Cum Lubricant CUM SHOT is deceptively similar to real sperm. It's perfect for those who prefer a realistic experience and want to not only see but feel cum in or on them. But our sperm lubricant not only mimics the look of sperm, it also provides a smooth and satisfying sensation during sex.
Cum Lubricant CUM SHOT is deceptively similar to real cum. It's perfect for those who prefer a realistic experience and want to not only see but feel cum in or on them. But our sperm lubricant not only mimics the look of sperm, it also provides a smooth and satisfying sensation during sex.
CUM SHOT cum lubricant is versatile and sensationally realistic!
Unleash your wildest fantasies with MEO's CUM SHOT cum lubricant, which opens the door to an exceptionally realistic and exciting intimate experience. Whether you're looking for the visual appeal of a facial cum shot, the thrilling sensation of internal satisfaction, or the pleasures of anal play, our cum lubricant is designed to meet all your needs with a stunningly realistic look and feel.
Bring the porn feeling to your home: The CUM SHOT cum lubricant will give you the kick!
On your belly, in your hole, as a lubricant during anal sex, a few squirts in your face or directly in your open mouth? With CUM SHOT there are no limits to your imagination, because our cum lube offers an absolutely realistic look, a neutral taste and an absolutely exciting cum smell. Get the Bukkake feeling right at home with the unique cum lubricant CUM SHOT. With this special lubricant you can celebrate your own personal and realistic Bukkake party!
CUM SHOT is also suitable for use with our ejaculation dildos or our Lube Shooter (with which you can inject the artificial sperm directly into a body orifice of your choice).
Allow your fantasies to become a reality: Try CUM SHOT cum lube!
Our artificial semen, with its lifelike color and consistency, is a real sensation when it comes to making little messes. It can be used as an anal lubricant as it moisturizes the skin and enhances lubrication. Exciting extra: the insanely stimulating look with every in and out or when the sperm drips from your ass.
Designed to mimic the texture, color and aroma of real sperm, our CUM SHOT cum lubricant is perfect for a variety of sensual scenarios. From enhancing anal sex with its superior lubricating properties to adding erotic visual and sensory appeal to every intimate moment, our cum lubricant promises an extraordinary journey of pleasure.
Perfect for solo sex or sex with your partner, CUM SHOT cum lubricant can be combined with our selection of ejaculation dildos or the innovative Lube Shooter for a simple but totally arousing internal application.
Further details:
Riecht geil
Wenn ich es mit meinen Dildo benutze, riecht er wie ein richtiger Schwanz!!! total geil
Lo prefiero para el sexo anal. No se seca y tiene una consistencia interesante. La penetración es más suave y deslizante. A mi pareja le encanta
Ottimo lubrificante
Ottimo lubrificante da usare per il sesso anale. Consigliato!
Fantasie des Schlammschieben
Der eine oder andere Mann wird durch den Gedanken beflügelt, dass er seine gerade erst von einem (imaginären) Mann besamte Dame besteigt und nochmals abfüllt. Für eine verabredete Liebesstunde, besser noch für den gerade heimkehrenden Mann kann die Dame schon "abgekämpft" im Bett liegend ihre Möse mit dem Sperma-Gleitgel präparieren und dann durch Masturbation dem Mann zeigen, dass sie noch mehr braucht.
ACHTUNG! Die Flasche unbedingt auf dem Nachtisch stehen lassen, sie könnte noch gebraucht werden.
jolie texture
très ressemblant visuellement cependant au niveau du gout pas du tout mais très bien comme lubrifiant cependant ne pas utiliser dans l'eau
Lubrifiant texture sperme
Lubrifiant a la texture proche du reel!
Goût neutre pratique car il se nettoie tres facilement a l'eau ou pour pas en le lechant...
Haut pouvoir lubrifiant
A utiliser sans moderations!
Very realistic
This is ideal for dirty play that involves the need for some fake cum. Very realistic to look at, Master was pleased to see me doused in this from my squirting dildo.
It's great for making dildos smell like the real thing
The taste has nothing to do with real cum, but it's sweet and pleasant. As a lube it's also great! It stays slippery for a long time - it's perfect for anal play. For me, this stuff took anal play with my big dildos to a whole different level. In fact, this might just be the best lubricant I've ever had!
Absolut super
Konsistenz und Farbe sind wirklich sehr authentisch. Über den Geschmack kann man streiten. Geil ist aber schon alleine die Optik.
Cum Shot Lube
Tolle Farbe und sieht aus wie Sperma. Gleitet gut und selbst geringe Mengen reichen vollkommen aus. Sie toll aus wenn es raus-tropft. Geil !!!!
5 stars
just like real cum.
Have fun
Wow this stuff is really kinky! Have fun!!!
Get the MEO lube shooter
Wife loves it get a lube shooter and a blindfold and squirt it all over her breast.
Freaky fun
In a world of some cross contamination. Its awesome to use this you can have freaky fun and above all. Its all safe fun. This is great. Feels amazing and looks so real, especially when applied to the skin.
Wie echtes Sperma
Habe es mir zum 8. mal bei Meo gekauft und bin weiterhin extrem begeistert . Gleitfähigkeit ist sehr gut und es trocknet nicht so schnell aus wie anderes künstliches Sperma.
Macht viel Spass bei Spermaspielen
Sehr geil
Sehr gute Eigenschaften. Und ergibig.
Absolument délicieux. Un lubrifiant fantastique
Lo adoro. Aveva un sapore delizioso.
Just like the real thing great anal lube
Five stars
I really like the product and will buy again and use always that how I think of the product.
Looks and feels similar to real thing.
The smell is a bit much, but not too bad. Great fun for play and a good lube
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