Discover the ultimate must-have for your BDSM sex toy collection! The nipple clamps from MEO, the leading BDSM store, are not only extremely powerful, but also very easy to use. Equipped with a connecting chain, they provide extra weight so that you or your partner can feel the nipple clamps even more intensely on your aroused nipples.
Discover the ultimate must-have for your BDSM sex toy collection! The nipple clamps from MEO, the leading BDSM store, are not only extremely powerful, but also very easy to use. Equipped with a connecting chain, they provide extra weight so that you or your partner can feel the nipple clamps even more intensely on your aroused nipples.
The design of our metal nipple clamps is based on classic clothespins, and their functionality makes them exceptionally stimulating. Not only do they look sexy and provocative, they also provide a breathtaking BDSM experience when attached to the nipples or other sensitive areas such as the penis or scrotum. Together with your partner or even alone, these nipple clamps can provide breathtaking pleasure.
Thrill your partner with the striking aesthetics of MEO's unique nipple clamps. With their superior grip, they sit firmly and securely on the nipples for the perfect combination of pleasure and sweet pain. The easy-to-use nipple clamps can be used quickly and efficiently during both sex and BDSM sessions. Attach weights to the chains to create extra pleasure and push your submissive partner to the limit. These stylish nipple clamps are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also provide that extra hard stimulation your partner has always craved.
But why are nipple clamps so incredibly sexy? The nipples are one of the most sensitive parts of the body, with thousands of nerve endings working together to provide maximum sensitivity. Whether you're a man or a woman, nipple stimulation is equally arousing for both sexes. Nipple clamps intensify the pain of pleasure in a way hardly thought possible and offer the lover of intense pleasure an extraordinary experience.
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Even a day after the tingling from light touches is amazing. I have tried different types of clamps before, but never with these results. They are small, which is good as I have very small nipples (even for a male) and they grip exceptionally.
Diese Teile sind definitiv der Hammer! Die haben ne verdammt starke Wirkung, aber sind super easy zu handhaben. Das Design erinnert an fette Wäscheklammern und sieht megageil aus. Ich kann die Klemmen an meinen Nippeln, am Schwanz oder am Sack anbringen und das gibt ’ne krasse Mischung aus Lust und Schmerz! Ob ich alleine abgehe oder mit meinem Partner, diese Nippelklemmen sind der Hammer. Und wenn ich richtig krass drauf bin, häng ich sogar Sneaks an die Kette!!!! Meine Nippel sind mega empfindlich und diese Nippelklemmen verstärken den Lustschmerz auf ne Weise, die ich niemals für möglich gehalten hätte! MEO hat hier echt hochwertige Teile rausgebracht, die nicht nur optisch geil aussehen, sondern auch für den Extra-Kick sorgen, den mein Freund aka mein TOP schon immer gesucht hat. Die Klemmen sind aus schwerem Metall und HOCHWERTIG. Aber Achtung, wegen der krassen Klemmkraft sind die eher was für erfahrene Jungs, die wie ich was intensives und HARTES brauchen
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