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Steel Sex Toys


DeLuxe Pleasure Wand made of Stainless Steel

This curved stainless steel dildo penetrates at just the right angle to stimulate the prostate or G-spot. Enjoy this beautiful dildo anal or vaginal and massage your pleasure point gently or more challengingly by moving the toy back and forth; this is completely intuitive thanks to the functional design of the dildo.



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    With the curved dildo made of hygienic stainless steel, it penetrates at exactly the right angle to stimulate the prostate or G-spot in a targeted manner. Enjoy this astonishingly beautiful dildo anally or vaginally and massage your point of pleasure gently or more challengingly by moving the toy back and forth; this happens completely intuitively thanks to the functional design of the dildo.


    How do I use the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand?


    The DeLuxe Pleasure Wand slides almost unnoticed into just the right place, your point of pleasure, and stimulates it with its thick head! It really is like magic! The DeLuxe Pleasure Wand finds the prostate or the G-spot almost by itself. This is helped not only by its anatomical design but also the weight of the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand. Because it is comparatively heavy, the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand slides to where it needs to go almost by itself once you have inserted the ball-shaped head. This alone is an awesome sensation! Starting from here, your personal voyage of discovery can begin. The heavy weight intensifies the stimulation as small back and forth or in and out movements are enough to exert considerable pressure on the prostate or G-spot.


    With some EZ2FUCK, AQUAMEO or FUCKSLUT lube, the stainless steel stimulator can be easily inserted and cleaned quickly and hygienically after use with warm water and our INSTACLEAN toy cleaner.


    What is so special about the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand?


    You just have to love the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand from MEO® because this elegant sex toy knows how to please, and not just visually. The stainless steel stimulator surprises in particular with its imposing size and fantastic functionality. Made entirely of stainless steel, the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand is a wonderfully solid sex toy, and its smooth, seamless surface makes it a pleasure to insert, enticing imaginative anal sex.


    Excitingly cooled or thrillingly heated up, this luxurious sex toy can push into the deepest regions and create orgasmic feelings there. Inserted anally, the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand opens the sphincter, penetrates it and massages it. Positioned correctly, a male prostate massage known as "milking" is possible.


    The two different-sized rounded ends of the DeLuxe Pleasure Wand and its curved shape promise varied pleasure, regardless of whether you want to enjoy this fine dildo vaginally, anally or to milk your prostate.


    Further details:


    • DeLuxe Pleasure Wand
    • Total length: 21,5 cm = 8.5 inches
    • Diameter: 2.0 - 4.0 cm = 0.8-inch to 1.6-inch
    • Weight approx. 600 grams = 1.3 pounds
    • Material: Stainless steel

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    edel, gut aussehend und funktional effektiv

    Ich bevorzuge schwergewichtige metallische Plugs, deren Anwesenheit man(n) oder auch Frau über die längere Tragezeit nicht "vergisst". Diese äußerst interessante, neuartige Form dieses schwergewichtigen Dildos begeistert natürlich sehr durch ihre Anwendungsoptionen. Die Maße des Freudenspenders sind selbst für den männlichen Anfänger mit etwas Mut sehr gut und heißen Empfindungen zu bewältigen. Das Abmelken ist sehr intensiv möglich.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

    Ich bin so unglaublich glücklich darüber

    Ich habe die DeLuxe Pleasure Wand seit drei Tagen. Seitdem habe ich ihn drei mal ausprobiert. Ich bin JEDES MAL anal gekommen, obwohl ich bisher in meinem ganzen Leben noch keine analen Orgasmen hatte. Mittlerweile habe ich es gar nicht mehr für möglich gehalten und mich eigentlich damit abgefunden. Ich bin so unglaublich glücklich darüber!!! Probier diesen edlen Dildo! Er übertrifft alles, was du bisher über dich und deinen Körper glaubtest zu wissen.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

    Oh you’re going to enjoy this!

    So I am a male, using this for prostate massages. And I have tried some of the cheaper alternatives, like the glass double ended curved dildos, and S shaped glass dildos. But let me tell you, I should have saved my money, because this is exactly what I needed. The problem with the other ones was that they didn’t have the correct curvature to reach my P-Spot, or if being used on a female, the G-Spot. This is not being used for partner play, but rather self pleasure, and the curve on this wand will help you apply pressure and massage EXACTLY where you need it. The other dildos made me have to arch my hands and wrists in very weird positions, which I often couldn’t stay in for very long, or thought about it to much to where I couldn’t enjoy the rubbing. This however has the weight and curve to make it much easier and make me more focused on the pleasure. It is a bit hefty, especially on the thicker end, but that actaully makes for a great handle if you’re using the smaller end inside you. It isn’t tiresome at all to me. The steel also allows for a easy to clean, very temperature adapting surface, that is extremely slick and doesn’t require a lot of lube. Highly highly recommended. Please don’t do what i did and try others, just to be disappointed, buy the wand everyone is talking about, there’s a reason for it!

