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The CBT Ball Crusher with Spikes is a chrome plated BDSM device designed to inflict cock and ball pain to various degrees with the use of the adjustable spindle. The device has a row of five spikes which can be removed if desired. If I’m honest, I never use to think much of CBT items like this; they always just seemed very unimaginative. Sure, they’re sadistic and that appeals to my Dominant nature, but during a session it can be dull using a device that seems to only have one true goal which was to simply twist it down over the ball sack and or penis.
I was wrong about this and found that this device can be used in so many creative ways. Now, for some readers, the content of this review may be a bit extreme. Sure CBT devices make many cringe, however, I can assure you that I have taken this item steps further into sadism than some of you can even fathom.
Here are some notes on how to get creative with is sex toy:
Simply just place the body part between in the centre of the vice and twist down until the desire pain and pressure is applied. Once secured down around a body part, wiggle it around to intensify sensations. Tighten and loosen spikes with the Allen key whilst attached to relieve of inflict pain. Set the spikes at various height levels before applying it. Remove some or all spikes. Turn the spikes around so the flatter end impacts into the submissive. Remove the spikes, to offer less pressure but also making the submissive more aware of the cool waved still. If you want to be even more sadistic, insert sterile medical needles into the spikes. Turn the spikes around so they poke-out of the base of the item and use them as a sensation device by scratching and stroking your submissives body with them. Heat the cool the metal before use, to mix-up the experience a bit. You can even find alternative size and shape spikes to use with devices such as this one if desired.
The ball crusher is made of heavy metal and is chrome plated. It comprises of a loop topped spindle which tightens the vice, the bottom of the crusher has a row of five spikes, and the press above that is controlled via the spindle is flat smooth cool metal. The spikes aren’t overly sharp, but to sensitive body parts they can inflict intense pain particularly as the crusher can clap completely down onto them. The spikes are removable with an Allen key which is provided. You can remove the spikes, switch them round, have alternative spikes, and more. It’s a rather customisable CBT device, yet still being very easy to use.
Sometimes when using this product I warm it in warm water beforehand as when cool it can make certain body parts it comes in contact with tighter and smaller, meaning there’s less to work with. It really depends on my mood.
With this device I was able to focus on using it on my submissive for an extensive time. I enjoyed his responses as I wriggled it around whilst clamped down, removed and or added spikes, and then eventually when his body became more accustom to the pain it produces I moved it further by adding needles. Whilst I did inflict a fair amount of extreme torture, because of the spindle and removable spikes it can be adjusted to suit submissives various pain levels.
These spikes rarely pierce the skin. But it still important to clean the device between uses, you can simply wipe down the chrome plated metal with antibacterial wash, the spikes have threading going down them which may need a toothbrush of similar to clean them if play becomes a bit messier.
Overall, I really enjoyed using the CBT Ball Crusher with Spikes. I was amazed how creative I could be with the device. While my submissive is in a love-hate relationship with CBT devices, he too was impressed with how imaginative the session could be with just one item. Wish this crusher I’d recommend it to most into CBT, it’s usable with or without a partner. The only issue some may find with it is the weight of the product.
Read Full Review : http://nymphomaniacness.com/cbt-ball-crusher-with-spikes/
This is my second ring, and I have to say I'm impressed! I love the weight, really lets you know it's there. The surface is silky smooth, with no seams. It looks and feels great! I enjoy the feel so much, I wear it everywhere. As far as performance/enhancement, I haven't been this hard since my teenage years. Make sure to get the right size!!
The Milker di MEO è una vera e propria macchina masturbatrice con tanto di valigetta per la cura e il trasporto. Questa macchina dell'amore è specificatamente progettata per ricevere carezze sessuali sul vostro pene in automatico, succhiando e aspirando tramite due cilindri, per una varietà di sensazioni uniche. Questo masturbatore multi-velocità ha tutto il necessario per regalarvi piacere sublime in modo discreto. Come funziona? Basta collegare il tubo sul cilindro e utilizzare la manopola per controllare quanto velocemente o lentamente si desidera ricevere l'aspirazione. Due cilindri sono inclusi. Il primo è appositamente progettato per succhiare il pene, a circa 22,8 cm di lunghezza, rivestiti in gomma morbida per la tenuta. Il cilindro più piccolo è dedicato alla ricerca di un piacere più mirato, come la stimolazione del glande o anche dei capezzoli se non addirittura col clitoride. Usatelo da solo o con un partner, per i preliminari, vi farà sognare. E' stato progettato per offrire il massimo in termini di stimolazione orgasmica, tutti gli accessori sono raccolti nella parte superiore di una pratica valigetta, portatile, che ha una serratura e 2 chiavi per la massima discrezione.
Ein geiles Gefühl wenn er drinn ist und einen verwöhnt. Die Noppen verstärken das Gefühl nochmal. Ich möchte mal Meo loben, der Versand war bisher schnell, die Produkte (bis auf eines) wie sie im Shop angeboten wurden und was die Versandkosten betrifft...wenn man die Angebote und eventuell einen Gutscheincode hat, ist der Shop günstig und die Versandkosten, je nach Preis des Produkt, inklusive und man spart immer noch.... Und wenn es Probleme beim bestellen gab sind die Mitarbeiterinnen freundlich und hilfsbereit.
Hab es meinem Master geschenkt und er liebt es ... Hab nicht erwartet, wie effektiv so ein kleines Ding sein kann. Von leichter Reizung bis hin zu richtigen Schmerzen ist alles machbar.
L'angolo e l'altezza di penetrazione possono essere regolati rapidamente con semplici manopole di torsione situate sul telaio. Viene fornito con due attacchi a vite: un dildo flessibile e pieghevole e una figa rosa felpata. Per sperimentare un'azione di spinta realistica e multi-velocità che sicuramente soddisferà, avvitare semplicemente l'accessorio che hai scelto, aumentare la velocità e godere di un'incredibile penetrazione o di una fottuta azione a mani libere!
Robo Fuck è leggero e pre-assemblato, con un guscio in plastica e un braccio in alluminio, che riduce il peso extra e lo rende ideale per i viaggi. Non ci sono complicate impostazioni o parti confuse da configurare. È praticamente pronto per andare subito fuori dalla scatola! Anche se potrebbe non essere così duro come alcune delle nostre altre macchine, il suo design compatto, leggero e versatile lo rende ideale per coppie, piccoli spazi, viaggi e piacere in viaggio!Funziona tranquillamente ed è l'ideale per chi cerca discrezione.
Il braccio di spinta ha una maniglia curva, una presa perfetta per un compagno da usare per inclinarlo dentro di te, o per uso da solista per prepararti contro. Inoltre è dotato di 4 piedini a ventosa che contribuiscono ad ancorarlo in posizione su una superficie dura e liscia. Ideale per uso vaginale o masturbatorio.
Je l'ai acheté il y a quelque temps pour mon épouse, pour un usage vaginal. Elle aime beaucoup son fort diamètre et sa souplesse non agressive qui lui donne beaucoup de plaisir. Il fait partie régulièrement de nos jeux. Il mérite ses 5 étoiles et nous le conseillons vivement.