Here is the Tenga Spinner Shell, for those of us who like a TIGHT fuckhole. Tenga Spinner wraps around your shaft, teases it with tight inner ribs, and sucks with perfect pressure.
The Tenga - Spinner Masturbator Shell guarantees an extreme orgasm and replaces "good old manual labour" when you jerk off.
Enjoy the incredibly intense feeling of a perfect blow job with the Tenga Spinner Shell and a surprising inner life: on the one hand, the realistically tight fuck hole feels extremely life-like; on the other hand, it surpasses even nature itself thanks to its special internal structure with the fan-shaped studs - and of course with the "special effect" of turning itself as soon as you insert your cock and move the Tenga Masturbator up and down. Enjoy the breathtaking experience with every thrust!
The Tenga Spinner Masturbator is made of body-friendly elastomer and comes with its own lubricating gel. It is approx. 13 cm long and very stretchy, fits well and securely in the hand and is easy to clean with MEO®'s VERY CLEAN hygiene spray.
Further details:
Best stroker I ever bought
Best stroker I ever bought Simply amazing
Great feel
Great feel, the twist is a step above others for sure. Container allows for draining water into a separate, easily emptied container. Recommended.
Con una adeguata lubrificazione è molto stimolante e l'effetto della spirale si fa sentire. Nelle fasi un pò concitate forse si sente la mancanza di un involucro esterno rigido che guidi i movimenti (vedi Flashlight), ma questo andrebbe a discapito della leggerezza che è uno dei suoi punti di forza. Ottimo materiale e custodia discreta, da tenere sempre a portata di mano.
Giochino che ho acquistato per giocare sul pirillo del mio boy... facile e godurioso utilizzo e facile la pulizia, adoro!
Je suis fan !
Texture parfaite, sensations intenses, bonne prise en main. Je suis fan !
Tenga Spinner
Some like it TIGHT n RIGHT.
New FIRM n TWISTED jack toy.
Feels like a wet, extraterrestrial hole.
Twists around your dick with every stroke.
Creates the perfect suction for milking.
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