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This is made with awesome quality, made from solid stainless steel, machined and highly polished. It feels awesome to have my cock and balls LOCKED in this device. Weighing almost 2 lbs it feels great. You need to be completely flaccid to get it on, I had to get it secured ASAP cuz it is so erotic, I get hard putting it on. To put it on, pull as much scrotum as possible through the base, then push one testicle through the base, hold the testicle through the hole with your thumb and finger, then push the 2nd testicle through, holding both of them with thumb and finger, push the penis down and through the hole. Then place the 2nd half in place and get one of the screws started, then start the 2nd screw and CAREFULLY tighten the screws making sure not to pinch your scrotum.
PS: I don't use ANY lube until it is on, its to hard to hold the testicles in place with lube. Once it is secure, then lube as much as you like.
Firstly, I should congratulate MEO on delivering the item to literally the other side of the world in just four days. I'm based in NZ and ordered on Monday evening: the package was delivered on Friday morning. That's amazing service!
I couldn't wait to unwrap this plug and get it inserted. I'm a fairly experienced player, so I ordered the XXL size and it fits just right. It stretches me enough that I know it's there, but isn't so large that I can't wait to get it out. The length is just enough to penetrate my 'second ring' which feels great and sitting on it stimulates the ring as well as my prostate - and it feels gooood. I've managed to keep it in for about four hours so far and it's so comfortable that, even after orgasm, I don't feel that urgent need to remove it that I have with many of my other toys. I'm not usually able to maintain an erection with anything inserted in the back door and, while I'm aware it may be pure coincidence, that ISN'T the case with this plug. I'm not suggesting it as a cure for erectile issues, simply pointing out that it does the job just fine for me. This toy has immediately become my favourite and I love how it's as comfortable at the end of your session as it is at the beginning - however long there may be between those two points.
All-in-all, I'd thoroughly recommend this toy for beginners and experts. I don't think you'll be sorry you bought it.
Zum Prinzip und den Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines Ring-Gags muss man vermutlich nicht allzu viel sagen. Das Silikon ist angenehm weich, geschmacks- und geruchsneutral. Perfekt verarbeitet. Auch nach einigen Anwendungen keine Spur von Rissen oder anderen Gebrauchsspuren, was bei anderen Gags nicht selbstverständlich war. Ist auf jeden Fall sein Geld wert.
Anders als einfache Cockringe, besteht das ElectroRing Set nicht nur aus einem einzelnen Ring, sondern aus einem System von Ringen, die als Cockring fungieren können, aber auch dein Elektro-Erlebnis in die nächste Dimension bringen können. Zur Verwendung der ElectroRings werden reguläre 4mm Kabel benötigt. Diese können von beiden Seiten an den Ring angeschlossen werden. Am besten eignen sich die Low Profile Kabel von E-Stim Systems (hier bei MEO erhältich).
My wife needs to be abused once and a while. Warm her up with the magic wand and watch her squirt with this extension. Feels great for me too, never have any trouble getting off.
Die Gummiringe sind recht dick und daher sehr steif. Dazu kommt, dass das Anschlußstück alleine schon ca. 2cm lang ist. Somit ist das Anbringen an der Eichel oder gar dahinter unmöglich, außer man ist extrem groß bestückt.
Used Anally I found this to be really surprisingly comfortable even for long periods,,, imo the key to a good sensation is surface area so that you can turn up the power more without the point of contact becoming painful, and the slightly elongated shape of this bullet gives it an advantage over the more traditional egg shape in that it has more surface area without also being hard to insert due to excessive size.
I was a little disappointed by the cable, it looks kinda like 1980's speaker wire... and some people in earlier comments have expressed worry that the wire could break, but I don't think this is likely to happen... , I have no doubt it's quite strong, and once you've used it a couple of times you'll realise that getting it out does not require any pulling... perhaps just the lightest tension to locate it, and then push it out with almost zero effort. Even with no wire I don't think anyone would have a problem, so just enjoy it and don't worry!
I've also found that connecting both sides together and using it as a monopole with an external electrode is a great option to get more surface area and really turn up the juice!
Recentemente sono stato in grado di spingere questo enorme plug fino in fondo, che sensazione fantastica. Ora sto cercando qualcosa di ancora più grande.
mon epouse est tres satisfaite de ce produit , ayant moi-meme un probleme d'erection , nous sommes heureux d'avoir ce substitut , tres agréable a employer , le produit est conforme a l'annonce