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Kanos ajánlatok 24 órán át: Minden nap új ajánlatok - erősen csökkentett áron. Fedezze fel a villámajánlatokat, a nap ajánlatait, akciókat, ajánlatokat és kuponokat.
I love the branding, and the "Come play with me" slogan
This shoulder bag from Meo really does fit a need that I had, and it performs very well indeed. I have used it for several kinky BDSM sessions now, and it still surprises me at how much kit I can carry in it without going overboard.
I love the branding, and the "Come play with me" slogan from Meo is perfect for my style of fun. The small mesh pockets are incredibly useful, and the small zip pocket is ideal for my valuables. Having the double zip on the main pocket means that I can carry canes and crops with them sticking out of the top. This is a very flexible solution to the problem of carrying your kit around.
I use it for BDSM kit, but it would also be great for everyday use as well. If you are looking for a new bag, then give this one from Meo a thought and check out their other wares on their site too.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/toy-bag-from-meo-monostrap-backpack-review.html
Wir lieben diese Fesseln. Sie sind sehr robust, aber bequem und halten im Spiel definitiv stand. Wer Bondage mag dem kann ich diese Fesseln nur empfehlen. In der Handhabung sehr einfach und vielseitig.
Geiler, fetter Cockring der sich durch das Material gut anlegen lässt, nicht zwickt und einen richtig prallen Schwanz präsentiert. Sowohl härter, als auch länger und geiler in der Performance. Wenn die Sauerei dann vorbei ist, einfach mit abduschen und trocknen. Kommt oft zum Einsatz.;)
Una volta montata su cavigliere o polsini, restringe il campo di attività, obbligando gli arti a rimanere aperti, dominerete il vostro disobbediente in maniera totale e completa.
This cane was used on my penis...I loved the whooshing sound and also the impact it had on my dick...also loved the welts formed which made my erections painful..lovingly painful
Wenn mann nach und nach anfängt sich zu dehnen macht es selbst mit dem ganz großen Anal Plug geilen Spaß und dadurch bin ich zum zweiten Mal gekommen. Es ist auch sehr angenehm die Anal Plugs tagsüber in der Schule zu tragen.
My boyfriend and I have all three sizes of this quality made cockring we use the smallest as a glans the medium I wear as a bracelet and the largest the 55mm is the one he wears its comfortable enough for him to wear almost full time he does however need a size a bit larger as he's very substantial in size it would be great if a larger one was available we would definitely purchase it as soon as it was the quality and comfort of the cockring is wonderful and we have tryed many in the past but these are our favorites. Thank you for such a good product please consider a larger size surly my man isn't the only guy that needs just a bit larger.
Riecht toll, schhmeckt lecker und erfüllt seinen Zweck. Es eignet sich dazu hervorragend für Massagen. Beide Daumen hoch - ich gebe dem AMOREMEO 5 Sterne!
Für mich zu klein. Brauche XL. Der Plug ist echt nur was für Anfänger. Für Stuten wie mich bedarf es was großes. So 8 cm im Durchmesser würde schon gehen.