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Una volta montata su cavigliere o polsini, restringe il campo di attività, obbligando gli arti a rimanere aperti, dominerete il vostro disobbediente in maniera totale e completa.
Woof. When I ordered there was only the 55mm one in stock. Feeling brave excited but a bit doubtful I ordered it not knowing if I'd manage to clip it on. It arrived the next day and I immediately tried it on. I managed quite easily. It is big, it's heavy, it's beautiful. A fantastic feeling. Even went shopping it it dangling securely above my nuts that felt as hard as the stainless steel of the stretcher. Easy to put on, though it is easier and more fun to have a helping hand. Thanks MEO
I love this gag! I own this and my boyfriend and I use it all the time. In our relationship, I am the puppy. I love wearing this while my boyfriend walks me around our house and sometimes around our street. I would definitely recommend this to people who want to enhance their puppy play.
Edle Augenmaske für Softplayer. Durch die seidige Textur liegt das ganze gut am Gesicht an, ohne zu drücken oder Durckstellen zu hinterlassen – einfach zusammenbinden und fertig. Gerade für Einsteiger prima geeignet.
Was ein fieses Teil! Ich wunderte mich am Anfang, wieso nur 1 NippelPincher verkauft wird...naja..ich glaube 2 wäre einfach zu krass für den Sub - der Magnet hat es echt in sich! Tolles Edelstahltoy, dass subtil fies ist. Klasse gearbeitet und der mitgelieferte Samtbeutel ist super für die Aufbewahrung. Hier kommen Masos echt auf ihre Kosten!
Using it since last few days and experience no problem, the locks do come with set of instruction which should help you change the combo to what you like. I am very happy with this product and recommend anybody who is looking for a good lock solution.
I regulary make video on youtube and Instagram (Msieurjeremy) to preventing . I have receive it to make a pop's videos and it's very good quality metal . The only things it's i found the 2 tubes, maybe too tight / thin , but it's easy to use, and more safe .
Die ad Puppy - Hundemaske aus Neopren sitzt super, die Farbe und die Verarbeitung stimmen. Da gibt es nichts zu meckern. Wahrscheinlich bestelle ich mir noch die ein oder andere Farbe :-)
Me ha quedado perfecta. Y me encanta porque es suave a la vez que rigida. Ideal para llevarla en la calle, y para juegos con cachorros. Un extra que un buen puppy o un buen Handler deberia tener. Dominus Jaime