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Quando lo tiri fuori dalla scatola, sembra un po 'grande e ruvido. Il fondo in gomma a coste, è un po 'industriale ed ero preoccupato se sarebbe stato troppo largo per me per ottenere una buona tenuta sottovuoto. Sono saltato nella vasca, mi sono rilassato, mi sono rasato completamente e ho lasciato che il Barhmate si pulisse e alla giusta temperatura. L'inserimento è stato davvero facile e dopo una pompa, c'è stata subito un'aspirazione abbondante. Il mio pene era dritto ed era più grande del solito. Si sente benissimo. Un po 'di lubrificante è utile per assicurarti che il tuo pene sia dentro bene e dritto.
I have to say I am your typical guy who just enjoyed using his hand, but then I decided to venture out and buy something fun, holy cow, why have I not been using this instead of my hand my entire life. A must buy
Don't wear out your anus thinking you'll be warmed up for this t
Don't wear out your anus thinking you'll be warmed up for this thing !!!!!!! Ok, mama didn't raise no quitter, but I think I broke my anus on toys leading up to this one, because it just didn't go in. I have a smaller frame, so I knew it wasn't going to be just another day at the rodeo, but GOOD GOD! This thing massive. Quite a marvel and sight to see, which is why I gave it a 5 Star review. For those of you who can fit this up your poop-chute, you have my utmost respect and envy. For now... hemorrhoid cream and a lot of ice cream. Maybe next week I will be ready?
Solide und Stabile Beinschlaufen als perfekte Ergänzung zu Sling. Mit den Beinschlaufen Sub in der Sling in perfekte Position bringen. So kann man lange und ausgiebig in bequemer Position spielen. Liebe Sie.
Perfectly shaped to hit the right spot. The power of this thing is immense. Use plenty of lube and be sure to be totally relaxed and it'll make you cum handsfree!
my girlfriend is pretty shy, so new ideas aren't really her thing, so when i brought it up in conversation that i had bought one of these, she was a little nervous, but excited. it arrived, super simple packaging, i charged it, turned it on and i was scared for her, this thing is strong lol! its also big, not unbearable, but just keep that in mind. I tested it with her first by holding it against her for a few seconds, she loved it immediately, we found out quite quickly that fingering her, or using my fingers to hold it inside her against her G-spot was the fastest way to make her orgasm. And I'm talking 45 seconds of shaking, screaming orgasms. if she didn't take so long to recover from each one, we could have hit a few more, but in the hour we had before dinner we counted at least 11 orgasms. on the plus side, its really great because you can leave it in and walk around, there's no chance of it coming out without your permission. I made her walk around with it in for a while, she could barely stand when I turned it on high. its also very quiet, you don't hear it unless the room is dead silent. she wanted to take it out before dinner, but we found out that as long as its turned on, there is no humanly possible way for her to take it out by herself. Very hot, she had to be me to take it out, we have used it a few times now, the battery life is great, size is perfect, quiet and powerful. I asked her what she would rate it, she said "10/5". totally recommend.