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Kann ich nur empfehlen wer auf Deep Throat steht
Ich bin echt begeistert und ich benutze das Spray um meinen Würgereiz zu überwinden. Mit Erfolg, so tief habe ich noch nie einen Schwanz in meinem Hals gehabt. Einfach klasse.
Does what it says!
Love it! It works great, after two sprays my hole is relaxed and ready! Feels great to finally up the size of the toys to use on my hole.
I had been looking for a good lube for sounding & now i've found it. Couldn't wait to try it out as soon as it arrived. Helped immensely in getting me to my maximum of 12mm. Non sticky no residue just a very good lube. So good i've already ordered my second tube.
XS: dmin=11 mm; dmax=17 mm; L=26 mm.
S : dmin=21 mm; dmax=27 mm; L=30 mm;
M: dmin=27 mm; dmax=31 mm; L=26 mm.
muy bueno
excelente lubricante, dura bastante, con una sola puesta rinde mucho
The XL, a formidable opponent
Before I start my story, I just want to say that I can normally take the American Bombshell destroyer plug with no problems after a good warm up and that's an entire 1/2 inch wider. Here is my story
Round 1:
Meo 1 ottbiguy 0;
The MEO is quite the opponent. I lubed it up with Crisco, silicone lube, Albolene, just about anything that was slippery and it is still a NO-GO.
The reviewers are bang on in the sense that no matter how smooth or beveled the edge at the opening is, it still feels VERY sharp. At first I was full of drive and gusto and then I hit the wall where no amount of lube will make the toy go in and no matter how much lube you use, the pressure just pushes it out of the way and you're trying to insert this mammoth toy with NO GIVE into a dry lubeless ass.... Not fun.
So I backed off a bit and decided to slow down and take my new "friend" a little more seriously. Enter my American Bombshell Destroyer plug. i laughed at myself thinking "if anything is gonna get my ass ready for this little guy it will be the Destroyer". To my surprise my ass swallowed it like a champ which is not usually the case. Usually I'm sitting on it for at least 2 minutes before my ass starts to dilate and expand to the appropriate diameter. This time It went in like i had been warming up for hours when in fact, it had only been about 10 minutes.... I tried the MEO one more time. This time, it sank down further and further. As long as I stayed calm, went REALLY slow and watched my breathing the plug was consistently easing it's way in. I reached the point where the widest part of the plug was at the thresh-hold of my pubic bones and I started to push a little. I started letting more of my weight sink down on the plug but it was no use. I felt my ass and it was dry... The lube had been pushed completely out of the way and it was pretty much a dry run due to the pressure. I got off the plug and felt the opening of my ass. It was the loosest it has ever been and it was fun to swish my finger around the opening but still a NO-GO. The first try was what I'd call a successful failure. My ass made it to the widest part but could not swallow it.
Now on a side note, when I get up off all my plugs and I reach back to feel my ass, it feels strangely numb. I didn't use any numbing creams or desensitizers other than a few hits of poppers so I'm wondering why my ass is so numb. Could this be a nerve thing?
I am done for now so MEO, you win.... TODAY! Tomorrow is another story. We'll see who conquers that chapter in our little adventure.
I'm giving it five stars because it is giving me quite the challenge and my ass LOVES A GOOD CHALLENGE!!!
grösse L
also ihr lieben , ich habe gestern den ass grommet erhalten in grösse L . ich muss sagen er ist echt sehr angenehm zu tragen , ich hatte ja die fohrgänger in L gehabt die waren leider zu schwer , das ist bei dem grommet schon viel besser , alerdings kann ich nur empfehlen einen harnes zu tragen das mann ihn auch denn ganzen tag tragen kann und mann keine angst zu haben muss das er unterwegs wieder rauspflutcht , das einzigste was mann verbessern könnte wäre den fuss , der müste so gemacht werden das er genau ín der po spalte sitzt , dann wäre es perfekt . und die Ergebnisse können sich auch sehn lassen , also im ganzen kann ich denn strecher nur empfehlen
We''re all here because we like playing with toys and an essential part of having fun is keeping them clean!
This product is EXCELLENT! It''s anti-bacterial, easy to use and the price is right! I HIGHLY recommend purchasing this item!
Ideally Locked In Restraints.
Do you enjoy the feeling of being locked in restraints? But you would like to be locked in by more than just a standard padlock and key.
Then the MEOBOND Electronic Time Lock for Bondage & Chastity Belts could be the ideal lock that you’re looking for. As this particular lock is electronically set and you will only be realised once the set time has elapsed. Whether you have chosen to self-restrain yourself or your partner has selected the length of time you’re restrained for.
The lock arrived inside a small clear sealed packet with a key guide for the buttons and a USB charging cable. The Black ABS lock is larger than a standard padlock, yet still remains on the smaller side (the size dimensions are 1.75" x 1.6" 0.8") as the lock will ideally fit in with your existing restraints. The front of the lock is a series of 3 buttons and a LED screen. The left/right buttons are used to set the hours/minutes that you wish to be locked up for. The centre button is to start the timer countdown. There is a 4th button positioned on the side of lock which is the release button for the high strength steel locking wire.
The locking time can be set as low as one minute or a maximum of 99 hours. Once the allotted time has been set you have a 5 second countdown to make changes to the time if required to do so by pressing the hour/minute buttons together. Otherwise the lock is fully secured until the timer reaches zero.
Meo does state that the lithium battery will last for 30 days on a single charge if used 4 hours every day. With regular use and charging the battery capacity will reduce over time. The lock does arrive fully charged so I have not required the need of a charge yet, to be able to know the length of the charging time,
The charging point is positioned on the left side of the lock; while The LED screen does continuously flash blue to indicate charging is taking place.
Until I was firmly locked inside the two locks as I used them with my black berlin wrists/ankle cuffs did I realise that I have been missing something from the level of restraint play I am used to.
If you like to read the full review then you can here at bondagegod.com
Bald eagle alert
This product providing you follow the instructions works well for sensitive skin and is such a fast, effective method for hair removal. Would buy again.
Einwegschloß für Keyholder
Bis auf das Porto, bin ich mit den Plomben sehr zufrieden, so kann man manches gegen unerlaubtes öffnen sichern, grins.