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Modern Chasity Belts for Men


Chastity belt for men: NoPacha SISSY Forced Feminization

Absolutely escape-proof! The NoPacha ® SISSY is a pink chastity belt for men that can not only be used for long-term chastity but is also perfect for forced feminization.



99,99 €

-20,00 €

79,99 €

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    Absolutely escape-proof! The NoPacha ® SISSY is a pink chastity belt for men that can not only be used for long-term chastity but is also perfect for forced feminization.


    Thanks to the integrated key lock, the NoPacha ® SISSY chastity belt for the submissive man is not bulky at all and can be worn discretely for months or years under trousers or under a skirt in the case of forced feminization.


    The chastity belt is made of a break-proof polymer and fits the male anatomy perfectly. It is absolutely escape-proof. A slit at the tip allows the wearer to urinate and ventilation openings ensure that air can circulate inside the locked chastity belt.


    Thanks to its design, the NoPacha® SISSY chastity belt is perfect for men who have to wear a chastity belt for a long period of time.


    Is sex possible with a chastity belt?


    No! The NoPacha ® chastity belt is designed to keep the man absolutely chaste. As a rule, he wears the chastity belt throughout the day and gives the key to his partner, making him or her the key holder. Small openings in the chastity belt make necessary, everyday functions possible. But if he becomes excited and gets an erection, his penis will hit the walls of the cage. The feeling will quickly suppress any arousal and he will no longer think about sex. Or maybe he will? Because that is exactly what the game of being controlled by a partner is all about.


    Further details:


    • Discrete pink chastity belt for men
    • Material: plastic (chastity belt), brass (lock)
    • With spacers, an integrated lock and two keys as well as four different sized penis rings
    • Dimensions: rings approx. 36 m, 40 mm, 45 mm and 50 mm in diameter (1.4-inch, 1.6-inch, 1.8-inch and 2 inches.
    • Cage approx. 95 mm = 3.7 inches long, cage diameter inside approx. 32 mm = 1.3-inch.
    • NoPacha™ is a registered trademark of MEO ®
    • For our chastity belts, we recommend our CUMELOT product for occasional forced ejaculation and our PLOWBOY caring gel.

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    No Pacha Sissy

    Omg. Das erste Mal das ich ein Produkt von NoPacha gekauft habe und dann gleich so eine Vollandung.
    Auch hier, Lieferung zuverlässig und fix.
    Als ich ich ihn angelegt habe, bekam ich fast einen kleinen Schreck. Ich will nie wieder raus? Nie wieder Orgasmus? Ich glaubte zuvor nicht das dieser Weg tatsächlich möglich ist.
    Pink verschlossen und so glücklich. Brauche ich jetzt noch jemals ein anderes Model?

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    parfaite !

    super cage très confortable et très discrète qui peut se porter longtemps .

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Passt sehr gut

    Anfangs hatte hatte ich probleme mit den Ringgrößen. Nur der größte Ring passte aber der käfig saß von anfang an schön stramm und ließ keine Erregung zu. mittlerweile bin ich bei der mittleren (von 5 verschiedenen größen) und kann den kg über mehrere tage gut tragen. klare empfehlung, vor allem auch in der Farbe. Meine Herrin liebt den Anblick des rosanen KG an mir auch...:-)

    • 6 out of 7 people found this review useful.

    Sissy Kg.

    Der beste den ich je hatte,zwickt absolut nichts und wird jetzt 365/7/24 getragen laut meiner Herrin.
    vielleicht eine um 2cm kleinere Version produzieren dann sind alle die zur Sissy werden wollen überglücklich.
    Passt perfekt.

    • 6 out of 7 people found this review useful.

    Sissy Kg.

    Der beste den ich je hatte,zwickt absolut nichts und wird jetzt 365/7/24 getragen laut meiner Herrin.
    vielleicht eine um 2cm kleinere Version produzieren dann sind alle die zur Sissy werden wollen überglücklich.
    Passt perfekt.

    • 1 out of 3 people found this review useful.

    Excellent Quality!

    A fine piece of engineering. At this point i'll make the observation that this device is smaller than I expected. I would say I'm distinctly average in the size department but this device was quite a struggle to fit correctly, though I'm sure it will become easier with practice (obviously I'm not using it for long-term chastity otherwise I'd only have to do it the once!) That being said, once it is fitted, it's probably the most comfortable device I've worn, the ring forms nicely to the body and the cage, once fitted, is very snug but allows free movement and, due to the unique locking mechanism, very secure. Of course the colour has a certain significance and looks beautiful. In conclusion, a very comfortable (when not too excited) and capable device, highly recommended.

    • 5 out of 5 people found this review useful.

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    Chastity belt for men: NoPacha SISSY Forced Feminization

    Chastity belt for men: NoPacha SISSY Forced Feminization

    Absolutely escape-proof! The NoPacha ® SISSY is a pink chastity belt for men that can not only be used for long-term chastity but is also perfect for forced feminization.

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