour ce modèle. Le tube fait 21cm au total, gradué jusqu'à 20 cm. 5.5cm de diamètre. Il y a 3 manchons en caoutchouc d'ouverture différentes, que l'on peut mettre à la base du cylindre (partie noire sur la photo) qui sont inclus.
    Un gel lubrifiant est fourni pour faciliter l'insertion du pénis, qu'il glisse mieux à travers le manchon en caoutchouc et à l'intérieur du tube.
    Ca aspire très fortement.
    Au début ne pas exagérer si ça tire trop, ou alors s'amuser à régler la valve pour diminuer la tension. L'afflux de sang donne une coloration plus rouge violacée au pénis.
    Si on pratique régulièrement ou si une séance de pompe dure plus de 30 minutes la peau va se distendre se dilater et le pénis augmentera de diamètre, de volume. Il ne gonfle pas forcément de façon uniforme.
    La peau du prépuce peut gonfler énormément de manière inesthétique comme si un insecte l'avait piqué. Trouver le bon dosage.
    Quand on arrête la peau reprend sa texture normale.
    A tester sur une longue période pour voir les résultats


      Prodotto ottimo da tenere assolutamente in casa, materiale di gr

      Prodotto ottimo da tenere assolutamente in casa, materiale di gran confort!!


        Optimal zur Penisverlängerung

        Durch den durchsichtigen Zylinder hat mann nicht nur einen guten Blick auf seinen wachsenden Penis (toller Anblick), sondern durch die Skala kann man auch die erreichte Größe ablesen. Die Pumpstärke wird manuell mit der Handpumpe selbst geregelt, sollte man es einmal versehentlich übertrieben haben, so kann man den Druck durch einen einfach Knopfdruck in Sekundenschnelle ablassen. Diese Vakuumpumpe kann ich nur empfehlen; der Preis ist gut, sehr ordentliche Qualität und das Ergebnis bei der Penisverlängerung kann sich wirklcih sehen lassen.


          Dr. Cock

          Prodotto affidabile .... funziona alla perfezione

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            Dr. Cock - Penis pump for penis enlargement

            Dr. Cock - Penis pump for penis enlargement

            Do you wish for a very big and very hard penis? Most men trust this low-cost vacuum pump for penis enlargement. The penis pump is used for extreme penis enlargement and allows impressive results to be achieved in the shortest time possible.

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