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Penis Plug, plug del pene, plug dell'uretra, anello per il glande, frena-sperma, dilatatore o bacchetta del principe. Ottima scelta per l'uomo - solo da MEO ... ✓ riservato al 100%
This sound is amazing, it makes me cum in about 3 minutes, just like the first time having sex as a teenager. A bit difficult do put into the urethra because the sound is so flexible, but once in and the cup is around the head of your cock turn it up and you'll be in heaven. Lube up the head of your cock and turn it on and fuck yourself with it, or have your naughty partner fuck you with it and you'll hear the suction sounds of a wet pussy and with the vibration hitting the head of your cock it won't be long til you have an awesome eruption. This is now my favorite toy! Add a butt plug and you'll be in Nirvana regardless if you use it alone or with your partner.
Hey Got mine yesterday jumped right on it put it in and had to cum right away its great you will never regret buying one of these for your cock looks great feels great and its fun
I got mine a couple years ago from a former Mistress. She gave it to me in a restaurant and said to go to the bathroom and not to come back until I had it inserted. No lube available so I just had to use my own saliva. I got it in after a little trying. Love this thing.
L'Uro Stick Screw Drive di MEO è uno spinotto per pene realizzato in acciaio inossidabile spazzolato, progettato per aumentare il piacere in maniera incondizionata e graduale. L'Uro Stick Screw Drive è un gioiello di dominazione che è stato progettato esclusivamente per soddisfare il desiderio di limitazione, alimentando al contempo una tensione erotica e sessuale molto forte.
Mann kann den Penisplug auch gut über längere Zeit tragen, allerdings nur in erregten Zustand, in normalen Penisplug ist der Stab zu schwer und rutscht hinaus.
das set bietet alles was man sich als mann so wünscht. die größen sind sehr gut aufeinander abgestimmt und bei diesem set stimmt wirklich alle. qualiät, preis leistung sind einfach optimal.
Never made a better sexual purchase in my life.. I'm 45 and the Dr. Sado sounds have added a new boost to my sexual pleasures... I always pull out before ejaculation but wonder if its ok to leave it in.. will it blow out?? I highly recommend this product.. well made and lots of fun.
Was macht den Reiz eines Katheters beim Bondage aus?
Hauptsächlich ist es wohl das Penetrationsgefühl, verbunden mit einem Dehnungsschmerz beim Einführen des Katheters in die Harnröhre. Desweiteren entsteht ein leicht brennender Schmerz, gefolgt von einem Kribbeln in der Beckengegend und dem ständigen Gefühl des Harndrangs. Aber wohl auch die Möglichkeit einen gewissen Schmerzreiz/ Dehnungsschmerz durch das Auffüllen der Blase zu erzeugen. Diese Argumente verbunden mit dem Gefühl des ausgeliefert Seins und der Willkür des dominanten Partners zu unterliegen, macht das Katheterisieren aus.
Das Ding hält wo es halten soll und die Verarbeitung ist Top. Größe richtig, sehr gutes Tragegefühl, bin sehr zufrieden,würde ich wieder kaufen, gerne wieder
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
Reinstecken bis zum Maximum aufpumpen, rausziehen und es anal treiben. Nachdem du gekommen bist, pumpst du deinen Partner mit deiner Blasenluft in den A. Ein Vergnügen für beide.