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All you can fuck set
Gut durchdachte Kombi an "Mittelchen" – damit hat man wirklich rundum Spaß und ist für wahrlich jede Spielart gerüstet. Sehr geil und die Größen finde ich zum reisen auch mehr als angenehm..da ist man immer offen für neue Begegnungen..;)
Macht und Rollentausch und mehr
Wenn ich jemanden mit Strap-On fi____, dann ist es einfach erregend zu sehen wie er immer geiler wird und gleichzeitig auch irgendwie weiblich fühlt, seine Grenzen aufgibt, den Dildo in sich eindringen lässt und sich hingibt. Es ist also etwas mehr als nur Macht und Rollentausch.... Ich liebe es
It was MUCH more intense than I'd expected it to be
I'm a guy that had this used on me for the first time a couple months ago. Firstly, let's address fit. Like any anal toy, size matters. There's "experienced' and then there's "EXPERIENCED!" If your idea of "experienced in anal play" means you can handle a fist or means you look at traffic cones with lust, then sure, you could probably push this thing out. On the other hand, if your upward limit is still within the range of larger human male anatomy, this device should lock you down no problem. My butt's been fucked, plugged and reamed out by fucking machines. I'm experienced enough, I'd say. Even so, this plug was a challenge. Luckily, the guy using it on me was in no particular hurry and expanded it to its maximum over a period of about 15 minutes, then locked it in place.
I felt like I had a bowling ball locked in there. It was MUCH more intense than I'd expected it to be. With some practice I could probably have walked around, but I don't think there'd be any way to control the heavy breathing, nor the stressed look on my face. Having not had the chance to inspect the device beforehand, I had NO idea how to get it out or if I could. I felt CONTROLLED, period.
Eccitante da prendere in bocca e in ogni altro buco
Eccitante da prendere in bocca e in ogni altro buco
Goes in nicely and stays put
The material they used to construct this plug allowed it to go in nicely and stay put with out any issues.
Wuff! Super süßes Basic für jeden Liebhaber der fortgeschrittenen Welpenschule... Plug sitzt absolut prima und ist in der kleinen Version (3,5cm) auch für Anfänger mehr als geeignet. Die Oberfläche des Materials ist wunderbar smooth und lässt sich mit ein bisschen Gleitgel (wir haben da Plowboy benutzt) prima schieben und auch easy reinigen. Volle Punktzahl von uns..Achja..besonders bezaubernd mit dem „Puppy“ Cockring – den haben wir auch...
Very good
A lot easier to use than I thought it would be. Wags well, packaging was discrete.
The result is so amazing!!!!!
Very comfortable! I've worn this all day many times with no pinching or discomfort. Makes for a fun day at work. :)
I'm going to order another 4 or 5 of these!!!!
good hard fucking machine
this machine penatrates the ass so well it gave me an orgasm in 4 mins its a good hard fucking machine owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww fuck me harder machine
5 stars
I love it because dude it feels amazing. I can let a machine suck me off slowly for an hour and it’s technique is amazing.
Less pain, more pleasure
Perfect for guys that are bottoming for the first time or taking on an extra large toy. Don't worry though, while it will take care of part of the pain it still lets you experience all of the pleasure.
This machine is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
This machine is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I had been looking at sex machines for awhile now and decided on this on because of the speed. I wanted something super fast, and got exactly what I wanted and more. I have NEVER squirted before EVER. I got this out the box, put it together, and squirted 4 times!! I recommend this to EVERYONE!. It's better than ANY man!!