L'Autoblow AI Ultra est une machine à masturbation avec synchronisation vidéo : synchronise-toi avec des films pornos et ressens de près l'action que tu vois sur l'écran. Mais cette machine peut faire bien plus que te gâter avec une fellation absolument parfaite !
La technologie de fellation la plus avancée d'Autoblow !
Le nouveau Autoblow AI Ultra te surprendra et t'enthousiasmera avec sa méthode spéciale qui implique tout le pénis et sa synchronisation vidéo ultramoderne. Avec seulement 4 boutons, l'Autoblow AI Ultra est facile à utiliser et intuitif, tu peux donc commencer à l'utiliser immédiatement après l'avoir déballé. Et si tu en veux encore plus, ton Autoblow AI Ultra se synchronise avec sa propre bibliothèque de pipes librement accessible avec le contenu amateur le plus chaud sur Pornhub™. Tu as également accès gratuitement à des pipes téléchargeables, une télécommande virtuelle et bien plus encore !
Full-Shaft Stroking = Cette fonction assure un massage pénétrant et complet du pénis !
Tu peux adapter ce programme de gâterie à tes besoins ou choisir parmi des dizaines d'expériences de fellation prédéfinies.
Piloté par les données grâce à l'intelligence artificielle !
Autoblow AI Ultra est programmé pour réagir comme un être humain. Pour cela, il utilise les données de la première (et unique) étude de machine learning au monde sur les mouvements qui ont lieu pendant une fellation.
Profite d'un contrôle total !
L'Autoblow AI Ultra est livré avec 10 modes préinstallés qui te sucent de manière très différente. Le mode 10, appelé AI Blowjob, est différent à chaque fois. Utilise la vaste bibliothèque Autoblow pour créer des modes spéciaux pour des pénis plus courts ou une stimulation plus lente.
Haute qualité et utilisation facile :
Pour ceux qui sont allergiques aux modes d'emploi, l'Autoblow AI Ultra est intuitif dès le déballage. Mais même pour les hommes qui aiment les fonctions avancées, il y en a assez pour garder le pénis en éveil !
La synchronisation porno, ça fait du bien !
Notre synchronisation vidéo précise fait croire à ton cerveau que tu agis toi-même dans les vidéos. Tu te rapproches ainsi le plus possible d'une vraie rencontre sexuelle dans le confort de ta maison !
Collection de synchronisation vidéo gratuite !
Tous les utilisateurs d'Autoblow AI Ultra reçoivent un accès GRATUIT à la bibliothèque de synchronisation vidéo Autoblow avec des centaines de vidéos triées sur le volet des amateurs les plus chauds de Pornhub™. De nouvelles vidéos sont ajoutées chaque semaine !
Construit pour l'éternité !
La nouvelle usine de production automatisée et certifiée ISO du fabricant met l'accent sur la fabrication de précision pour que ton appareil dure aussi longtemps que possible.
Regarde ce dessin animé pour voir ce que tu vas aimer dans ton nouveau Autoblow AI Ultra !
Il a fallu 14 ans pour développer l'Autoblow Ultra. L'entreprise Autoblow a réussi à perfectionner la technologie de la fellation. Les robots peuvent enfin satisfaire leurs maîtres humains dans tous les sens du terme.
Des millions de personnes aiment l'Autoblow et le bonheur qu'il leur apporte.
Détails complémentaires :
This is amazing.
The sensation is extremely enjoyable and the control is phenomenal. You can control everything from speed to length, and the app just opens up so much more. I can't wait to see what they come up with next, but it's going to be hard, no pun intended to top this. I would love to test out whatever comes next.
