Our silver butt plug offers the luxury of erotic art. As beautiful as a diamond! The broad base is adorned with a large, clear crystal and thus provides a sexy look for your partner too. Almost too good to be a sex toy that hardly anyone will ever see ...
Our silver butt plug offers the luxury of erotic art. As beautiful as a diamond! The broad base is adorned with a large, clear crystal and thus provides a sexy look for your partner too. Almost too good to be a sex toy that hardly anyone will ever see ...
Thanks to its rounded, ergonomic shape, our anal plug fits perfectly and provides wonderful stimulation. The material is particularly heavy, skin-friendly and hypo-allergenic. Through regular training, not only can it make anal intercourse easier, our butt plug also make it much more beautiful.
The round base is decorated with a large, sparkling crystal in a sexy transparent diamond design, a sexy highlight and, at the same time, a guarantee of safe solo play. The seamless, smooth surface feels pleasant and makes cleaning easy.
The wider precious stone end serves as a stopper to prevent the anal plug sliding in completely. Wear the butt plug for as long as you like - whether for short periods before anal intercourse to relax and stretch the anus, or for longer periods to train the sphincter muscles in the long term.
For men and women! If a woman wears our Anal Jewel during sex, the vagina becomes tighter, which makes the sensation better for both partners. Furthermore, the anal plug stimulates all of the erogenous zones when worn. If a man wears our butt plug, the prostate is stimulated, thus ensuring an even more intense feeling during sex and a stronger orgasm. Our anal plug with crystal can be used both anally and vaginally.
The material of this anal plug is very solid and sits wonderfully on the hand. The metal is heavier than other anal toys and together with the cool feel creates a special experience. The material can be heated or cooled slightly before and therefore stimulates on another level to non-metal butt plugs.
Due to the weight and shape, this anal plug can be felt at all times and provides extreme stimulation. Thanks to their mirror-smooth surfaces, our anal jewels only requires a small amount of lubricant (e.g. AQUAMEO).
Further details:
Dieser außergewöhnliche Analplug wird nicht nur Fans von kühlem Metall begeistern, denn er kombiniert unwiderstehliche Materialeigenschaften mit einem optischen Highlight, das Dein Hintertürchen in einen funkelnden Hingucker verwandelt. So genießt Du die intensive, anale Stimulation und Dein Spielgefährte darf sich derweilen an Deinem heißen Anblick mit einem ganz besonderen Schmuckstück erfreuen.
Anal Juwel Silver Diamente
Anal Juwel Silver Diamente è un plug anale in acciaio cromato, liscio con estremità gioiello a forma di splendente diamante, capace di donare al vostro lato b un fascino ineguagliabile, oltre che prepararlo per il rapporto anale. Questo splendido utensile del piacere anale realizzato in liscio acciaio cromato, è progettato per un comodo e confortevole utilizzo, anche nel lungo periodo. Jewel vi permetterà di godere di una sensazione costante grazie al suo peso deciso mentre la gemma diamanti sulla maniglia del plug, aggiunge un po 'di brillantezza alla stimolazione anale, in completa sicurezza
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