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I really enjoy the pain and pleasure of nipple play and having used clamps for many years. I was excited to take this play to a higher level. I did find them a struggle to get on as I was probably frightened about the pain I might receive. You need to slide the rings off the Caspar Elastrator with conviction !!
I can wear for 30 minutes as a beginner and hope to increase the time worn
I would thoroughly recommend this combination set to take your nipple play further
Lots of lube, and patience and this one REALLY filled my ass up and definitely left me gaping open and feeling well fucked. i think it would feel better going in and out if it had some texture along the length and girth of it. Speaking of length and girth, it has lots of both, at least for my ass it does. Overall, i really like it and would recommend it for bigger type fun.
Il prodotto è stato consegnato nei tempi previsti. Packaging adeguato, il prodotto è pervenuto senza un graffio. Valutazione prodotto: ottimo. Il prodotto corrisponde all'immagine in vetrina e alla descrizione fornita. Il prodotto non presenta alcun difetto di lavorazione e anzi curato nei minimi dettagli, sia il collare che la catena. Consigliatissimo a tutti gli amanti del genere.
Ich bin Single und weder homo noch bi. Allerdings war ich neugierig so ein Prostata-Anal-Toy auch mal zu testen. Ich muss sagen, es ist megageil! Der Orgasmus ist anders, ich weiß nicht wie ich es beschreiben soll. Intensiv und extrem rifft es eigentlich ganz gut. Es ist mal eine schöne Abwechslung das Toy zu verwenden und ich benutze es sehr gerne. Das Thema Anal ist bei vielen Männern, egal ob in Partnerschaft oder Single, leider noch ein Tabu-Thema. Aber Jungs, schämt euch nicht das mal auszuprobieren oder es sogar gut zu finden. Es ist ein sehr schönes Erlebnis, da die Prostata auch eine sehr erogene Zone beim Mann ist. Traut euch. :-)