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Die Elektrode ist aufgrund ihrer Größe (ca. 4 cm Durchmesser) gut einzuführen. Stromübertragung gut, mit Kontaktgel Eshock noch viel besser. Angemessener Preis, schnelle Lieferung, die Beantwortung von Fragen funktioniert bei MEO immer einwandfrei - schnell und hilfreich. Eindeutige Empfehlung wenn man harte Orgasmen erleben will.
Unbelievable!!!!. I am enjoying the ass pounding sensations that this product delivers. One of the best investments I've made to date for the E-Stim. It would be nice to have a bigger base to keep it from being pulled in and I would truely love to see one longer and thicker. The larger toy looses its contact once my ass has been streched in preparation for some full on anal activities
C'est excellent, le plug est en métal , il prend la chaleur de s
Je suis blogueur et sur les reseaux sociaux, mon nom est BottomToys j'ai mis des photos où je porte ce plug sur instagram et twitter, et là j'ai eu une tonne de contacts de mec, qui voulaient venir jouer avec moi ^^ Le top avec ce produit, c'est qu'il est pas trop large, donc contrairement à ceux en metal à base plus large de meo ( qui sont quand meme fabuleux !!! ) ici , un trou qui n'est pas trop trop developpé, pourra quand meme avec un peu d'effort le mettre facilement ! Autre avantage aussi, le metal permet d'utiliser n'importe quel lubrifiant y compris la graisse, et ca c'est fantastique !
WOW is all I can say for this one. I got the small one which I would reccomend, goes in easy but provides some girth. Once it turns on though this baby contracts hard!!! I loved the way I could set it to pulsate. I reccomend guys pair this up with the electro cock straps as well.
Master Wolf's last night for the first time with this slave used your Electro Egg. The feeling the Master gave this slave with it was the greatest feeling that this slave has ever felt. As Master adjusted the different levels, the feeling of amazing throbbing, pulsing and vibration to control slave's prostate, sent slave, into areas of pleasure that this slave had never felt before. Would like to thank those who came up with this item for a Dom to use on their subs, and recommend those that are into this type of play have this item on they play list, for both the Dom's and the subs will get much enjoyment from the Electro Egg by MEO. PS It is also very easy to clean!