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Ein Toy für Vanillas. Die Vibrationen sind ganz nett aber sehr laut und die Stromimpulse locken keinen richtigen SMler hinter dem Ofen hervor. Schade fürs Geld!
Als ich diese Serie bei entdeckte, war ich sofort von dem natürlichen Aussehen dieser tollen Bandage-Sets begeistert. An der Funktion hatte ich keine Zweifel, meine Gedanken gingen mehr in die Richtung ausgesprochen geiler Fotos der bandagierten Person, die gern mit dem Flogger gut durchgewärmt und gezeichnet sein darf.
diese nipplezange tut weh, die aufgesetzten gummis umspannen die tittten recht eng, allerdings sind sie unterscheidlich groß, wenn mann aber 2 ähnlich große gefunden hat verhindern sie ein abfließen des blutes aus den nippeln, was diese für weitere qualen vorbereitet, also insgesamt recht geil das ding. viele grüße chriss...
Lots of lube, and patience and this one REALLY filled my ass up and definitely left me gaping open and feeling well fucked. i think it would feel better going in and out if it had some texture along the length and girth of it. Speaking of length and girth, it has lots of both, at least for my ass it does. Overall, i really like it and would recommend it for bigger type fun.
Being a straight male that enjoys anal play, I was looking for something bigger to add to my toy box. This toy is definitely bigger then my other toys I have. I have to say I was a bit intimidated by this toy at first but wanted to try it out the day I received it. When I went to try it out I did some warming up with a few of other toys first. It came time to try this monster out and I was only able to get 20cm inside me and was disappointed by that. But I'm gonna keep working with monster of a dildo and look forward to the days I'm able to get this monster dildo balls deep in my slutty asshole.
I knew this thing was going to be big but o wow i didnt think it would be as thick as it was. My ass went a good half hour getting plowed by it till i tapped think i barely took half of it. Such a good toy for size queens or boys who love a good stretch.