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Sex Slings & Love Swings


Love Swing BDSM Multi Vario - max. 150 kg - 330 pounds

Always variety, always new positions during sex, always horny! MEO's free-hanging BDSM love swing creates the best conditions for reaching all hot spots and orifices without restriction. Haven't you always wanted to try and enjoy unusual sexual positions?



In Stock


    Always new, always different, always awesome! The free-hanging love swing from MEO® created the best conditions for reaching every orifice and point of pleasure without restriction.


    With the love swing from MEO®, new, unimagined dimensions of sexual lust and ecstasy open up to you! Have you always wanted to try out and enjoy unusual positions?


    What positions are there in a love swing?


    Innumerable positions and variations can be practised. Use your creativity and play around a little with the possibilities. Because a sex swing like this is never boring and often becomes addictive.


    The classic option is for the submissive partner to take a seat in the love swing and for the dominant partner to stand in front of it and get down to business. Of course, the whole thing also works from behind, orally or anally too. You can also try out Kama Sutra practices in such a love swing.


    Did you know that you can also use love swings alone?


    If your partner is not available, the love swing also helps with self-pleasuring. It gives you the feeling of floating, which encourages orgasm.


    Did you know that a love swing has many advantages?


    For example, if you have sex on a love swing only one thing touches you – your partner. It feels as if you are floating through the room and everything you feel is your partner. This has the effect of sensory deprivation and increases the intensity of the sensations and pleasure.


    The most important information in brief


    • The submissive partner lies absolutely comfortably, as the love swing with loops is padded and adjustable. A weightless and unusual sexual experience without any body parts becoming trapped, going to sleep or requiring acrobatic abilities.
    • Our love swing can enormously enrich you and your partner’s love lives. With it, you experience creative, weightless pleasure and can try out lots of things that would otherwise be impossible. Not to mention the option of being really deeply penetrated in every position.
    • You can use love swings in the classical way or incorporate them into BDSM, roleplay or foreplay. Your fantasies know no limits as long as the love swing is safely installed and easily accessible.
    • If you want to buy a love swing, you can’t go wrong with our one. As the name “multi vario” already says, a multitude of positions are possible. Your fantasies know no limits here.
    • Our love swing is a seat sling love swing made mainly of polyester and nylon. This love swing has well-padded straps so you can sit or lie very comfortably in the swing.
    • The loops can all be adjusted very easily, thus guaranteeing problem-free height adjustment.


    Held up by extra soft and wide straps, one or both partners can be swung to the highest spheres of erotic desire without physical exertion. HE or SHE can lie or sit in front of and on HIM. HE can lie or sit below or swing HIM/HER from outside – there are no limits to your sexual fantasies! Even riding a big, long dildo becomes a breath-taking pleasure with it.


    The easy adjustment of all of the loops and the back strap guarantee that they sit comfortably, even in the most daring positions. Complete with a special spring and usage instructions as well as position suggestions that provide a good insight into the enormous range of variations.


    How do I clean the love swing?


    We recommend thorough cleaning so your love swing stays in top condition for as long as possible. A disinfectant such as our VERYCLEAN spray is also recommended now and again. This should go without saying, especially in the case of changing partners.


    Further details:


    • Love swing with broad, adjustable straps
    • Complete with a special spring
    • Includes usage instructions and position suggestions
    • The best quality for over 25 years
    • Numerous position variants
    • Soft, wide straps
    • Enclosed steel chain
    • Maximum safety and quality
    • Can carry up to 150 kg = 330 pounds
    • 5 year guarantee
    • Made in Germany
    • The sling frame shown is not included in delivery but is available separately.

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    Qualität top

    Wer Qualität sucht wird hier fündig. Man bekommt durch die Liebesschaukel die Chance, seinem Lustgefühl einen neuen Kick zu verabreichen. Es ist ein ungewohntes, aber aufregend neues Gefühl, Man kann so viele Positionen ausprobieren. Kurzum kann man seiner Lust freien Lauf lassen und gemeinsam mit Spaß kreativ werden. Der Preis ist hinsichtlich des Designs, dem mitgelieferten Montagematerial und der Belastbarkeit wirklich in Ordnung. Da Lohnt es sich im Vergleich zu billigen Produkten mal etwas zu investieren. Jetzt wo ich die Schaukel getestet habe und weiß wie schön und bequem es im Hängen sein kann, möchte ich sie auch nicht mehr missen. Es war gerade die ersten Male ein spannendes und interessantes unterfangen. Also für alle die gerne etwas Neues ausprobieren möchten, ist das genau das richtige, denn beide Partner kommen ganz auf ihre Kosten.


      You won't believe what you can do with this swing!

      You won't believe what you can do with this swing! Enjoy totally new dimensions of play – the BDSM Swing makes countless positions possible. slighty adjustable straps. Comes with a special spring. Max. load 150 kg. User manual and tips for positions included.
      Made in Germany…

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      Made in Germany

      Very well made, strong harness, straps are sturdy, the hardware very easy to install

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      The MEO sex swing takes sex to the next level.

      The MEO sex swing takes sex to the next level. It's hard to explain how great it feels, it must be experienced. It's definitely a purchase you won't regret.

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      Macht Spass

      Zu empfehlen für jeden der etwas Neues ausprobieren möchte und dabei Wert legt auf Komfort und Qualität. Macht Spass

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

      Grenzenloses Vergnügen nicht nur bei BDSM

      Mit dieser BDSM Liebeschaukel sind der Fantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Habe damit ungeahnte Höhepunkte und unvergessliche Momente mit meinem Liebsten erlebt. Die Liebesschaukel besteht aus breiten, verstellbaren Gurten und besitzt eine Belastbarkeit von bis zu 150kg. Zur richtigen Montage wird dir natürlich eine Gebrauchsanleitung mitgeliefert, welche zusätzlich zur Verpackung einige interessante Stellungsvorschläge besitzt. Lass dich inspirieren oder lass deiner Fantasie beim Bondage freien Lauf. Einer erotischen, abenteuerlichen Nacht steht dir und deinem Liebesten mit dieser tollem Liebesschaukel nichts mehr im Wege.

      • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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      Love Swing BDSM Multi Vario - max. 150 kg - 330 pounds

      Love Swing BDSM Multi Vario - max. 150 kg - 330 pounds

      Always variety, always new positions during sex, always horny! MEO's free-hanging BDSM love swing creates the best conditions for reaching all hot spots and orifices without restriction. Haven't you always wanted to try and enjoy unusual sexual positions?

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