If you're looking for a way to combine pleasure and pain at the absolute highest level, look no further than the incredible Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps from MEO®. These top-quality stainless steel nipple clamps have been specially designed for some seriously intense nipple stimulation. With their precise mechanism, they ensure a secure and firm hold on the nipples, while the robust connecting chain opens up a wide range of possibilities – for example, adding weights for an even more intense experience.
Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps - Precise, intense and merciless!
The Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps from MEO® offer the perfect combination of pleasure and pain. These specially designed nipple clamps provide intense nipple stimulation. The precision crafted stainless steel nipple clamps ensure a firm grip on the nipple, while the sturdy connecting chain allows weights to be attached.
Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps are a popular BDSM accessory!
Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps are a popular BDSM accessory designed for intense nipple stimulation. They feature a unique design, reminiscent of a gripping claw, which applies extremely intense and precise pressure to the nipples. Made from high quality materials, they are durable and aesthetically pleasing. Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps are particularly popular with BDSM enthusiasts looking for a more intense experience as they can apply more pressure than conventional nipple clamps.
Why are Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps so popular?
Perfect for BDSM & hardcore nipple stimulation:
The Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps are specially designed for lovers of intense nipple stimulation. Their ingenious design ensures a firm grip without slipping off the nipple. Unlike conventional nipple clamps, the Clinging Claws use a spring mechanism to apply even, strong pressure, perfect for those painful moments of pleasure. These BDSM nipple clamps are ideal for our more experienced clients who are looking for more intense stimulation.
Our opinion of the Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps:
If you are into extreme nipple stimulation you will love the Clinging Claws Nipple Clamps. They are precision made, extremely strong and perfect for sadomasochistic practice. The ability to attach additional weights to the connecting chain makes them a versatile BDSM accessory for those who like to build up the pain slowly.
Whether you're playing solo or with a partner, these nipple clamps are not for the faint of heart!
Further details:
Hardcore TT
Dem Wunsch nach lustvoller Pein entsprechen die MEO Tittenklemmen so gut wie kaum ein anderes Paar Klemmen. Sie sind echtes heavy metal für all jene, die es besonders hart mögen und pieksen besonders gemein durch die vier kleinen Haken, die sich unnachgiebig an Brustwarzen, Schamlippen, Hoden und vielen anderen Teilen der menschlichen Anatomie festkrallen.
Schöner Schmerz aber nicht dosierbar.
Erzeugt extreme, sehr geile Gefühle. Schöner Schmerz und zwar nicht dosierbar.
Der große Nachteil ist, daß die Clinging Claws nur für Männernippel geeignet sind
Tut höllisch weh - gut !
Wenn man ein Faible für SM hat, kommt man aber so was von auf seine Kosten. Da sie EXTREM FESTE ZUBEISSEN, können sie auch an anderen empfindlichen Stellen eingesetzt werden.
Wow, these things are INTENSE!!!
They could use these little guys to obtain secrets from a spy!! Not for the light hearted. These little f*&ers feel like they are about to pierce and macerate any body part that they come into. Certain to make all but the most resilient of boys beg for mercy.
Wicked !
Wicked! Evil! That was the most diabolical pain ever inflicted on my tits. I promise NEVER to disobey my master again. Truly evil!
Diabolical...demonic...but oh, so much fun
Intense barely scratches the surface. Diabolical...demonic...but oh, so much fun. Watch your boy pullaway as the the 5 metal talons reqch out to grab his nipples. Watch the look of shock on his face as you release the spring and they clamp down on those tits. They don't leave a mark...but they certainly do leave an impression!
Definitiv nicht für Anfänger aber sehr geil
Die Japanischen Clover Clamps von MEO waren bisher meine Favoriten.
Diese hier sind recht teuer dagegen, funktionieren aber extrem gut.
Sie können richtig feste zubeissen, auch ohne Zug daran wie bei den japanischen Nippelklemmen.
Für die extreme Lust
Die Klammern greifen sofort zu und lassen sich nicht justieren. Als würde jemand feste in deine Brustwarzen beißen. Ich finde es geil. Sie tun so richtig schön weh
Clinging Claws Nippelklemmen
Feine und besonders präzise gefertigte Brust-"Klammern" aus Federstahl. Durch Druck auf den Stift gibt dieser die Federstahl-"Klammern" frei. Auf die Brustwarze aufsetzen und loslassen - die Federstahl-"Klammern" greifen fest zu! Solltest Du die Zugkraft verstärken wollen, kannst Du in die beiden Ringe an den Stiften oder an die Verbindungskette zusätzliches Gewicht anhängen.
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