Good sucker
I will attempt to cover my experience in light of certain points made in reviews preceding mine. I have been using mine regularly for about a month ~2 times a week, at 2o minute intervals. I've tried all the features online. My honest thoughts are that this machine is beautifully crafted, pleasing to use, and never left me disappointed. Personal history: I'm an avid masturbator. I've tried many creams, toys, locations, and times of day. Regular masturbation seems to leave me wanting. So I dabbled in butt plugs, catheters, huffing stolen underwear, watch/being watched, and sneaking a rub in public. All fun and well in their own right. This machine provides a basic service and is well done. I am left feeling content after each session. I have the mouth sleeve and the anus sleeve and both look and feel great. I prefer the anus because of the smooth texture. I enjoy longer sessions and the lack of texture helps. I really like the way it looks. It is reminiscent of a gaming consol or small appliance. It's actually very quiet. I use it on the other side of a wall where a light sleeper lays. I haven't been noticed yet. Its cycle action is smooth and not clunky. The choice of stroke patterns actually are beneficial. I was originally skeptical. I greatly appreciate it having a power cord, as I never trust anything that needs regular charging. It never gets in the way either. I personally enjoy holding the unit with my hands and /or thighs. When i get a real bj, I like to hold her head and feel her. It's just more intimate. This machine has a good shape to comfortably hold, and with use it gets warmer. The Internet stuff was okay. I don't really need porn. I enjoyed some of it but just for kicks. But it's a limited selection void of my true interests. If I watch porn, I prefer mature women, maybe bbw with hair. However, I swing both ways and there was a great twink video with the bottom wearing stockings. I thought it a novel idea to be able to customize strokes. I prefer long and slow. Then the stop and go edging pattern near the end. Conclusion It's an all around good piece of equipment. I rest easy knowing it has a one year guarantee. I agree with the price due to the amount of effort that went into creating it and all the perks attached. Job well done. I hope one day to have a Vacuglide though. Talk about an attractive piece of equipment. She's built like how I like my woman, tough, heavy, and good suckers.
Quiet, feels life-like
This is an incredible product! I did a fair bit of research on auto strokers before buying the Autoblow AI Ultra, and I am very please with my choice. The Autoblow AI Ultra is quiet, efficient, and incredibly pleasurable. I look forward to using it each time. My wife has a lower sex drive than me, so this helps balance our needs. I have used the mouth and vagina sleeves and both are fantastic - very realistic and high quality. The functionality is highly advanced and keeps each session feeling like new.
It's quiet and mind blowing
I could not believe it when I first tried it out. It was a mind blowing experience and I can say that it is way better than the Vensu. This one will drain every drop and then some. If you don't have a autoblow ultra you need to get one you won't be disappointed. I only tried the vagina sleeve and I filled that little baby maker up full.
Low noise level, quality of machin
So I purchased the autoblow ultra and I can definitely say it is worth the $. Shipping was literally within 24hrs of placing my order. This is the only product that I've tried that does ALL the work without having to assist. The motor is certainly strong and doesn't bog down, you can feel the quality of the the product. Also the thrusting distance is by far longer then any product on the market. The noise level on low to moderate speeds are ultra quiet. The sleeve was tight for me but it was still very enjoyable. Cleaning the sleeve is easy and quick. If you want a product that will undoubtedly make you come with no effort the autoblow ultra is what you need...
Yeah this thing does the job almost too good
Yeah this thing does the job almost too good. I bought all of the sleeves. I can last the longest in the anal sleeve as it has less friction. I use Astroglide lube which hasn't been a problem. This unit is way better than the AI+ I had before. This is because the sleeve rides in the piston. There are two 'minor' issues with the machine that could/should be addressed. 1. There isn't a good way to hold the machine. If you get your fingers near the piston they can get pinched. If you don't have adequate clearance (~5") at all times the piston could hit another object. I think a handle or better design of the junction between the piston and device would be best. 2. Most of the synced videos have an issue. When you start the video, the piston retracts quickly and immediately to the open position. If you aren't ready for it, you could slip out of the sleeve and the video will script is still running on the device. Be ready to pause either on the video or device if this happens.
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