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The vibrations were stronger than expected and the remote is pretty small and discreet. Also, it's pretty quiet so public play is possible. Also comfortable for long term wear. I wish the remote buttons were designed a little bit differently, but that's a small complaint. I would definitely recommend to anyone who's been thinking about getting one.
Dieses Gerät ist für den Anfänger der Analstimulation und für jeden Genießer derselben hervorragend geeignet. Das Herauspressen des Spermas ist ein besonderes Erlebnis.
This horse cock I could just manage to get inside, the head gives a really good stretch before relief as it tapers, one can then sink down as far as one can feeling it getting ever wider and giving a deep stretch. Pulling back off it is quite a feeling too as the head stretches you open again. Larger than I expected...eyes bigger than my ass, so about to buy two more toys to train with.
Curiosamente, c'è questa mania di fare le cose troppo lunghe. Talmente lunghe da risultare poco piacevoli, se non addirittura fastidiose. Per cui, nonostante l'idea del materiale sia molto buona, questo prodotto è adatto solo ad alcune persone, non a tutte.
Macht einfach nur Spaß ihn zu benutzen und dabei an das Fotomodel von MEO zu denken, super verarbeitet und lässt sich super reinigen. Auch unter der Dusche benutzbar da er sich festsaugt
Die Überlegung des Designers, die dicke Eichel durch einen Noppenkranz unterhalb der Eichel und eine Noppenspur längs über den Schaft zu verteilen, ist extrem reizverstärkend. Bei den zyklischen Bewegungen in der Vagina wird die Klitoris von den Noppen auf dem Schaft genial gereizt, bis es zum Orgasmus kommt.
Don't wear out your anus thinking you'll be warmed up for this t
Don't wear out your anus thinking you'll be warmed up for this thing !!!!!!! Ok, mama didn't raise no quitter, but I think I broke my anus on toys leading up to this one, because it just didn't go in. I have a smaller frame, so I knew it wasn't going to be just another day at the rodeo, but GOOD GOD! This thing massive. Quite a marvel and sight to see, which is why I gave it a 5 Star review. For those of you who can fit this up your poop-chute, you have my utmost respect and envy. For now... hemorrhoid cream and a lot of ice cream. Maybe next week I will be ready?