Az integrált, süllyesztett markolatnak köszönhetően a Little Johnny prosztata stimulátor tökéletesen illeszkedik a kézbe. Ez megkönnyíti a használatát. A "Little Johnny" mindkét oldalról is használható.
Nem csak az anális erotika terén kezdőknek: a "Little Johnny" kvázi a "Big Johnny" nevű szexóriásunk kistestvére.
Magasan polírozott sebészeti acélból készült. A beépített süllyesztett markolatnak köszönhetően a "Little Johnny" tökéletesen illeszkedik a kézbe. Ez lehetővé teszi a könnyű kezelhetőséget. Ezenkívül a "Little Johnny" mindkét oldalról használható.
700 gramm, 180 mm hosszú és 2,5 cm átmérőjű. Két hangsúlyos makkkal (30 és 33 mm átmérővel) -minden nemi variációhoz, vaginális vagy anális, Férfi vagy Nő, egyedül vagy párban.
In Liebe mit Edelstahl!
Habe little und Big Johnny, einfach hammer Qualität! Es fühlt sich einfach so gut an. Perfekt verarbeitet und super Form.
Auch immer toll wenn man ihn ins einfach legt und den glühenden Hintern nach der spanking Session kühlt bis er Temperatur hat um ihn zu penetrieren ❤
It is fantastic !
If you have never masturbated with a steel dildo then I can highly recommend doing so, the temperature play aspect of inserting cold hard steel and then feeling it warm up is fantastic.
I love the unforgiving nature of steel, there is no squish, no bending and you confirm to the dildo and not the other way round. Hard dildos can be so much fun.
I love the look of this dildo, the polished surface is mesmerising, and the design with the two balls and the ridges along the shaft feels exquisite in use, it's an excellent dildo for g-spot and also prostate stimulation, and I do give it a solid (see what I did there?) recommendation.
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Great for beginners
This toy is cute. But if you’re a more advanced user, as it pertains to stainless steel toys, then this one might not impress you. But if you’re new to stainless steel toys, I would recommend this one as a good starter toy. It was a bit small for me, but has some nice weight to it, and is great for those who don’t like a curved toy, but likes to angle the toy for their own pleasure. This one will give you more control there. Personally for me, I need something a little bit more bigger to be satisfied, but I did enjoy thrusting with it.
By Pleasure Panel reviewer Jezebella
MEO Little Johnny Steel Dildo review: I’m a big fan of hard, cool dildos, owning a few beautiful glass ones that I regularly use. So when I saw there were steel dildos on Cara Sutra’s Pleasure Panel I leapt at the chance to try one.
The MEO Little Johnny Steel Dildo arrived in a lovely solid leather covered storage box. I really love and appreciate that MEO took the extra effort to provide such a discreet and study case to keep the dildo in. It’s basically a little wooden box that has been upholstered all over in leather type material (I don’t think it’s real leather, but it doesn’t need to be in my opinion). The top surface of the box even has some padding in it which is a nice touch. The top and bottom of the box is black and the sides are a bright red, which I love, but might be a little garish for some people’s taste. There are two brass fasteners on the front of the box to keep it securely closed, the style of which really gives the box an antique feel to it. There are also 4 little brass studs on the back to hold on the piece of leather that covers up the hinges. Inside the box is lined with a lovely black satin and velvety material. It’s extremely padded and has a moulded out shaped for the dildo to sit in. The dildo is both presented beautifully in the centre of the box, it’s hard, shining metal in stark contrast to the soft, dark satin cushion, and is completely protected from rattling around. The great thing about the box is there is absolutely nothing to signify that it holds a sex toy, if it was out on a shelf no one would ever know a dildo was inside unless they opened it.
Little Johnny the steel dildo! The first thing I notice about the MEO Little Johnny Steel Dildo is it is heavy! That is the main difference between glass and steel dildos in my opinion, there’s a real weight to steel. I popped Little Johnny on my kitchen scales and I can tell you it weighs 640g, quite a heft for a little guy! Although it’s named Little Johnny, it is about 7 inches in total length, so not super small. Both ends have a bulbous head that leans forward a little, designed to effortlessly apply pressure to the P-spot or G-spot. One head is smaller than the other and the shaft gets gradually slimmer away from each head. This means that the dildo is very top heavy (or bottom heavy depending on which way up you hold it).
On the underside of the smaller head there are 4 deep ridges cut into the steel for a bit of texture and enhanced stimulation. Apart from them the dildo is completely smooth, there is not a seam or nick anywhere; it feels like a really high quality and well-made product. The shine on the metal is perfect, I can use it as a mirror it’s that good. And If you wanted to polish it I’m sure it’d polish up good (although I definitely DO NOT recommend using polish on it and then putting it inside any part of your body!). It smells metallic, kind of like coins, but after a wash with some anti bacterial soap the smell fades somewhat but is still present.
I used this dildo as a G-spot toy, being female I lack a prostate to try it on, so I can only comment on its use as such. I started off with a warm up using a bullet vibrator on my clit to get nice and aroused. Then I added some water based lube (although being steel you can use whatever lube you’d like), and slipped the smaller head into my vagina. This worked pretty well as a starter, and the ridges did give me a nice extra bit of stimulation to the entrance of my vagina. The curved head did apply a nice bit of pressure to my G-spot, but I quickly wanted a more intense feeling. I swapped the dildo around so the larger head was putting pressure on my G-spot. I turned over so I was lying flat on my stomach, and this is where all the steel really came into its element! Because it’s so heavy it puts a lot of pressure onto the front wall of my vagina, just being in this position was doing most of the work to bring me to orgasm. That large bulbous head easily found the right spot and it didn’t take me long to have a massive G-spot orgasm, no clitoral stimulation required. That in itself is a pretty impressive feat for me.
Overall I’ve really enjoyed my time with the MEO Little Johnny Steel Dildo. It’s a fantastic shape for G-spot stimulation, it’s a beautiful object to look at, and all that weight really does add something special to my orgasm. I’d like to thank Cara Sutra for providing it to me for an honest and unbiased review.
Freihändige Orgasmen dank perfekter Form
Während mein Freund mich relativ leicht beim Analsex zum Orgasmus bringen konnte, ohne das ich mich anfassen muss, war ich selber nie in der Lage mit einem Dildo oder Buttplug den richtigen Punkt zu finden und hatte die Suche längst aufgegeben, als mir Freunde aus Berlin die Firma MEO und deren Produkte empfohlen haben.
Alles, was ich bis jetzt über "freihändige" Oergasmen gelesen hatte traf ein: Dieser Johnny zoomt bei mir unfehlbar jedes Mal auf den männlichen G-Punkt, ganz wie von allein und ohne großes Herumgesuche. Mit ihm habe ich wunderbare Orgasmen und ejakuliere dabei ab wie ein Pornodarsteller.
G Point
This is a well made, easy to use, easy to clean product. The lines make it easy to manuever, the fact it is made out of steel makes it easy to clean and sterilize. It is not an unmanageable weight or size. It is durable and also is designed in such a way that it is safe to use.
Geil und aufregend
... wenn man es beim Sex integrieren kann oder auch wenn man mal alleine ist. Die richtige Größe ich entscheidend und leider kann man das vorher nicht testen. Diese Größe ist aber für mich perfekt. Ich liebe das kalte, glatte und pflegeleichte Design.
Excellent product
This thing is amazing. When I first got it, my first impression was how heavy it is. It slips into the body easily with either silicone or water based lube (I used FUCK SLUT and AQUA MEO), and once inside it's extremely comfortable. It feels satin-smooth and warms up to body temperature quickly. Overall, an excellent product.
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