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Nipple Torture


Very Strong Nipple Clamp - Stimulation from soft to hard

Our nipple clamps have multiple locking positions that allow you to precisely control the intensity of stimulation. Whether you prefer a soft and gentle experience or a hard and intense one, this nipple clamps gives you full control and adapts to your desires.



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    Nipple Clamp - Stimulation from soft to hard

    Get ready to experience the most intense nipple stimulation with our incredible forged stainless steel nipple clamp! This outstanding nipple clamp is specially designed for the most powerful and precise nipple treatment you've ever felt. Thanks to its innovative design, it is not only perfect for nipples, but can also be used on other erogenous zones for a truly versatile BDSM experience!

    Finely Adjustable for Customized Stimulation

    Our nipple clamps have multiple locking positions that allow you to precisely control the intensity of stimulation. Whether you prefer a soft and gentle experience or a hard and intense one, this nipple clamps gives you full control and adapts to your desires.

    High Quality Material

    Constructed of high quality stainless steel, this nipple clasp is not only durable, but also easy to clean and hypoallergenic. The smooth, polished surface ensures a perfect fit, while the powerful mechanism provides powerful stimulation.

    For True Masochists Only

    This nipple clamp is not for the faint of heart - it is for true masochists who love the maximum stimulation that comes with pain. For those who love the extreme, this nipple clamps offers the opportunity to redefine the limits of pleasure.


    Whether you are looking for gentle stimulation or intense punishment, this nipple clamps is the perfect accessory for all BDSM enthusiasts. Its versatility allows it to be used on a wide variety of body parts to give you the kick you want.

    Additional Options for Extreme Stimulation

    Additional weights (item 1788) can be attached to the nipple clamps to increase the intensity of the stimulation. This option opens up new dimensions of punishment and pleasure by allowing you to increase the pressure on the nipples or other parts of the body. The Nipple Clamp can be combined with the BDSM Wax Play for a more intense experience. While the Nipple Clamp applies constant pressure to the nipples, the hot wax provides additional sensual stimulation. The combination of hot wax and the pressure of the nipple clamps intensifies the feeling of submission and makes every BDSM session an unforgettable experience. With MEO's high quality BDSM candles and weights, you can be sure to live out every detail of your fantasies.

    Further details:

    • Nipple Clamp - Stimulation from soft to hard
    • Content: 1 piece
    • Material: stainless steel
    • For optimal hygiene, we recommend cleaning the nipple clamp with our InstaClean spray before and after each use to keep it clean and ready for use.
    • MEO is world renowned for manufacturing high quality BDSM accessories and offers a wide range of nipple clamps to suit every taste. From gentle, adjustable nipple clamps to extreme nipple clamps for experienced masochists, MEO stands for excellent workmanship, durable materials, and a special attention to comfort and safety. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced BDSM enthusiast, MEO has the perfect nipple clamps for you.

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    Tolles Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis.

    Diese Klammer ist wirklich fies oder genau das Richtige für erfahrene Masochisten. Die massive Klammer hängt an der Brust und übt einen intensiven Druck auf die Brustwarzen aus. Die Federspannung zwickt ordentlich. Mit Zusatzgewichten beißen sich die Klammern noch tiefer in die Brustwarzen. Ein Herausziehen der Klemmen durch den Sub verursacht starke Schmerzen! Diese Klammern solltest Du Dir zulegen, wenn Du bereits Erfahrung mit Nipple Torture hast, die Klammern mit Bondage-Spielen kombinieren willst oder Gewichte an Deine Nippelklammern hängen möchtest. Diese Klammern gehören eindeutig zu den stärkeren. Sie halten schon ohne Gewichte sehr gut und mit angehängten Gewichten ist der Druck unglaublich stark. Meine Süße genießt sie auch für ihre Klit -autsch!

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Hat sich gelohnt

    Also ich muss wirklich sagen, dieser Kauf hat sich gelohnt. Diese Brustklemmen erfüllen absolut ihren Zweck. Durch die länglichen Druckpunkte wird der Druck optimal verteilt, so dass man sie auch längere Zeit gut tragen kann.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Klassiker aber sehr geil

    Die Klammern machen genau das, was sie sollen. Der Halt ist fest und sehr gut. Man kann auch Gewichte anbringen, dann halten sie noch besser.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Very uneven pressure

    I bought 2 of these and when they arrived I realized that when set at the same level, both clamps do not provide the same pressure as they are sent from different batches. There’s so much difference that you have to set them 2 to 3 levels apart to get about the same pressure which makes them difficult to be manipulated by another person.

    • 0 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Weiße Spiele go!

    Für die Weißen Spiele perfekt. Fiese Zange die sich stufenweise einrasten lässt in sehr guter Qualität.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Sehr gut

    Sehr gut ist das man den Druck an der Klemme einstellen kann! Alles in allem ein super Produkt.


      These are the best tit clamps ever.

      These are the best tit clamps ever. I like to get my tits ready for them with some suction, then the pressure these things deliver is truly beastly painful.

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

      Awesome product

      I love these clamps! I like to put them on upside down so gravity pulls them down, if I'm not applying weights to them. I also like to use them on the little flap of skin directly above the navel, very sensitive area and I don't see a lot of folks taking advantage of that.

      • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

      they are A+ #1 5-Star AWESOME!

      Holy crap, these things are awesome! I've been constantly hunting for the perfect way to impress my nipples and i think these are the final solution! These are the best toys I've ever purchased! Incredible value!

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      Ton of uses

      I love these forceps! My nipples are way too sensitive to use them when they're clicked shut, though. These are definitely not for the faint of heart of you want to latch them down all the way. I typically use a band to close them at a comfortable angle. My partner loves using them to spread my lips and move my tongue during exams. They have a ton of uses and never fail to get me all hot n bothered.

      • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

      Auch für andere Körperstellen

      Habe die Super Clamps für den Gebrauch an anderen Körperstellen gekauft. Sie greifen sehr gut, diie Qualität ist klasse.

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      Write a review

      Very Strong Nipple Clamp - Stimulation from soft to hard

      Very Strong Nipple Clamp - Stimulation from soft to hard

      Our nipple clamps have multiple locking positions that allow you to precisely control the intensity of stimulation. Whether you prefer a soft and gentle experience or a hard and intense one, this nipple clamps gives you full control and adapts to your desires.

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