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Una volta montata su cavigliere o polsini, restringe il campo di attività, obbligando gli arti a rimanere aperti, dominerete il vostro disobbediente in maniera totale e completa.
This cage is a joy to use on my sissy as the spike adjustment makes them even more servile. A great product and very well made and easy to install and adjust to correct behavior.
Once I was able to get my balls through the somewhat rubber material and turned it on to short deep pulses, my cock stiffened str8 up and my legs spread open wide. I was so turned on, generally vibrators are overkill on my nerves, this taint device gives me several options for stimulation. The Dildo/Taint dual purpose vibrators can’t hold a phallus shaped candle to this guy!
La Paletta SLUT di MEO è una paletta utilizzata per regalare delle sonore ed efficaci sculacciate, conosciute anche come spanking. E’ una paletta doppia perché oltre a sculacciare rilascia il marchio SLUT sulla zona schiaffeggiata. Realizzata in ecopelle con la scritta SLUT che rimarrà ben impressa e stampata sulla vostra pelle ad ogni sferzata, si presenta con un aspetto decisamente fetish a forma rettangolare e piana, capace di rilasciare ogni volta delle sonore sculacciate con marchio love, per far capire chi è che comanda. E’ un oggetto molto semplice nel suo utilizzo, ma al contempo, straordinariamente eversivo.
Das Produkt ist echt genial, habe mit meinem Sub viel Spass damit Für XL-Dehnung kann ich es nur empfehlen !!! Ware war pünktlich da in einem diskreten Paket.
The Viper Bi-Polar Cock Ring is great for solo play or fun with your partner. Designed by MEO, this red and black silicone cockring lifts and cradles your cock and balls for optimum electro contact and enhanced erections. If an electro current gets you hard, this is a toy you have to check out!
This cockring is extremely comfortable and can be worn during sex so you partner can get into fun too. Designed to be worn around both your cock and balls for the best stability and sensation while you’re playing.The oval shaped opening and flexible silicone allows for a comfortable fit around most sized cocks.
These clamps are great! I previously tried two other clamp types on my slave, with disappointing results. These clamps provide a wonderful amount of adjustment, both for nipple size and sensitivity.