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Magnifique, efficace, mais très lourd !

    Esthétiquement, il est superbe, parfaitement fini. Fonctionnellement, il est précis, agréable, doux... mais très lourd, ce qui le rend "fatiguant" à utiliser, et délicat car chaque geste un peu brusque ou incontrôlé peut faire mal. Le poids est donc autant un atout qu'un défaut sur cet objet, au contraire de sa forme à laquelle on ne peut rien reprocher ! Dans cette gamme de prix, il est difficile de dire s'il est plus intéressant que les vibros "spécial point G" des concurrents. A acheter en étant certain que le côté "non vibrant" + "inox" + "poids" sera apprécié !

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    I wish there was more than 5 stars.. LIFE CHANGING

    My husband has wanted me to squirt for him, but thousands, and I do mean thousands, of dollars later, he stumbled upon this little weighted piece of heaven. I have tried so many things, so many ways, building for hours, all in the hopes of reaching that unheard of female ejaculation that he has craved for so long. Now, I will admit, he has made me 'gush' with his fingers, but nothing like what he wanted..and I had lost all hope in toys and started to think that it just wasn't possible for me to do. I recieved my wand in the mail at about 1pm. I drank some water, prepped my area (even tho I knew I probably wouldn't squirt, just like with all the other toys and tools), emptied my bladder, and dismissed myself to our room..
    I got started with finding what felt like the right spot, idk where my g-spot is btw, but this wonderful tool pops in and is like, "Oah, hi! In case you didn't know, this spot right here makes you cum uncontrollably!" And then it never leaves that spot! It took me literally 3 minutes before I was shouting my husband's name to get him to rush into the room because I was SQUIRTING, (no gush, no little bit of cum) but squirting long off the edge of the bed. And not once, or twice a minute.. but (and I am being 100% literal) every 3 SECONDS a torrent of cum was shooting out of me.. like I said, I opened the wand at 1pm, started using it at maybe 1:20ish, showed my husband what was happening, took a break to rehydrate just before 2pm, he told me to go ahead and write a review during my little break, it's now 2:16, and we are going to be in the room the rest of the afternoon.. my review? I'm a skeptic, toys never work like they say they will.. I went in almost knowing that even with all the hype, this wand wouldn't help me, just like all the other.. THIS ONE tool however, I would give anything to have found it years ago.. I'm glad it doesn't ruin with wear bc using it as much as we will today alone, would break any other garbage toy. Thank you MEO.. you have turned me into a believer again and have allowed me to finally fulfill my husband's carnal needs.

    • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.


    Das Design ist absolut ein Traum. Er könnte auch in einer Design-Galerie stehen, man würde ihn nicht als Dildo erkennen.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Volle 5/5 Sterne. Lieferung 1a!

    Es braucht sicherlich etwas Übung, um den P-Punkt zu stimulieren - es braucht Zeit und Geschick, um ihn zu finden - aber da das Toy perfekt für ihn geformt ist, kann man die totale Stimulation genießen. Auf jeden Fall sollte man verschiedene Stellungen in Betracht ziehen, wie z.B. Doggy auf dem Bett oder im Sitzen. Dann gibt es da noch die Technik, wie man das Spielzeug anwinkelt und ob man es kreisen oder stoßen lässt.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Best ever sextoy

    It is huge, be careful and get trained to it. I love to play with the small and bigger end. For anal play I meanwhile can input it completely which is great fun. No issue for me for a total insert, as of the heavy weight it will easily come out.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Edles Sexspielzeug

    Erst wenn man es in der Hand hält bemerkt man was das für ein riesiges und massives Teil ist. Das DeLuxe Pleasure Wand liegt gut in der Hand und kann mann tolle erotische Spiele damit ausleben. Der Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Ich kann das DeLuxe Pleasure Wand zu 100% weiter empfehlen und ist ein unbedingtes muss für Besitzer von edlem Sexspielzeug.

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

    Dimensioni generose ma orgasmi assicurati!!

    Dimensioni generose ma orgasmi assicurati!!

    • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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    DeLuxe Pleasure Wand made of Stainless Steel

    DeLuxe Pleasure Wand made of Stainless Steel

    This curved stainless steel dildo penetrates at just the right angle to stimulate the prostate or G-spot. Enjoy this beautiful dildo anal or vaginal and massage your pleasure point gently or more challengingly by moving the toy back and forth; this is completely intuitive thanks to the functional design of the dildo.

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