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Volete fare il tampone? Spedizione riservata al 100%, consegnamo tutto ciò che vi serve per giocare al dottore ed eseguire le vostre pratiche di dilatazione, divaricamento ed esaminazione.
Whether your scene involves fisting, watersports, gunge play, puppy play, or even wax play, this ultra-absorbent pad is guaranteed to protect furniture, carpet, and upholstery from up to a litre of fluids. Since it’s disposable, even your filthiest fun is an easy clean up. These absorbent sheets blend into the scene with their matte black color instead of a stark white like other pads.
Das ist unsere erste Erfahrung, also ich und mein Freund, aber doch gefällt ihm schon sehr. Die hochwertigen Fesseln machen uns super Spaß. Übrigens sehr schnell zugestellt und gut verpackt.
These cuffs work perfectly. Locking is a great feature when my mistress doesn't want me fooling around trying to escape. They fit my wrists well and I have pretty big forearms/wrists. Very comfortable and durable. You will be happy spending your money on these as they can undergo alot of stress on the metal rings without breaking
title do justice but unfortunately price went up yet labeled on sale - no discount at all. i bought a total of 50 bottles so far. but why can’t provide bigger bottles?
Schwarze Fist-Handschuhe findet mann selten und diese sehen sehr gut aus, passen hervorragend und der Preis ist unschlagbar. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit den tollen Handschuhen.
Das Anal-Spekulum von MEO ist ein sehr klassisches Modell in besonders schwerer Ausführung. Das massive Instrument duldet keinen Widerstand und fordern nachdrücklich seinen Zugang zur hinteren Körperöffnung. Die abgerundeten Blätter lassen sich gut in den Anus einführen. Mit dem zangenförmigen Griff werden sie dann parallel auseinander gespreizt und können mit einer Stellschraube in jeder beliebigen Position justiert werden. Die maximale Analdehnung liegt bei etwa 70 bis 80 Millimetern.
This speculum is awesome, it gets very big and allows for maximum gape. It can sometimes feel like it's cutting you but if you take it easy it feels nice.
The Seat from MEO is incredibly simple to assemble and, at just 8.5 kg in weight, is super-lightweight. The head rest and seat height are easily adjustable with pinch screws, while the adjustable back rest has an outer foam layer for added comfort. Complete with rubber handles, this rimming seat enables you to really get a grip when it comes to your ass eating experience. It offers stability and perfect positioning for those underneath, whilst allowing those that are seated the ability to maintain their pose or push downwards. In addition, the toilet seat moves up and down, for added authenticity and humiliation where required!
Sitzen wirklich viel besser als normale Masken, sehen super aus und lassen sich perfekt in der Größe anpassen. Bin sehr zufrieden und kann diese Anti Covid Masken jedem empfehlen.
I was a bit nervous when we first got this as I wasn't sure how painful it would actually be. But once my partner started using it on me that disappeared! I love the prickling feeling it leaves on my skin. I like it with different amounts of pressure applied, slowly building up the pain levels. I am glad we bought this. It's a great addition to our toy bow!