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Les explications d'utilisation ne sont pas inutiles, pour être sûr que les poils disparaissent bien! dommage que ce soit écrit si petit!! Mais le produit est efficace et simple d'utilisation.
It certainly made solo stroking much more enjoyable
Much like their hybrid lube, Stroke arrives in a simple black pump top container. However, Stroke is a far nice name to have plastered on the side of the bottle. Although you still can’t hide what it is! Stroke appears to be a Hybrid lube as well, containing a mix of both water and silicone, however Stroke contains Dimethicone, which their standard hybrid lube does not contain. From what i’ve discovered from the google machine is that Dimethicone is an FDA approved safe silicone that is added to lubricants to keep them feeling ‘soft and silky’ (source). If anyone wants to confirm, that would be great!
But going back to what I know, Stroke does indeed have a consistency similar to the hybrid lubricant. I would say that Stroke has a slightly paler colour, and looks more ‘gel’ like than cream. It’s fairly odourless and tasteless, and the pump bottle is easy to use, even when hands are slightly slippery.
So how does it actually fair as a masturbation lubricant? Well, I have to say amazingly well. The difference between the hybrid lube and the stroke lube becomes more apparent as you use it. When you initially dispense the Stroke lube, I was unsure whether this was going to become slippery enough, as it’s incredibly thick. But as you begin to work it up and down, it becomes far looser and slipperier and warms up pretty quick.
It keeps it’s slick consistency pretty much throughout the whole of my session, and I certainly did not feel the need to reapply. My other half agrees; the first handjob I gave him with Stroke ended extremely well, and at no point did he feel it had become sticky. It was after this that I was able to see the real difference between the 2 lubricants.
Stroke says extremely soft, slippery and very silky but goes ‘dry’. Not really sure how to explain it – the normal hybrid lube keeps a ‘wet’ feel even as it starts to dry out. Here, the lube does dry out, but I found that I was still able to glide with ease, without any chafing. This would make it definitely not suitable to use as a substitute for regular lube during intercourse or with toys. But it certainly made solo stroking much more enjoyable. My hands (and my penis) felt incredibly soft and smooth after use as well; so that’s always a bonus.
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Also, nach einer richtig intensiven Spanking-Session, wo die Pobacken ganz schön was aushalten müssen, ist eine pflegende Creme wie die von MEO echt ein Segen. Stell dir vor, deine Haut ist nach dem ganzen Spaß ziemlich gereizt und vielleicht sogar ein bisschen wund. Eine gute Creme beruhigt dann die Haut, spendet Feuchtigkeit und unterstützt die Regeneration. Das fühlt sich nicht nur super an, sondern hilft auch, die Haut zu pflegen und geschmeidig zu halten. Also, ich sag's dir, nach einer Session greife ich immer zur Creme von MEO – das macht den ganzen Unterschied. Es ist wie eine kleine Belohnung für die Haut und sorgt dafür, dass ich schnell wieder bereit für die nächste Bestrafung bin!
Ein sehr gutes Massage gel welches uns in allen Punkten zufriedengestellt hat. + Durch den Pumpspender gibt es keine Schmierigen behaeltnisse + Es riecht sehr angenehm nach Vanillie + Uns hat auch der Geschmack vollkommen ueberzeugt. Das ist aber wohl geschmackssache ;) + Die waermende Wirkung ist auch sehr angenehm + Sehr ergiebig, reicht fuer viele Anwendungen.
Fazit: Sowohl der Geschmack als auch die Massage Eigenschaften sind top. Ist also sehr gut fuer Massagen und Vorspiel geeignet. Wir werden es uns definitv wieder kaufen.
A True Game-Changer - My Deep Throat Spray from MEO!
I must share my enthusiasm for MEO's Deep Throat Spray. This product is like a game changer and has far exceeded my expectations. From the first time I used it, I was amazed at its effectiveness. It has taken my deep throat skills to a whole new level. The spray allows me to orally pleasure my partner in a more intense and prolonged manner without the discomfort or gag reflex. It's truly incredible how this little bottle has positively changed my sexual experience. Another great aspect is the convenient size of the spray, which makes it perfect for on the go. Whether we're at home or traveling, I can always have it with me, knowing that I can optimize my deep throat capabilities. I highly recommend the MEO Deep Throat Spray. It is an absolute must for anyone who wants to improve their oral skills and please their partner in a whole new way. It truly works like a magic weapon and has enriched my sexual experience. Thank you MEO for this fantastic product!
Richtig guter Toycleaner. Kein aufdringlicher Geruch und so kann man wirklich sicher sein, das alles fürs nächste Mal sauber und sofort wieder einsatzbereit ist. Angenehme Größe und sehr praktisch durch den Pumpsprüher. Empfehlenswert.
Très bon résultat au troisième essai en appliquant plus de produit que les deux premières fois. Rapport 45 min apres, pour autant de penetration. Ma femme n'en pouvait plus et me demandais d'arrêter car trop long. Tout est une question de dosage de quantité.
Je viens de tester ce produit et je dois dire qu'il n'y a pas de différence entre l'avant et l'après... Je penses qu'il faut plus d'un tube pour obtenir l'effet désirer et en mettre plus deux fois comme il est conseillé sur la boite du produit. Donc personnellement je ne suis pas satisfait de se produit.