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This toy is very nice looking and well made. I'm an advanced player and have big toys like Bam, cyclops, and great American challenge. But this guy! He made me cum so hard! Really fun I got the xl and I just wanna have this thing inside me. Feels amazing in and out very good experience!
Ich bin sehr begeistert von dieser XL-Spritze, das Gefühl die Flüssigkeit nachher wieder rauszuschießen ist genial. Qualität, Preis Leistung einfach Top
When I take it out, I fart like a wailing banshee, but my hole feels gratefully relaxed. Loosened. Happy, even. If more tight assed peopled had this Warp 4 Anal Expander in their possession, the world would be a happier place. The hole is useful for getting this device in as well. I have an impaler bar from a boi seat that I borrow the impaler from, to shove this deeper between my butt cheeks. It is the right diameter, and has a welded ring around the outside, allowing it to go into the impaler, and the ring/welded thick washer helps push it in the rest of the way. Handy when you are lubed up, and having problems getting a grip on this nice expanding plug. I have metal plugs from (China) that are designed like a Pope's pear, but not as deadly, and all it does is fall out because of the weight, a problem that is common for steel devices. This plug does indeed stay in place, part from the design, part from the lighter (but durable) material. My eyes bulge a bit when it goes in, but when my eyes no longer bulge, it means I am ready for bigger and better things. Unlike many "sex toys" this one is worth the price, and is built to last. Very nice job by the designers and manufacturing facility! Thank you for selling this. It is a wonderful innovation. I love the material. Highly recommended. I and my ass canal thank you, profusely.
Molto pratico e funzionale, si può utilizzare attaccandolo al tubo della doccia al posto del soffione. E' arrivato puntuale ed è compreso anche un elegante sacchettino nero in cui si può riporre.
Je l'utilise presque tous les jours depuis 2 semaines jusqu'à épuisement de la batterie. je ressens aucun plaisir. Pas top et j'ai toujours pas réussi à faire couler le sperm.
Comme d'habitude, livraison très rapide, emballage discret, marque de fabrique du site. Nous l'avons essayé immédiatement, et la qualité est au rendez-vous. Le goût est prononcé, sans être extrême, et offre une certaine sensation de fraîcheur aux premiers instants. Ma compagne a rapidement senti les effets, après 2 pulvérisations. Nous avons attendu un tout petit peu afin de ne pas transférer les effets au membre. Et la le nirvana ! Autant pour elle, qui a pu profiter sans le moindre haut le coeur, que pour moi, qui du coup ne stresse pas de son inconfort et profite du plaisir reçu. Nous le recommandons vivement, même pour les personnes ne pratiquant pas la gorge profonde, puisqu'il désensibilise la bouche entière, donc moins de douleur dans la bouche et la mâchoire, surtout face à des plus gros membres.
Wenn ich jemanden mit Strap-On fi____, dann ist es einfach erregend zu sehen wie er immer geiler wird und gleichzeitig auch irgendwie weiblich fühlt, seine Grenzen aufgibt, den Dildo in sich eindringen lässt und sich hingibt. Es ist also etwas mehr als nur Macht und Rollentausch.... Ich liebe es
I totally agree with this review. But might I suggest putting prelubricated condom over it by before insertion, this way there is no cleaning needed to the inside and just a rinse to remove the lube. It does feel great having all that weight inside you when walking, there is no denying you are plugged with no escape possible. When it opens it is so deep inside you you could never remove it, and it really presses the prostate where if you're allowed to can cum, the feeling is exquisite. If you're not allowed to cum, you'll beg for it, because having something so big and heavy inside you is a very erotic feeling! If you have a key holder, make sure you trust him/her, cuz you can't dedicate with this locked inside you. I LOVE mine!