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Primo masturbatore mai utilizzato e ne sono pienamente soddisfatto. Un usa e getta è un ottimo modo per comprendere se il tipo di prodotto fa per te o no.
This was my first foray into proper automated prostate massage and I'm so glad I got this. I've not previously managed to have more than one p-gasm in a session, so for this toy I made sure I had time to enjoy it with no interruptions or distractions. Being in the right state of mind is also mega important so once I was ready I had a good hour and a bit with this...
I relaxed and slipped it inside, and immediately noticed it 'fits' perfectly - without turning it on I had a few drops of precum as the stimulation began. I found a medium vibration and the rotation on was best for me, as my prostate was massaged the vibrations went to work on my perineum to make everything tingle. I was surprised at how quickly the first minigasm came, with a nice thickening of the steady stream flowing from my cock. Another 2 of these followed before the big O... just as well I was lying down as I couldn't move after that!
Nach langem suchen und durchtesten von xxx Slings hab ich wohl nun endlich den richtigen gefunden. Optimales Material, auch bei langen Sessions tut nix weh. Was ganz wichtig für mich ist: die Fußschlaufen. Hier bleiben Füße da wo sind, auch wenn's heftiger wird. Nun mal schauen was der Langzeittest bringt :) bislang volle Punktzahl
Ich habe den Analplug EXTREME aus Neugier gekauft. Die Verarbeitung des Analplug ist sehr und das Material ist geruchslos. Dieser Anal Dildo kann durch das Ausblasen an das jeweilige Bedürfnis des Partners oder der Partnerin angepasst werden, Ballon sehr weit aufpumpbar und gut regelbarer angenehm spürbarer Druck. Alles in allem, ein sehr tolles Produkt. Wer einen schönen aufblasbaren Analplug sucht, ist hier richtig.