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I know when you have a good pair of Wrist restraints, life is awesome! So check this review out. My wife reaches into the night stand drawer and pulls out the 2 black leather restraints and proceeded to place them on my wrist. These restraints are also known as “BLACK BERLIN” from our friends over at MEO. She first grabbed my right wrist and place one of the wrist cuffs around it, then pulling the strap through the buckle she jerked on it a couple of times with a smile to make sure it was good and tight, then buckled it. Then with a quick flick she locked the small pad lock to make sure they could not come off without the key! She then grabbed the left wrist and applied it the same way. She could see I was very excited by the pulsing rock hard penis I had as she continued kneeling down between my legs. After securing both leather wrist cuffs, she stood up slowly, but this time using both hands rubbing my thighs upward stopping just shy of the underwear line. She then grabs the elastic band around my underwear and says, “these have to go.” So I pull them off and stand back up as quickly as I could, excited about what is happen. She pushes on my ripped with muscles, nicely formed chest backwards close to theLockable-Wrist-Restraints-BLACK-BERLIN bed. “Now, lay down,” She says in a stern voice. I laid down on my back just as if I was going to sleep. She then stands next to the bed fully in my view and turns slightly to the left and bends forward at the waist unzipping the thigh high boot. You could hear the sound of the zipper slowly moving down as she prepares to take off the boot. I was lying patiently waiting on the bed watching her bend forward at the waist, showing an entire view of her butt and exposing a small portion of her virgina lips peeking through. She knew she was driving him crazy because of the noises coming from me. She then took the boot off and throw it across the room and proceeded to take off the other boot just as she did the first one. This time, bending forward at the waist she held that position a little longer than before throwing that boot across the room too. She grabbed out of the nightstand some pieces of pre-cut rope and reached for my left wrist cuff. Well you are going to have to wait and see what happens next! But one thing is for sure is when you look for great customer service and very suitable wrist cuffs you need to turn to MEO!
Der Eichelring ist einfach ein sehr geiles Produkt,sehr einfach anzuwenden , dazu trägt bestimmt das gute Material bei. Ich bin positiv überrascht , was die Auswirkung auf meine Errektion betrifft. Das Design und schwere Material sind einfach super .
Heute mein Päckchen mit den Cockringen und dem Eichelring bekommen. Den Eichelring sofort angelegt, dacht erst, er sei zu eng, da mein Penis schon leicht erigiert war. Im schlaffen Zustand ging er super drüber. Trag ihn nun schon Stunden, geil. Warum nicht schon früher? :-)
This is a very high quality instrument. It works great and really allows you to test the limits to how wide your ass can spread. I've only used it by myself and use a mirror to see how wide I can get. It's a great feeling, fun toy. Highly recommend it for the anally obsessed.
Produit excellent, ne fais pas mal au nez, couvre bien les yeux et ne laisse pas de marque. S'adapte a toutes les tetes. Prix raisonable Je recommande ce produit
This is a good speculum to create an 'O' shaped view, as it has 3 prongs instead of 2. Be careful when removing, because if you close it while it is inserted, it can pinch you and it hurts. I close it most of the way and then remove it to solve the problem. It could be improved by opening to a wider diameter
ich mag sie schon sehr diese japanischen klemmen ! mit kette aus silberfarbenen metall sind sie ein zierde für jeden sklaven. da ich aber sowiso auf silberfarbene nippelklemmen steh mussten diese natürlich auch her. beim ziehen an der kette fallen die klammen auch nicht gleich ab sondern bleiben meist an ort und stelle und an die kleinen ringe die sich am übergang zwischen klemme und kette befinden kann mann gut die chromfarbenen gewichte hier aus dem meo sortiment befestigen. also ich find sie gut. liebe grüße chriss.
My master puts me in this whenever I'm bad. He uses it with a really strict posture collar and a dildo gag to keep my cum hole from making noise. He uses it pull me around the house and when he finds a spot he like he fucks me for hours.
This chain lead is built to a high standard with a high quality piece of leather with a D-ring at one end. The chain is very strong so as long as you attach it to a collar that is strong enough, you will have no problem taking your sub where you want them to go.
It is really comfortable and Master loves me wearing it.
Ihave this collar i wear it often as possible all day around the house even doing household chores . It is really comfortable and Master loves me wearing it.