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Per il piacere del dolore: strumenti e sex toys per Cock & Ball Torture. Qui troverai esattamente i prodotti che usano le dominatrici e i padroni professionisti.
A small design change would improve this great product
Very easy to install, very easy to use.
The crushing screws are on the same side where the body is. When only balls are inserted, the screws are on two sides of the cock. Can not be used to insert both cock and balls as the screws would penetrate the body. Reversing the direction of the crushing screws would make the device easier to use, but perhaps make the yoke design a bit more difficult.
Quite usable and the shiny black material is impressive.
Make my balls feel great
This item does exactly what it is advertised to do. It make my balls feel great and when I add another to my junk the result is incredible.
cant believe i found this
cant believe i found this device...ive been trying to stretch my dick hole wide enuff to slide in my pinky finger...i believe this will do the trick thru constant exercising and loosening the hole...i know for a fact my load comes out much thicker when i stretch my dick hole...love it!!!
Il dilatatore uretrale MEO è progettato per allungare e dilatare l'uretra maschile fino a 30 mm. Più
Ich fand es sehr geil
So ausgeliefert zu sein ist ziemlich geil. Qualität ist wie gewohnt super. Merkt man gleich das made in germany
CBT lovers will love it
CBT lovers will love punishing those balls with this device!
Prepare yourself for delightful agony! Yank that scrotum through the vice and indulge your twisted desires! As you turn the crank, a steel bar lowers onto your balls, squishing them! But there's one more evil element to keep in mind! On the other side of this contraption are 5 sharp screws that are waiting to press painfully into that sensitive flesh! These screws can also be removed for a duller torment. Put those nuts through the wringer!
5 stars
Really like the device. Large, heavy, does what it's supposed to do.
This is a must have item for any male nipple pain pig. It works great on developed male nipples. As the Tower pulls the nipple, even more hungry nipple flesh is exposed so you can add more clamps.
I love Dr. Sado
It's possible that my balls will be falling off any time now, but this thing gives a erotic feeling in a place you have likely never considered before. The idea is that the conductors in the top of this device are pressed firmly against your balls so that the electrical stimulation is directed into a virgin area of your balls in an inescapable manner. By using E SHOCK lube, even water, you get an unbelievable stimulation out of the tiny cr 3032 battery. And there is your cock conveniently available sticking right out. If you were very trusting you could let a partner adjust the power level but in any case there is a lot more than this price worth of fun here.
Well worth the money and extremely fun!
Well, I never thought I'd enjoy having a cold steel rod shoved into my urethra, but WOW! After a few days, I'm up to the size 12MM :) Well worth the money and extremely fun!
The Urethral Stretcher is for those serious about Urethral stretching only! If you truly want to stretch this piece will get down and dirty and get it done!
Willkommen zur Inquisition!
Für die Lust der "besonderen Art". Von meinem "Sub" getestet und für gut befunden! Einstellbares, der Penislänge anpassbares Bondagegerät aus Edelstahl mit abnehmbarem Butt-Plug, Hoden- und Penispranger. Zum Anbringen einer Hundeleine ist das Gerät mit einen Ring versehen. Massive Konstruktion aus Edelstahl, verstellbarer Butt-Plug und anzupassen auf alle Größen. Geniales Produkt das "Sub" und "Top" viel Freude bereiten kann.
Très bonne qualité
Très bonne qualité agréable à porter bon service après vente pour votre suivie de colis articles super rien à dire de plus pour CBT c'est idéal
CBT è l'acronimo di "cock and ball torture". Si tratta di una forma di BDSM (bondage, disciplina, sadismo e masochismo) in cui i genitali sono al centro dell'attività. Tra gli strumenti comunemente utilizzati per la CBT ci sono spremitori di testicoli, estensori di testicoli e gabbie che possono essere utilizzate per limitare i movimenti o applicare pressione ai genitali. Inoltre, gli accessori BDSM come corde, catene e manette possono essere utilizzati per legare o trattenere consensualmente la persona che si sottopone alla CBT. È importante sottolineare che tutte le attività BDSM sono consensuali e sicure e che tutti i partecipanti devono essere consapevoli dei propri limiti.
La CBT si riferisce alla pratica BDSM per il pene e i testicoli. La CBT è una pratica consensuale e non una tortura in senso etico, classicamente tra una persona con tendenze sadiche (uomo o donna) e un uomo con tendenze masochistiche.