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Reviewed in the United States on 14 December 2023 Verified Purchase When I ordered it I didn't expect it to be so thick, long and realistic. At first I gotta admit I was a little intimidated holding it in my hands trying to grip it's girth but I'm so glad I tried it out!
The silicone material makes it feel realistic with all the veins and the head looks perfect having such a realistic toy for the first time really brought all my fantasies to life.
Wahou! La texture est douce et très agréable! Il est très réaliste avec beaucoup de détails. Taille idéale! Ça vibre fort et ça tourne pour plus d’intensité. Nettoyage très facile. La ventouse est robuste et ne bouge pas d’un poil une fois en place! C’est une très agréable découverte. Je le recommande+++
I really like using this dildo, I have given up on all my other dildos and just use this one at the moment. It feels great when used and leaves me satisfied every time. It has a very good suction cup that keep it in place well when being used.
Oggetto di dimensioni importanti ma che il mio buchetto ha subito preso tutto fino in fondo senza problemi. Molto piacevole il tormento che da una volta seduti sopra con una sensazione di riempimento davvero appagante. Per i principianti un buon metodo di allenamento per aprirsi gradualmente...consigliatissimo!
Die Japanischen Clover Clamps von MEO waren bisher meine Favoriten. Diese hier sind recht teuer dagegen, funktionieren aber extrem gut. Sie können richtig feste zubeissen, auch ohne Zug daran wie bei den japanischen Nippelklemmen.
Husband had bought it to use on me, but unfortunately for him the first time we had chance to use it when it arrived, he was the one who was hogtied and wearing a ball gag so I took advantage and inserted it into his unwilling arse. I let him get used to the feel of it then opened it fully and locked it. Even through the ball gag I could hear him yell but he did not give me the stop signal! After 20 minutes of him struggling I released it and then withdrew it. When I had untied him he told me he loved the "full up" sensation. Since then I have had it used on me but in my case my legs were spread using a bar and my hand were tied above me and it gives a wonderful feeling of really spreading you.
Ich habe zum ersten Mal einen aufblasbaren Buttplug benutzt und war mir nicht sicher, was ich erwarten sollte, aber WOW! Meine Frau hat die Pumpe bedient und das Ding füllt einen wirklich KOMPLETT aus. Ich habe sogar unendlich viel abgespritzt, was bei reinen Analspielen mit Dildos nicht oft vorkommt, aber sie hat mich dazu gebracht, dass ich mich extrem stark gekommen bin, während sie einfach weitergepumpt hat.
Cage in ottima fattura, super confortevole e facile da usare
La cage è perfetta nella sua fattura, materiale metallico di ottima qualità, confortevole, ed esteticamente elegante! Super consigliata per chi ama questo kink! Doppia chiave, meccanismo facile da usare.