Our Slube Body Lube "Pure" is absolutely fantastic and also free of colorants and fragrances. If you're new to the world of Slube, the clear Slube is the ideal introduction to this slippery, sensual adventure! With Slube, the super slick body lube, solo sex or sex with your partner in the bath becomes an incredible experience.
Our Slube Body Lube "Pure" is absolutely fantastic and also free of colorants and fragrances. If you're new to the world of Slube, the clear Slube is the ideal introduction to this slippery, sensual adventure! With Slube, the super slick body lube, solo sex or sex with your partner in the bath becomes an incredible experience. What's so special about Slube? Slube transforms into an extremely thick, full-body lubricant upon contact with water, providing unique sensations.
The cleanest way to get dirty is the slogan of Slube!
Discover a new world of sensual pleasure with Slube, the revolutionary body lube that is much more than an ordinary lubricant or bath additive. Slube has already won several international awards and brings a breath of fresh air to your sex life.
Lubricant was yesterday: dive into the sensual world of Slube!
Discover different sensual scents and colors, including bright yellow, passionate red and seductive black. With Slube, you can enjoy yourself alone, with one or more partners, and lose yourself in an erotically charged sea of incredible closeness and intimacy. You'll love the feeling of being tightly embraced by Slube.
Watch our videos and let this unique product convince you!
Slube is a unique lubricant for the bath! Choose your very own Slube from our cocktail editions and immerse yourself in a world full of scents and colors. Or try our pure version "Pure" for a unique sensual experience. For those looking for that extra kick, the hardcore "Black Leather" version is just what you need!
Whether you use Slube as a seductive massage gel, a relaxing bath, an exciting extra during sex or an orgy, Slube opens new doors to intimacy and pleasure.
Slube is very easy to use:
For the perfect blend, simply fill the tub with warm water, sprinkle Slube crystals into the water, and watch as a silky-smooth, slippery substance forms. Dilute Slube with more water to get the perfect consistency and thickness for you. So simple, yet so sexy! When the fun is over, pull the bath plug and simply drain the tub.
By the way, Slube is allergy friendly and condom safe. It also nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and seductive. Each pack contains enough Slube crystals for several applications. Slube is manufactured to the highest European standards and is dermatologically tested. It is non-toxic and harmless to the body. The special formula not only makes the skin feel comfortable, but also cares for the skin like a normal full bath.
So what are you waiting for? Discover Slube and make your next bath an unforgettable experience!
Further details:
Bucurati-va de o explozie de parfum si culoare cu Cocktail Editions, bucurati-va de o piscina cu un lubrifiant de lux. Slube este un gel care vine sub forma de cristale. Cand se adauga in apa calda, cristalele se despart, formand un lubrifiant corporal incredibil de neted si senzual. Puteti folosi Slube pentru orice, de la o experienta relaxanta in cada, pana la masaje senzuale! Slube acopera complet pielea, reducand nevoia de reaplicare si reducand frecarea dintre dumneavoasta si partener. Lasa pielea moale si revigoranta. Slube retine, de asemenea, caldura in apa, astfel vei avea mai mult timp pentru a te juca si nu este nevoie sa umpli in continuare cu apa calda. Folosirea cristalelor in cada Folosirea Slube este usoara! Umpleti cada, conform instructiunilor incluse, adaugati cristalele in apa si urmariti cum incepe gelul sa se formeze. Dupa ce ati terminat joaca, adaugati mai multa apa pentru a o dilua, apoi scoateti capacul de la cada. Folosirea cristalelor in alte moduri Va sugeram sa adaugati cateva linguri la apa calda intr-o sticla din plastic impreuna cu cristalele. Apoi, agitati pur si simplu sticla si in cateva minute, lubrifiantul pentru corp parfumat si colorat este gata pentru a fi aplicat! De asemenea, il puteti amesteca intr-un recipient, de exemplu, daca il utilizati pentru masaj. Din nou, cateva linguri de apa calda ar trebui sa fie suficiente. Vrei o joaca alunecoasa intr-o piscina? Se amesteca intr-o galeata si se toarna! Vrei o consistenta mai groasa? Doar adauga mai multe cristale! Ai nevoie sa fie mai subtire? Adauga mai multa apa! Este minunat sa experimentezi cu Slube si sa obtii exact ce doresti.
S'Lube est un lubrifiant révolutionnaire !
S'Lube est un lubrifiant révolutionnaire !
Sous forme de cristaux, ce lubrifiant se dilue dans de l'eau chaude.
Ultra simple, vous pouvez ainsi choisir la quantité de lubirifant souhaitée mais également sa texture.
Un peu épais ? Rajoutez un peu d'eau. Un peu trop fluide ? Quelques cristaux et le tour est joué.
Que ce soit pour du massage, pour de la pénétration ou simplement pour des jeux de corps à corps, sa texture glissante et hypoallergénique est idéale.
Sans goût ni odeur, ce lubrifiant convient pour toutes les utilisations et tous les corps.
Lorsqu'il est mélangé à de l'eau chaude, le S'Lube ne refroidit pas immédiatement.
Vous pouvez alors profiter de ses caresses chaudes pendant de longs instants.
A vous de choisir le contenant qui convient à votre utilisation; pour un massage, utilisez un bol dans lequel vous pourrez piocher.
Pour une utilisation de lubrifiant classique, une bouteille sera parfaite et idéale à re-remplir au besoin.
Et les plus audacieux pourront remplir une baignoire !
Le paquet de 250ml convient pour une baignoire pleine, ou pour de multiples doses de différents mixes.
A vous de trouver votre formule !
Sehr geile Geschichte
Je nachdem wie man es konzentriert, kann man eine Sehr glitschige, Sehr schleimige Konsistenz oder eine richtig stabile Form (das man sich fast nicht bewegen kann sondern ausgeliefert ist in diesem Schleim) erzielen. Ich bin hellauf begeistert. Gerade mit warmen Wasser ist das SLUBE sooooo unglaublich geil.
Makes a great change!
SLUBE is easy and quick to mix, very slippery and great fun. Fantastic for a bit of a different sexy experience. Makes a great change!
Gleitgel Badewanne
Auf der Verpackung stand oft, dass man aufpassen muss nicht auszurutschen und ja, da sollte man wirklich etwas aufpassen. Als kleiner Tipp: Legt euch ein sauberes Handtuch an den Badewanenrand.
Das Wasser wurde wirklich, dick und glitschig, wie der Kinder Slime und es war so intensiv sich damit anzufassen. Auch härterer Analsex war ohne weiteres möglich. Allein Massieren war schon ein Erlebnis.
Sauber machen danach war auch nicht aufwendiger, als bei einem anderen Badezusatz.
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