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CoolStuff , le paradis du sextoy ! On est la boutique en ligne ultime pour tout ce qui tourne autour du sexe et qui sort de l'ordinaire. Des idées à offrir ou à garder pour soi !
I regulary make video on youtube and Instagram (Msieurjeremy) to preventing . I have receive it to make a pop's videos and it's very good quality metal . The only things it's i found the 2 tubes, maybe too tight / thin , but it's easy to use, and more safe .
A stunning collar to complement my magnetic personality
I love the cold feel of steel when it's against my skin and this one delivers that feeling well. It's also quite substantial and so you really know it's there, its weight and hardness are a constant reminder of its presence and that is one of the things that I really like about it.
This is my second metal collar and it is now my favourite. It looks incredible and makes me feel so submissive. I love its snug fit and the look of it around my neck. Its two magnets hold it securely closed and it really does get some nice admiring looks when people see me wearing it. If you are looking for a metal collar that is almost a fashion statement then this is definitely one to consider.
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My first experience with this sort of toy, and its really good. No problems getting it on while erect with a bit of lube, the ball popped in really easily. For me it makes cumming with it in very difficult, its presence makes wanking hard, and the gf loves teasing me with it in. After an hour of play it comes out for a really fantastic orgasm
I love it - it's an amazing product, my pink hole is now perfect porcelain, I just want to show it off to everyone! And my next day delivery arrived as promised.
Cock-To-Cock Penis Plug mit einem Typen ausprobiert
Ich bin ein Freund von Watersport-Aktivitäten, Cum-Spielen und ähnlichen. Jetzt hatte ich endlich die Gelegenheit den Cock-To-Cock Penis Plug mit einem anderen Typen auszuprobieren. Danke der Firma Grindr für die freundliche Unterstützung LOL Das war das Intimste und Geilste was ich je gemacht habe.. Das Gefühl wenn jemand in Dir kommt ist sensationell .... Mehr kann ich echt nicht schreiben, sonst bekomme ich gleich wieder einen Ständer.
Diese Fußfesseln sind genial von der Qualität und einfach zu verstellen. Sind SEHR GUT verarbeitet und erfüllen Ihren Zweck. Eine Kaufempfehlung meinerseits ist gegeben.