The Slim Sin Penis Plug is the ideal product for beginners, much like a junior version of our popular Little Fucker Penis Plug. Its special slim design makes insertion especially easy and provides for intense sensation. This penis plug is great for beginners and experienced cock stuffing fans. Our Slim Sin penis plug is completely hollow, allowing the wearer to both urinate and ejaculate.
The Slim Sin penis plug is the ideal product for beginners, much like a junior version of our popular Little Fucker.
Its special slim design makes insertion especially easy and provides for intense sensation. This penis plug is great for beginners and experienced cock stuffing fans.
Our Slim Sin cock plug is completely hollow, allowing the wearer to both urinate and ejaculate without removing the plug.
Cum Thru Plug Total length 50 mm = 2“
Diameter 4 mm to 6 mm max. (1/7 – 1/4“)
Manufactured from medical-grade stainless steel.
We recommend using this head plug with our VERYDEEP lubricant gel, a special lubricant for prince's swords, cock stuffers and penis plugs.
Geiler Klassiker
Das war mein erster Penisplug und ich habe immer noch viel Freude an ihm. Er eignet sich besonders gut zum Trainieren und für erste Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet. Sitzt sicher und macht viel Spaß!
zu klein
Ich habe zum ersten Mal einen Penis Plug o.ä. ausprobiert. Leider rutscht diese Variante sehr schnell und leicht heraus, so dass er nicht wirklich viel Spaß bereitet.
Very small diameter.
I consider myself to be relatively modestly endowed, if you see what I mean... and I have never tried to stretch my urethra, or been able to insert any of the more common sized plugs on this site... but this barely touches the sides! It's very nice quality so if you're unsure, uncomfortable with the size of some of the other plugs or just want to start easy, give this a go... I'm betting tho, that you'll want a bigger one quite quickly.
Grosser Genuss mit Erguss
Dieser Penisplug verschafft intensive Momente. Der konisch geformte Schaft wird in die Harnröhre eingeführt, dehnt sie dabei effektvoll und intensiviert das Gefühl beim Höhepunkt. Der Plug ist innen hohl und sorgt dadurch für eine ungehemmte Ejakulation. Mit dem praktischen Ring lässt sich der Plug einfach entfernen. Genuss nur mit Gleitmittel.
ideal beginners plug
With lots of lube it is an ideal beginners plug & very easy to insert slowly & with care
Starter plug
This was my first plug and it was wonderful. Made nice and the ring is great. The only thing that would have bumped it up if the weight factor was a bit more balanced. It is top heavy from the ring side and slides out. As a starter it is very nice and smooth. The hollow factor makes it a great all day wear. Enjoy this toy.
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